The use of the Phoenix Ascending indicators and Fibonacci (FIB) retracement tool to predict the XLM USD price in the mid term (3D-12D). Please note that the Phoenix Ascending indicators and are freely available. Please see publications by @WykoffMode to learn how to use and interpret these indicators. As of May 5, the green exponential moving average (EMA) in the 4D crossed up over level 50 (green EMA = 87 on May 7). As illustrated by the green dotted line, the green EMA may continue to increase, reach an apex, then descend below level 50 around May 21. As of May 1, the green EMA in the 4D was contacted then crossed by the red stochastic relative strength index (sRSI). As illustrated by the red dotted line, the red sRSI may move in a slight downward then slight upward path, crossing the green EMA as the green EMA descends. As of May 5, the white energy (WE) in the 4D had crossed level 50 (WE = 64 on May 7). As shown by the white dotted line, the WE may continue upward, reach an apex, exhaust, then descend below level 50 by May 29 to June 2. The blue least squared moving average (LSMA) may continue along the path depicted by the blue dotted line. During this time period (four, 4D bars, 16D) the XLM USD price might be observed in proximity to the 0.786 FIB ($0.9045). This is not financial advice. I am not your financial advisor. This is my opinion.