XRP / Bitcoin

XRP vs Gold - The real move

By AschraM
What if I told you the dollar will be backed by XRP and XRP will be backed by BTC and BTC backed by gold?

would you call me insane? Would you say I should walk away from this space now before I go too far down the rabbit hole?

Well its just a conspiracy theory. And that is where it will sit but its kinda not too far-fetched of an idea when you see how this entire space is developing.

I have a gut feeling that once the feds are done pumping money into the dollar as well as other currencies; printing will slow down dramatically beginning 2020. From here fiat currency will tank forever in a bearish market while digital assets and country by country stable coins begin to take over. These are called CBDC's. Central Bank Digital Currencies. Here is the link for anyone who has not done their research: 2018 publication

It will be possible to still use fiat currency but it will be like going to the store and using a $2 dollar bill come 2045-50. It'll be rare to even need paper money in 10 years from now in America.

Today, paper money is in my wallet for a short amount of time -- if ever at all. For years now I never use paper money unless I had to withdraw cash to give to someone, but even then, I have paypal and other systems I can use now that have no fees for me to transfer (such as Zelle on PNC which PNC is apart of the Trump executive order for a new global fintech system which also uses Ripple's network indirectly.
Source : home.treasury.gov/sites/default/files/2018-07/A-Financial-System-that-Creates-Economic-Opportunities---Nonbank-Financi....pdf

Well I think that we will get this kind of announcement in the next decade or towards the end of 2028. XRP will be a driving force like blood in the veins of this entire network supporting bitcoin with oxygen and value diversification at near instant speeds. It is what will pump economic value inside the bitcoin system and all connected protocols that survive the full regulatory rodeo show we have been in since Jan 2018.

In a perfect digital asset / world here is what I would like to see form.

1. New assets for growth to swallow inflationary costs and over valued stocks / commodities / and other investment vehicles....this would put other markets into a corrective state while digital assets grow.

2. XRP would become the universal token for transferring money globally and not just for international payment transfers (that was just the beginning). It will become a "valuable" storage container to secure payments on, save money, make it fast, etc etc...and if the majority of money around the world is constantly pumped through the inter-ledger system it will constantly slowly grow in its value beyond $1 and it would become a perfect fit as a new $100 dollar digital asset liquidity coin/token whatever you wanna call it. I like to say investment vehicle because it acts just like that.

100 billion dollar supply is pennies compared to trillions of dollars. Anyone who thinks that supply matters here with this asset does not fully appreciate/understand the way XRP is destined to work. By design, theoretically, XRP can very well have a 10T dollar market cap and be worth $100 bucks or more if you want to believe that (id love that too), sit in 1st place, but be worth less than BTC forever.

3. XRP supports fiat money transfer but supports the basket of CBDC's that are being used as a vehicle as well for on-boarding and off-boarding value through multiple networks.

4. BTC becomes the official universal digital gold in support of gold usage since its a widely used conductor and in much of our technology it only makes sense to merge these two assets or make them co-exist as a foundation of support / LTC ends up backing or acting like silver and every invention you can think about with silver.

5. ETH begins to act like the S&P500 with hundreds of businesses supporting its value growth.

6. Other things as well but this post is becoming too long so im going to cut it here.

Overall, I thought this was a neat idea to share. Alongside I am posting a historical pic in the comment below of Gold because XRP is looking quite similar in development.

There is so much that can happen in the next 10 years I just can't fathom BTC, ETH, or XRP ever going away anytime soon. That being said....enjoy the waves of the market and be a proud individual to be able to live in a life where we can create opportunity out of thin air that can give us a prosperous financial portfolio.

My goal is to obtain over 100,000 followers so we can all support each other on an invite only scale social network of knowledge, trade, and donation to leverage each other up.

Something like this takes time and this is something I will reach and achieve by 2030.

100,000 people supporting each other over the next decade. Get at me, bring a battle buddy cuz we are going into new trade wars and id rather go into this next decade with an army of people beside me, not behind me, not in front of me.....beside me...taking on the next 10 years together for our families, friends, and ourselves. Because at the end of the day.....we deserve to life a happy life with less debt and more options for wealth and growth. Im sure there are many of you out there sick and tired of being tired down to credit cards, debt, always fighting for good income but being taxed like crazy, have little support or knowledge to grow on... well im here to tell you I am 1 of a few in this world ...a rare breed with enough knowledge to share that'll help many in this world.

If there is one thing I hate growing up knowing...it was the fact my government's system failed my parents and failed me and it was failed on purpose because its a faulty designed system to begin with and has been well known by the banks and federal government since the YEAR OF MY BIRTH. I was born 2 months before the 1987 Stock market crash. What is known as Black Monday...the impact it had on my family took away our opportunity for our family to be fruitful. We started over in 1987 and had little to begin with even then...

The picture is much bigger than just crypto currencies everyone...and I hope this post helps those who cannot see that ...begin to see....

Your network is your net-worth. Build it wisely...and always respect each other.... much love everyone

..as always stay safe out there. Manage your risk....and grow many avenues of investments in your life because there is time for you to do it now but you have to take action and stop telling yourself you will get to it. As my buddy told me yesterday...GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD AND ON YOUR FEET! Actions speak louder than words. Thoughts are just thoughts until they're written on paper and designed into a plan. We all know this but we all don't always live by it!

Make goals. Plan them from A to Z. Live by them like your life depended on it and encourage those around you to help guide you and your plans of life success (not just financially but def included lol).

Peace. Love. Trade.

Beyond Technical AnalysisBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCdollarGoldrippleSilverTrend AnalysisUSDWave AnalysisXAUxrp

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