Educational Article: Review of the Gold Short Trade.

By tntsunrise
I still remember when gold at 1366 area, a lot of ppl questioned:
It is obviously an uptrend? why u want to short?
The fundamental wont' support gold to go down to 1200 again any more.

and now gold is 1182.

The key thing is not whether you guess the direction correctly or not.
it is about whether u want to buy low or sell high.
I also dun know what kind of fundamental changes will drive gold to 1200.
but i know if i short at 1366 will be the lowest risk and highest reward.

Why patterns work? Why we need to learn patterns?
Because there is no secret for the market.
the market just repeat itself in all market , all time frame, over and over again.

if you master this AB=CD plus 1.618 ext method,
some times you will be stopped out, but u just lose small money.
but if you are not stopped out, because you entered at a very good price,
ur profit will be awsome, maybe 5 times or 10 times of your reward.

So I think now you guys understand, whether the market goes north or goes south doesnt matter, what matter is Where is the highest quality trade?

I feel happy coz my students shorted gold above 1300 and makes nice profit.
This proves that the strategy I mastered can be passed to some one else.
More and more people will understand better of the market and master
the ability to find the good quality trade.

Again, A big thank you to TRADINGVIEW , I love to share my ideas and my thoughts here. I have met a lot of students that comes from all over the wolrd.
I have received thousands of greetings and thanks from all the Tradingview Users.

What I am doing in tradingview is simple:

Investor Education. I hope there are less people buying high and selling low due to greedy and fear.
I hope there are more people who are trading in a more systematic way.
Plan your trade, and trade your plan.
tntsunrise will not give u a fish to eat, but teach how to fishing.
Best Regards
Trading Plan
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