Economists uses clear arguments to show crypto flaws, and why what we have now is much much better.
Idiotic crypto believers totally disregard his argument, they either don't even look at the content, or are too dumb to understand it.
"This economists that knows nothing about networks, communication, information, and computers, was wrong about the internet! He is clearly a pessimistic person and wrong about crypto too".
Doctors say you should breathe air to live. They were wrong about random crap like idk dieteray things. Hence they are wrong about air. Stop breathing. Now.
I could find so many examples of mathematicians, architects etc that were wrong about something outside of their field.
Better stop using cars, stop going on bridges, etc.
What an idiotic logic. It really is unbelievable.
Imagine these things reproduce, and in 150 years researchers instead of reviewed papers and judging them on their content, just go
"Oh this guy was wrong about that WWE movie and now he is explaining to us that using a nuclear explosion to go to mars in 1 day won't work and just kill everyone in a 10 km radius? Stupid non believer, this convinces me to make a bigger bomb!"