Blackbox buy signal on ZECBTC

On May 14th 2018 our Blackbox generated a buy signal for Zcash on the ZECBTC pair. The algorithm has more than 56% chance of winning with a risk to reward ratio of 1:6. Bitcoin based pairs have an average loss of -23% and average win of 143% based on 316 historical buy/sell signals since 2013. We recognize this trade was published a few days late, however it is a live signal and we will post the sell signal when our algorithm alerts us.

A minor correction to the historical statistics, the winning ratio of past signals is 49% on bitcoin pairs vs the 56% mentioned in the chart above. The 56% figure corresponds to USD trading pairs. We generally claim to have a 50% hit ratio on average across all cryptocurrencies with a risk to reward ratio of at least 1:5 and sometimes as high as 1:15 depending on base currencies and trading liquidity.
Trade closed: stop reached
The Nordic Crypto algorithm closed its signal in ZECBTC at an exit price of 0.032 with a loss of -10% after 14 days. This completes the 5th Zcash/Bitcoin signal since May 2017. The accumulated historical performance is -57% accumulated. It's had 1 winner with a gain of 21% and 4 losers with an average loss of 20% per signal. Zcash is one of only 2 coins in the top 20 coins that have yet to turn a consolidated profit. The remaining signals in the top 20 coins all have a positive track-record over the lifespan of the coin. A key element in trading the algorithm is to spread the risk by trading a number of different coins.
algorithmCryptocurrencyTrend AnalysisZECBTC
