Why we should review price action to see if History will RepeatStudying price action and reviewing should be a key part to everyones trading and will improve overall results. Many Stocks, Currency pairs, Commodities or Indexes have differing nuances and characteristics with regards to Price Action so it is worth doing the homework before entering a trade. Even though they all trade around a similar Price Action Framework, quickly looking for small repeating patterns can greatly improve the probability and conviction and help your trades in the long run.
This short video looks EQR.asx which is a share listed on the ASX. By reviewing the previous price action, we can see that the current setup is so far following the same path as a previous big winner....I will be watching to see if history does repeat!!
Hope you enjoy
Steps to invest successfully #2Hello everyone,
During this video we are going to analyse the following subjects:
- Look at the bigger picture.
- Draw trend lines using the most significant lows/highs.
- Look for support and resistance.
- Look for candles.
- Understand where the stock/coin sits now.
- Reasonably predict where the stock/coin will be in the future.
- Make sure you are using EMA lines.
- When and why placing your stop loss is important.
- Pivot point.
Remember, you will never be right every time. However, the key factor is to limit your risk by buying close to support.
Seasonal Futures Trading Patterns S&P 500 Hey traders today I wanted to go over what I believe are the best Seasonal Futures and Forex trades during the year. There are many markets that have seasonal patterns. Such as Forex, Stocks, Futures, and Commodities. Knowing the best time to trade to look for these Seasonal Futures and Forex opportunities will help you in your trading. This series on Seasonal Futures and Forex will be ongoing with several videos. The first video will be about the S&P 500 futures and how to trade them seasonally.
Trade Well,
Why the S&P500 Micro Futures is one of the best markets to trade Hey Traders so today I wanted to show you a great market to consider trading the S&P500 Micro Futures. I think it is one of the easiest markets to learn vs the Forex and others. It offers great leverage and really good risk vs reward. Of course futures are different from stocks, crypto and forex. The are considered high risk because of the volatility and leverage. But definitely I think they are a good asset class to consider adding to every traders portfolio with the right risk management. Plus this market is a great way to start capturing all the great gains that the stock market has had in the last 10 years. As long as the bull market continues I think this market will remain strong.
Trade Well,