Inflation trade: Bulls leading battle of attrition on bears

By MrRenev
This is the type of inflation that the masses ignore, that happens while they cheer at Chavez stimulus checks.
Look at images of Venezuela 15 years ago, so many smiles, so happy crowds.

While Germans were carrying buckets of cash and starving actually farmers were doing pretty well, they profited greatly.
Probably for similar reasons the clueless revolutionaries in Russia called them "bloodsuckers". How outrageous they profit while others suffer oh no!
All is their fault, not the people actually responsible.

But what the cheering average people worrying about their day to day lives don't see is the worst type of inflation: basic goods prices go up, production goes down.
Hurray, everyone gets more "money", everyone gets more pointless pieces of paper, great, I will finally be able to afford, checks notes, nothing at all.
There is LESS STUFF for everyone. These people, especially the urban ones, they live in fantasy land, I've seen some of those cretins say supply and demand is a myth.
WAT? That's so dumb, boy are they about to learn their lesson.

It is an endless circle. Prices go up, prod goes down, there is less stuff, people push prices up, prices go up, prod goes down, and so on.
Maybe reptilian brained people panic fight each other for toilet paper and pasta again? Rubs hands.

Few eat soybeans, only california millenials from what I hear, what it is used for is feeding domestic animals, not the friend kind, the food kind, soybean gets turned into milk, steaks, pork chops, bacon and beef jerky and all those industrial products made from meat that americans eat like candy. Americans have a ghrelin disease, they get ravenously hungry they'd kill to eat buckets of food.
Also the situation in Argentina not getting better, farmers waging war to the socialists.
The weather is really dry in Argentina, these big bags of beans could catch fire very easily, damn it would be a shame if they started to burn (again).

The freezing cold weather did not help, other producers are rekt because of cold & wet. Who else is heavilly impacting this?
The big buyers in the far east have stocks but they'll have to buy eventually hehe.

In this inflation env, any negative event will push the price up anyway, and "positive" event will just make it pullback or sideways a bit, maybe only slow it down.

I think the price will chop chop a bit on its way up, chop chop not as hurry up I mean go back and forth :p, then bears will break and it will slide vertically. To ~17$, which is a very special price you know.
Should have just bought corn


Idk they're as bullish, maybe?

agricultureFundamental AnalysisgrainsSoybeansTrend AnalysisZS1!
