VINC a speculative biotech penny stock LONG

By AwesomeAvani
VINC went from 1.5 to 3.0 in less than three hours with 12X relative volume in the afternoon

after a month of a slow climb from a news release that really did not amount to much. Insiders

are 25% of the shareholders and that may be the story here. This could be manipulation at its

finest. I have to wonder how many insiders bought how many shares and when the rug pull.

This is a high tight bull flag pattern which typically results in another leg higher of the same

magnitude. I suppose that is in clean trading without any manipulation.

If this takes off again it might be worth trying with a small position so long as the trader

can hit a button to close the full position when the sudden reversal occurs. I will trade

this long with a group of moving averages to make alerts for crossing lines and slopes

levelling out and see if it can go anywhere.
Price added 9% today. Holding a full position.
Trade active
Price is Predicted to gradually ascend moving forward at least for today. Full position
but may take a partial late Friday morning. snapshot
Trade closed: target reached
Trade active
Swing Trades in Followup

VINC  Biotech Penny Stock Followup Swing Trades
Update of partial swing trade closure: snapshot
Another zig and zig awaiting a break of the flat top. Highly successful swing trade stil open. snapshot
Trade closed: target reached
Fanastic trade to close in the premarket seeking shares to short. snapshot
biotechbiotechnologystocksEarningsFlaginsidertradingLABUpopanddroppumpanddumpTrend LinesVINCXBI
