Intraday Trade ( 240,60 )

On daily price is in Overall Buyers territory and price is ranging for a while around the blue area. We got a nice pullback to the Support Level 0.02. On trading time frame the recent buyers are taken away by the sellers with lots of power and the price shows that it can't make a HH as it leaves a probe or spike at the top. This is an AGGRESSIVE entry and proper Risk Management needs to be taken. As we are correlating with BTC, it has a good strength and we have added much more sound to the trade.

Entry: 0.019
TP: 0.017
Stop loss: 0.0214
Position Size: 1% Risk on your capital/1200
Risk/Reward: 1:2 This is a risky trade as RR is so weak.
If TP is hit then we will be at 6% profit.

Buy from Sellers and Sell from Buyers.
Trade closed: target reached
Sellers are still there, TP and close, if you want to risk to make few more bits then play safe.
Beyond Technical AnalysisBTCrangetradingshortstrengtheningXMRBTC

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