lets analyse monthly chart ,to find long term targets like pro

if you draw fibo on last down leg (green left fibo) fibo 161% show up target ok?
if you draw fibo on last up leg (red right fibo) fibo 61% will show ,downer target !!!

secret=gold love pullback to fibo 61% and fibo 161% as target

now analyse = if gold break low in 1760,can crash to 1500
if gold can break last high on 1820,can fly up to 2400

secret= high,low is very very very important on gold ,silver(other trendy markets like forex) , break high mean + up trend will start (for this you must put sl for sells on last clear high ) understand ? many day traders use 1 hour chart high,low

note= in zigzag markets like dax,index high,low not very important , break high on dax not mean + trend start, it can crash after break high

secret on gold ,silver= on trendy markets ,scalp or martingle (step by step buy) inter reverse posations is stupid new traders work = margincall ... you must find way to inter trend !!!! for example buystop on last high (sl=last low) , one of best way to inter trend and wait 4-5 day until new high (of fibo 161% on last down leg as tp )

GCGC1! (Gold Futures)GoldTrend Analysis
