
VIDT 100x HUGE potential

By A_D_Y
VIDT accumulated so well in this year. After binance listing minimum price is 0.27 with around 13-14 M marketcap .
As you can see from graph average volume price for busd pair is aorund 0.52 (higher than a current price). This is really ridiculous in a bull run.

VIDT has good project and they offering some big tech to industry . VIDT using nft uniqueness as authenticity mechanism so its crucial for securing lot of products both online and in real life.
Also VIDT has a deflationary structure so coin numbers decrease over time .After april 21 they started to instant burn of all validations. Currently there are 50m token in circulation with 58m max supply.
Vidt awareness team founded and trying to promote technology thru community.

I have huge expectations for this token.
Coins with projects never stayed low. like dent theta and chz they all goes huge points .
I believe vidt some day going to reach 3billion market cap and +100x.

I dont have stop point but I dont suggest you to buy all in. Buy max with 1/8 or 1/16 of your portfoy so you can buy again if price dropped. If btc goes down vidt also will affected and go down a bit.
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Vidt reached highest volume ever as I predicted. It almost reached half a year volume in 2 days and stay strong against btc fall as I also predicted.
Im gonna hold for a long time so I dont care about this price movements . I will draw new graph when im free for day traders.
Trade active
Vidt still continues to increase in both price and volume. It would be ridiculous if binance wouldnt list usdt pair of a coin with +500M usdt volume.
Im expecting vidt/usdt in short future. If this listing happen, easy x2 for short term and huge price impact for long term since lot of people only watch usdt pairs of market.
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