Vix could have one last spike

By EBITDAtiger
The VIX could have one last spike left in it before it settles down for this secular bull market run. When it settles down it should settle below the '20s but until then a potential catalyst for another spike could be the June 10th CPI release or if a member of the Fed mentions tapering. If numbers come in hotter than expected again, there could be a frantic sell-off accompanied by a spike in the fear index as people worry it is non-transitory.

I am still overall bullish on the market since we are in a secular bull market but corrections are normal, healthy, and necessary in order for the market to take the next leg higher. BMO came out with a year-end target on the S&P of 4500. Some projections show that inflation could run hot for 6 months, which would be transitory. As for the damage it could do to the underlying economy, that is unknown. As for equity, stocks are a natural inflation hedge.
catalystinflationinflationhedgeMoving AveragesspiketransitoryTrend AnalysisVIX CBOE Volatility Indexvixspike

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