MONERO (XMR) showing a MASSIVE bullish divergence on the 1hr.

By MetaShackle
MONERO is showing one of the largest bullish divergence gaps I've seen in a long, long time, after dropping about 40% in a day. This was obviously a coordinated attack to manipulate the price of XMR, as it is hated by the power's that be, because it can not be tracked, traced or controlled by their corrupt ring of criminal governments. Their pathetic attempt is now backfiring, as all they did was give XMR investor's the opportunity of a lifetime to buy even more XMR at the best discounted price they've probably seen in years.

If you trade this, trade with caution, as they could do it again.

Good luck and always use a stop loss.
Here's a zoomed out snap of the daily chart to give you a better idea of the overall chart.

Chart PatternsTechnical IndicatorslongplaymoneromonerobtcmonerodollarmonerolongmonerousdTrend AnalysisxmrXMRBTCxmrsd
