Buy the dip in ripple once the storm is over

By Nielsagaert
Last year cryptocoins have made spectacular returns, now the market is cooling down. Fear, uncertainty and doubt are controlling the market. The bears are still in the game. I believe we are first heading to lower levels before the tide can turn into favor of the bulls. I sold the bounce back up a few days ago once i realised the party is over for now. Made the mistake not selling in December. For the last 4 years every January there is a dip. Sell in December and come back in ... ? On a fundamental point of view i do like ripple a lot. I'm going to wait some more till the storm is over.
Ripple tends to increase in price to very high levels and then just go down for extended period of time.
Crashed as expected but no v shape recovery. I expect cryptocoin market to go sideways the next few months and then slightly recover. Buy the dips.
Bearish PatternsBeyond Technical Analysiscryptocoinsripplexrp
