Fundamentally I love ripple. They are a company, meaning that developers have similar goals and motivations. The money supply is large so there won't be an inevitable deflationary spiral like bitcoin. Additionally, the speed of transactions is much greater than that of the cumbersome bitcoin. I bought a bag of BTC and sold at 1600$. This was the worst mistake I've ever made. But now I see clearly. It's only a matter of time until all major alts are listed because there is such a high demand to trade them. This inevitability means that ripple is a sure fucking bet. You don't get these very often but it is. More and more people will trade alts exposing them to more demand + more liquidity. This is how we get parabolic moves. The crypto boom will be much like 1971 when gold and silver opened for derivative trading. Their value has 25x increased! and this is gold and silver! IMagine when less liquid assets are exposed to the same increase in demand their boom will be epic (what we saw with BTC)
Technically, We see a boom followed by a weak momentum move downward to the start of the initial boom. We now have a strong bullish breakout from this level. I think this is a good buy signal.
It's important to understand the differences between coins. Right now, alts are just traded assets with little real world application because of their small user base. But, most altcoins are leagues better than bitcoin because they learned from bitcoin. Think back to the dot com bubble, there were early companies that were able to take market share because of lack of competition. But, eventually the weaker companies lost market share to new entrants who had better products. This is the same as bitcoin and alt coins.
One last thing. HODL
don't sell your precious coins they will be worth 100x or more in the next few years.