I'm 100% certain a big correction is coming (possibly barring any stimulus that may scupper this, likelihood is it could even be the cause!) start of Q2 2021.
I want to make a Vix play on this and this is my only option with my broker so been taking a dive.
Straight away, arcs of intent everywhere, clear ebb and flow patterns. Being a fib fan, especially in waves scenarios, I wanted to see if could find anything.
Has to be said, this is not a science, on big charts small changes in chart points can lead to big number changes, but I found my rough measurements correlated very well to Fib numbers, and the one that didn't so much can be explained in a fib way (confirmation bias?).
However what I loved was the adding up of the ratios and finding them to tally to sets of 3's.
Other than the 1.62 which is clear fib ratio, I'm not so sure of the other ratios, although 1/2 .38 + .62 comes close to .78 so maybe it's just my numbers are slightly off.
Anyway, gives a nice system to work to in order to guess the coming time span of future volatility lengths.
However, I have guessed these at the end based not only on the underlying 3 number but also based on some S&P500 chart fib work I have done.
This is on another account but I really must / will remake it here to be published, keep you eyes peeled!
FibonacciTechnical IndicatorsTrend AnalysisVILXVIX CBOE Volatility Indexvixderivativesvixforecastvixfutures
