AUS200 WES D Short

By Oh_If_Only
WES is ex dividend Mon 20 Feb by $1.03 so $43.09 - $1.03 := $42+/-.
Allowing for slippage, it could trade down to $41.85 Monday
before attempting to rally back to support at $42.

But over the next few days I believe it will drift lower
towards old resistance now support at $41.50
There is also that break away body gap at $40.98-41.18
which needs to fill.
The keys will be XJO and AUS200 Futures prices and the bears.
So my thoughts are to stay short until I get a candle(s) or indicator(s)
or gut feel its time to close and reverse.
I will continue to post on this chart and others (STO, Oil, Banks, reader interest etc)
... for just my 2c worth

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