The DUMP is so close now I can spit on it.
It seems I was 2 weeks premature. One final push, the Bulls will be spent and this Ponzi gets dumped on Monday. Its really only been the scam of a US Market that has kept the Bull Trap going this long with Blackrock buying massive call positions on the heavily weighted AAPL to keep the pump alive.
Now that they have almost trapped the max number of possible longs for MAX pain, they will flip 180 degrees early next week.
I expect the treacherous Ukrainian 'FAKE' regime's grossly risky & irresponsible behaviour will be the match that lights the fuse when one of their US supplied HIMARS hits a bullseye on the Zaporozhye Nuclear facility.
This will be blamed on Russia falsely and illogically as it is they, that have the most to lose where this to happen as it will halt any further Russian advances towards the Dneiper.
This will be a disaster on the scale of Chernobyl! Lets make no bones about it. Worse, in fact, as it will affect a much wider region blanketing Southern Russia and several countries in the region.
This I suspect is what the US/Zio 'Deep State' Neo Con Cabal are angling for. Who knows? Mother Nature may flip the script and blow a gale back towards Kiev devastating Western Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Austria and several smaller Eastern European Nations.
Perhaps that is what the sponsors of this heinous geopolitical scam proxy war wanted in the first place..? Weakening its main competitors on both sides of the Dneiper in their relentless , 'by all means' march towards Global Hegemony and 'One World Government'... Time will tell. Either way they have hedged their bets.
The Markets though should make steady progress down in the next leg of this MONSTER Bear - where & when it will end God only knows..?
Anyway, I got trounced being far too aggressive on my shorts, have reloaded up for scaling into September expiry...lets see how this lot fare?
August Trade closed.