XRP being overlooked by retail but not by the banks..


XRP is extremely undervalued considering the lawsuit they've been in, which has caused major delistings and major FUD to retail.. $10 may seem extreme but i don't think it is, considering the role they seem to have within the new payment system being developed by the banks. Objectively looking at their partnerships with major banks and organizations like IMF. I think this is being overlooked by retail but not by banks..

There's no question that the banking system is shifting to DLT. we can see this with CBDC projects coming from all major central banks around the globe. XRP has likely been working with most central banks since the beginning. A deep connection can be found in the Federal reserve's Faster Payments Task Force which was developed back in 2017. 16 prospects for a faster payment system and 1 was RippleNet, another was Volante tech. Ripple Net and volante are both now service providers on the FedNow 24/7 Payments service.

The big fish know what's coming.. the breadcrumbs are their for retail to find but many people have been thrown off by this asset due to being rekt during the underperformance in the most recent bullrun and overall FUD and lack of reporting on this asset. Ripple has never claimed to want to be the one and only token but i think over time it will make its mark as one of the most reliable and secure assets for liquidity management and cross currency, cross border payments. Banks will eventually have no choice but to use it since they'll likely be at a competitive disadvantage to their counterparts who are using it to lower costs, and increase speed of their services. I believe a domino effect is coming.

This is much bigger than any of us can imagine. I don't claim to know the exact outcome but doing my research i've came to the conclusion that XRP will be used for liquidity management and cross currency transactions by some of the biggest corporation on the globe.. XRP is unique token, that at the time of writing is still under regulatory scrutiny in the USA. The risk to reward on this is extremely high at this point in time given the strength of its fundamentals and its downward push on price due to FUD issued by the SEC... Obviously im thinking long term (decades, centuries) rather than short term (months, years). I'll be placing my bets where the banks are placing thiers. In the meantime.. the lower the better $$$$

Fundamental Analysisxrp
