buy high sell low stock market, bond market and materials

Why would someone buy gold?
You have to be really stupid these days to buy gold. It doesn't increase at all in value. With the same amount of money you can buy stocks that give you 20% a year instead of gold giving nothing or -%
Or cryptocurrencies that give you 100-300% in a month.

Of course it's way better to buy stocks, they keep getting up and up, the new tax plan in the US is only going to wield more results so higher stocks.
Yeah that's true to some degree but what is the underlying value of this stock melt up?
How are the bonds doing? Why would someone with a lot of money buy bonds if the stock markets are the spotlight? Nobody wants to buy bonds you have to be a complete retard to do so, with the inflation you will even only lose money on bonds. So who buys it? I mean someone has to buy it.. because they keep going up...
Hmm this is really strange and crazy, nobody is financial interested in bonds but if you look to the trades you can clearly see they are bought up massively. And when does this happens? When stocks go down. So after bonds are bought stocks can go up again. But this is no real value of supply and demand and underlying value. It's fake.

Look for example to netflix or amazon, The PE ratio is 200 years, so if you buy a netflix stock it would take 200 years for the company to make the profit to have the value of the stock that is bought.
Do you really think that's a good investment?

So who buys these bonds? If nobody wants to buy it, from where does the money come from?
Oh yeah i almost forgot.. banks.. they can make money as how they want. So they "buy" these bonds so that the stock market will get higher so that they will have more money even though the government debt is extremely large.
So they have extremely large debts but at the same time they are extremely rich because of this whole stock market fiasco.

IF you would buy gold now in 200 years it would probably be 100 000$ instead of 1000$ if the market is going to continue like it does for the last decade (and even before that).
Unrealistic interest from the FED and ECB, explosive population growth, explosive stocks and cryptocurrencies. So what u gonna buy netflix or gold?

So where will this whole melt-up end? Or does everyone thinks there is no limit? Can stocks really keep going up without going into a pullback? Because what has been the last correction of Dow Jones or Nasdaq been?
10 years ago when the market crashed, when the market was in a BUBBLE. So now it is not in a bubble? If you look at the charts it's a big joke. There is almost no economical growth out there so why do stocks go so high?
I'm not saying the market will come down tomorrow, but eventually it will have to. Will trump allow it under his leadership? Of course not he's the biggest moneylicking bubble in the world ever, I wonder why the F he even needs it he's old as F he's boring his wife doesn't love him (maybe his money and fame). The only thing he has is pride, but even that is a bubble because he's not there for the people of america like he said he will.
He's there for himself and other idiots who only think about their bank account numbers.

So eventually when the market is gonna crash, the 1% with the 99% of money is going to want to relocate their assets into something different. So what is out there that has real value and is not overvalued (read: undervalued).
Scare materials with limited supply like bitcoin that has limited supply but with real use like oil, gold,silver,copper and other materials. Oil is way undervalued. There is not an excess in oil, there will never be the whole economy is based on oil, from transport to manufacturing to materials it's all based on oil, do you really think the whole planet is going to drive cars on electricity? On what? nuclear energy? renewable energy? wow good luck with that and what about products? Are we going to replace oil with agriculture oil? There is already shortage of food so how are we going to produce that?
