The Ratio Expansion is unprecedented in US HIstory.

A clear pattern emerges after the initial Apex - the
gentle stair-step higher into higher and higher Highs.

Debt itself remains the Life-Support of the US Economy.

The Debt to GDP ratio is the Probability of a Nations
ability to Pay Its Debts.


Corporate Equity to GDP has reached ~220% - in 2008
it peaked at ~150%.

The Equity Complex remains the Center of the
US Economy and GDP.


Credit Cycle Expansions eventually return to the Mean
after extreme periods of dislocation in Debt Markets begin
to Fail to Settle.

The 30 Yr Bond Auction's Failure is a late-stage warning
sign the appetite for Debt at present Rates of Yield is

@ $171 Trillion in Unfunded - the Ratio is Anomalous in Recorded History.
Chart PatternsdebtdebtgdpFundamental AnalysisliabilitiesTrend Analysis
