Silver, You should dump your paper and buy some physical

By friedolays

Paper trading things like silver and gold are a total joke. You who trade paper shares are trading in mostly fake, extremely diluted, worthless shares. Your paper certificate is diluted somewhere on a ratio of 900 paper shares to every actual physical once of silver.

Soon enough, actual silver will decouple itself from these made up paper shares. When it decouples, physical silver will go through the roof, and the silver paper market will crash, because it will be no longer tied to silvers actual spot.

It is a massive risk to be involved in paper shares of anything that is diluted so much, its insane. Hard times are very close, the crash is right around the corner. Best invest in physical, or if not, be aware of the risks that come with the paper market. Also. To those using technical analysis on Silver or Gold.. It does not work so well, especially right now, because precious metals have too much reaction to financial instability and economic crisis.

I wish all a great day and to stay strong in the hard time that will come upon us all. Prayers. Strength and Unity.

2023Beyond Technical AnalysiscollapsecommoditycrashFundamental AnalysispaperSilverValueXAG USD ( Silver / US Dollar)
