SILVER | 36D | HARMONIC GANN BOXESHark ye O man, silver look at silver !! opportunity of a lifetime the only one antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral money known to man! No Tesla cars and no Iphones would exist without it... Feb 20th next new candle!! enjoy. Cheers, KeopsLongby KeopsUpdated 5522
SPX500 | 36D | GANN ELLIPSE SETUPDead cat bounce is imminent.. won't last tho.. enjoy! Cheers, Keopsby KeopsUpdated 229
SPX | 36D | GANN BOX SETUPTesting new gann box placement method derived from PHI boxes. According to this chart we are about to pivot down! Buckle up folks, the roller coaster ride will continue.. enjoy! Cheers, KeopsShortby Keops448