Let's just print money 🎇 Let's just tax the rich 🎇USA 🛬💥

By MrRenev
Wealth inequality in the last 200 years has been the highest in human history. This is based on various records, estimates, and just a bit of common sense.

And for 200 years the public has been looking for magic tricks that sound like "lose 50 pounds in 2 weeks with no effort".
The public enjoys job security and have a government that provides for them, but does not understand we live in a universe where nothing is created everything is transformed.
Their security and comfort comes at a price: freedom and wealth.
People that the government treats as enemies, that have no security, that take all the risk, that are held responsible for the wellbeing of their workers, of course they reap a huge reward in exchange.

It is even frustrating that the public think they can have anything for free. They are basically selling their time for money, an accurate name for this system would be wageslavery, now it is not called like this because of "stigma" or in other words emotions. But few will get far by being slaves. Back in Rome gladiators could become superstars, rich, buy their freedom, and live in wealth. Today corporate executives can start as basic slaves and end up director or CEO and get wealthy, but most slaves will stay at the bottom. Most of the public selling themselves for security is NEVER going to end up in greater wealth inequality.

200 years... will the circle ever end?


In the USA after Trump election the corporate tax went down, and he let companies bring their offshore money home.
This seems to have had no effect on the buyback program trend that continued follow the same path it started in ~2010.

This is how it goes: Companies "reinvest" their profits rather than have them be taxed => Stock market bubble => Spreads to the housing market => Rents go skyhigh => The public gets angry and fights for more income and corporate taxes (most of the public is surprised when anyone mentions most big wealth is not created via income but asset appreciation). The public fights for cheaper rents by fighting to make the rent more expensive 🤷‍♂️.

I think a good 90% of the public does not know the difference between purchasing power & currency.
The only way the government can increase person A purchasing power is by taking it away from person B.
It's like they are all 5 years old it really is crazy. There is no "taxing surplus".
If person B has plenty of pieces of paper with a number of them as "surplus" then the government taking that away reduces his purchasing power by ZERO.

Adults believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Meanwhile I never bought it not even at 5 years old.

Ireland had an ath corporate tax of 50% in 1982, and it was down there with the poor countries (not super poor but below all the rich ones), with Hong Kong, Oman, Gabon, etc). African country Ghana had a higher GDP/Capita than Ireland. The USA had 2.5 times Ireland GDP/Capita. China was sooooo far down. This was almost 2 decades after their cultural revolution and they were still at pretty much zero o.0

Fast forward to 2019. Gabon and Ghana are not the poorest African countries but they are POOR. Gabon GDP is at about 8k/person, Ghana $2200 - this may not seem that shocking but let me tell you Ghana GDP per capita in NOMINAL terms was at 3 times that in 1982!
Now Ireland has the 4rth highest GDP/capita in the world at $77,000. Hong Kong which is has corporate and income taxes of around 16% iirc - far lower than USA France UK etc 30%+ corporate tax and 45% income tax - has grown to 50k one of the highest in the world. Singapore same story.

But GHANA. How do you go from being as wealthy as average european countries to become a 4rth world country? Only 2 ways: ethnic wars (poor in real wealth but rich in diversity) OR socialism/high regulations & corporate taxes.
I think other than making it harder for businessmen - er people (there's a whole lot of women doing business in west africa I think - no cold winters = different culture women did not just stay at home half the year), the country also was overwhelmed by migrants especially from Sierra Leone & Liberia (the failed country built by freed american slaves) the places they used to raid for hundreds of years to pick up slaves and sell them. Idk maybe they felt guilty like the USA now?
Well see the result...

The OECD has a document about migration in the west african country:

"A country can not tax itself into wealth"


Mainstreet is euphoric about the stock market. Tesla bulls are foaming at the mouth. Memories...

Permabulls Warren Buffet & Charlie have been buying gold stocks as well as japanese trading firms all of them (Panic? Didn't have time to do their research?) after selling US banks & airlines.
The USA will never go down they said. Hey they might be right. What will go down will the the SA not the USA.


Macro analysis has more elements than just monetary policies & unemployement. Migrations (in or out) as well as corporate tax and other will dictate what direction a country goes.
Data analysis has shown that a country economic prosperity was almost entirely reliant, as well as directly correlated, to the top 5% of the country.

And nowhere is safe (except maybe Monaco).
Remember the example of Ghana. Inflation (2019) adjusted a per person GDP of $16,563 in 1982 (France: 29,000; UK: 26,650; Germany: 24,200; Ireland 16,314; Spain 13,850; South Korea 5485; Turkey 5000; China 757 LOL).
A per person GDP in 2019 of $2223 down ripple percent (France: 40,471; UK: 42,146; Germany: 46,427; Ireland 80,300 gee; Spain 29,442; South Korea 33,500; Turkey 9,500; China 9,600 thanks state capitalism & SEZ).

The USA, or what's left of it can, in the very real world, go down to absolute poverty. It is in the greatest bubble ever it's absolute insanity.
Irrational is not a strong enough word for this market. Hysterical maybe.

Really not that hard to invest long term. Look for the countries business friendly. Then go from macro to digging down aaaaand I don't know how to do this. Sounds boring. Learn or hire someone maybe. Maybe I would just buy a basket of slow growth diversified safe indexes in business friendly countries.

If the usd or us indices start to violently go down in waves lasting days or weeks now that I know what to do.
China which is holding the biggest usd ponzi bags has made no secret of its fears. And they have been dumping, and continue to dump.
Am short USDCNH. Right now the USD bears are at ath, it's more shorted than it has been at least in years. I also have a long on usd against another currency.

Even if very shorted it can go make a big move down before bouncing, but once it starts to bounce it can really go up forcing speculators to over, unless the central bank come out with a bazooka literally robbing money from the ignorant US public (that are overly joyful about it) and putting it in the pocket of guys like me.

China, speculators, the FED, every one is selling (or increasing the available supply by printing same result).
If the price keeps going down China could panic sell big chunks at once.




To be convinced a new trend going up is / might be starting I'd want a strong green move or a bottom and not a tiny one.



America will be a net exporter again! They are going to become a big net exporter of wealth. Thanks guys 💖

economyEURUSDStockstaxesTrend AnalysisUSAUSDUSDCNHValueWave Analysis
