In the previous analysis, we looked at the basic patterns and fractals, but when you try to look at the market with waves, things may change its shape. Bir onceki analizde temel formasyonlara ve fraktal benzerliklere baktik, ancak piyasaya dalga yapisi ile bakinca, bakilan sey degisebiliyor.
So this analysis is about the wave. Dolayisi ile bu analiz dalga ile alakali.
2nd and 4th waves differ, if 2nd wave is simple than 4th wave will be complex and vise versa. Thus as we have a basic 2nd wave here we can expect to have a complex 4th wave. 2. ve 4. dalga degiskenlik gosterir, 2. dalga basitse 4. dalga komplekstir ve tersi seklinde. Buna gore 2. dalgamiz burada basit bir ABC dalgasi oldugundan 4. dalgayi kompleks bir dalga olarak bekleyebiliriz.
Complex waves can be WXY or WXYXZ. Kompleks yapilar WXY ve WXYXZ seklinde olurlar.
But here, we can not talk about WXY yet, until the 0.50-0.55 area is passed weekly. So, unfortunately, we might see a Z wave here. As the timeline also confirms. Fakat burada bir WXY den bahsedemeyiz henuz, cunku bu yapi var diyebilmemiz icin en son tepe olan 0.55 seviyesinin asilmasi lazim. Bu yuzden Z dalgasi gorebiliriz, bunu zaman cizelgesi de onaylamakta.
See the importance of MARCH for XRP and other assets, 2020 March was a delusion but 2021 will be the year it seems as it is now. Mart ayinin onemini XRP ve baska degerler icin gorebiliriz, 2020 Mart ayi kandirma iken asil hareketler 2021 Mart ayina kalmis ta olabilir.
Should the price before heading to 0.12-0.06 area, instead goes up and break the descending channel and pass the 0.30 as the first signal and passes the 0.50-0.55 as confirmation for an uptrend, I will be happy too, than we can talk about uptrend. Let's admit it though, we do not want to see XRP at 0.06 now but if the price reaches the 0.06 area it's a cheap investment for a life-changing opportunity. Eger fiyat, 0.12-0.06 seviyesine gelmeden yukari gider dusen kanali yukari kirar ve yukari trend ilk sinyali deriz, sonrasinda da 0.55 seviyesini asarsa mutlu olur ve yukari trend basladi deriz. Kabul edelim ki XRP nin 0.06 fiyatini gormek istemiyoruz su an, ancak fiyat o seviyeye ulasirsa cok ucuz bir yatirim olmakla beraber hayatimizi degistirecek cinsten olabilir.
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