Bharti Airtel Stock chart for the year 2025According to our analysis, in the year 2025 the Bharti Airtel Stock is likely to fall from the second week of March 2025 to Mid of July 2025 and then bounce back. The Market Timing plays a crucial role to invest in the stocks for the optimal results.
This is only for the educational purposes.
Strategic Approach to Volatility Trading: Preparing for VIX DownWhen the VIX drops below $12, it's time to consider a cautious approach. Instead of jumping in headfirst, I gradually enter long positions in UVIX and UVXY calls over the course of one week to several months, while directly holding onto VIX, UVIX, and UVXY.
Past experiences with mistimed UVXY Long Calls, particularly during the pre and post-COVID periods, have taught me to be wary of recency and confirmation biases. To navigate these waters, I adopt the perspective of a five-star general overseeing a drone center, analyzing the market with precision.
While I anticipate fluctuations, my outlook remains bearish until the VIX hits $12, taking into account both short-term ups and downs. This is a strategy geared towards a relatively long or intermediate-term perspective, focusing on the bigger picture.