HEADER - This should be called SUPER LIQUIDITY CRISIS. This is overall route of 1C. There will not be a "1D". But I will make a super detailed 1-C later, hopefully before 9/10 if I have time.
SUMMARY - This is how gold is going to die in December-January window. So there's a move from 1725-ish all the way to 1125 in late December ending in late January.
DETAILS - I mentioned in "1B" that if prices stayed above 1765 for a while, it would need reconfirmation. That process has lead to this route. This route is a "PERFECT SHORT REVERSAL" setup for a 5 year window from linear-regression point of view. That means if you take 5 years of price action and created price action to fit a perfect short situation, we would be 4 years and 8+months into it. I am convinced this is how the gold bull market thesis dies, FOR A VERY LONG TIME. The first short is about 9/10 to 9/27.