Consumer staples testing trend line on reclosing & stimulus news

Consumer staples tested and got rejected from a critical trend line this afternoon. The sector has been strengthening due to demand for groceries as economies reclose. Today it also got a bump thanks to news that people with incomes less than $40,000/year may get a second round of stimulus checks. This ought to help juice consumer demand a little. I've also been impressed with the staples sector's performance on earnings reports so far, and I'm expecting the sector to continue to beat analyst expectations.

The staples sector has been beneath a downward sloping trend line since February, but it has tested the trend line three times in fairly rapid succession and may be gearing up for a breakout. I've set an alert on the trend line and will be watching for a cross with good volume as my buy signal.
We can also draw a lower support trend line to form a triangle.

We have a trend line break:

defensiveFundamental AnalysisgrocerypandemicTrend LinesValue

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