Until June 30, 2019:
-NEM XEM: Catapult Developer Center (The Catapult Developer Center contains tools and a knowledge base, including tutorials, documentation, and sample apps.)
-NEM XEM: Catapult Software Development Kits (Round 1) (The Javascript/Typescript and Java SDKs will be updated and 4 more SDKs will be released in alpha stages including PHP, Swift, Python, and Unity. These SDKs will be the core SDKs that will enable powerful apps to be built on Catapult.)
-NEM XEM: Catapult Testnet Dragon (There will be a launch of a testnet on Cow and an upgrade to Dragon including an experimental wallet, faucet, and tutorial.)
-NEM XEM: Hardware Wallet Compatibility (Updates are made to integrate Catapult compatibility into Ledger and Trezor standards (though NEM cannot control when they enable service on the Ledger and Trezor side).
-NEM XEM: Block Explorer & Network Explorer (Allows anyone to easily search transactions, accounts, blockchain history, node information, and network activity.)