
001. Cryptpigo Play - Buy 100K Sub-Penny Altcoins = Set for Life

Corporate-American dream --> get paid a lot to do very little. I just figured out a way to do that.. see the chart above for the next 5G Master Key to infinite wealth.

This colorful setup displays my personal favorite lotto alt-guy, VeChain, which I have found to be the most bullish + technically sound chart of altcoins trading below 1 penny. It also offers some (comically presumptuous) interest in the form of VeThor, which could compound exponentially if the price breaks out high enough.

VeChain is my main horse below a penny, which is the niche I believe will yield insane gains when the time comes for cryptorabola madness round dos ensues. The best coin from a bullish technical perspective, in my opinion, and others' I've spoken with, is ChainLink. Only one problem - I cannot buy 100K worth and that is a dealbreaker for me.

It doesn't make sense wasting money on the more expensive coins because I am speculating that most altcoins will yield returns of similar magnitude in relative price terms, with some additional room to run the cheaper you go.

Now, I'm not saying that all sub-penny altcoins are the same because I would never want to antagonize 90% of the website. What I am saying is that picking one to three really cheap ones, buying a stupidly high amount of them, and hoping it becomes a unicorn based on structural/technical quality is actually not a bad strategy in terms of expected value.

Also, it is a fun way to potentially make a fortune with little risk towards your overall cryptfolio. Guarantee some thousands of preteens will become richer than their parents as a result of this melt-up. AND GUESS WHAT?

There's not much the government can do about it (probably).

Conclusion: I am actually just going with 100k worth of three different sub-penny coins and hoping for the best. At the very least, one of them should reach penny status sometime in the near-future. If nothing else, my VeChain's cumulative interest should get to 0.01 USD status by 2021, guaranteed.


According to my other post, the bitcoin bonanza has just begun its initial prep for launch. The bottom is in, according to the post.

So, would load up soon. Like maybe the next couple hours. Just don't want to leave any crypo-pig behind.
Trade active
Adding Cardano (ADA) to the list even though it is not less than a penny/coin.
Trade active
For those interested in Chainlink, would hop on the train now.
Chart Patternscypto-pigHarmonic Patternssubpennypumpsteenswillbericherthanyou
