Too much hype behind AAPLNASDAQ:AAPL
I just have to LOL at AAPL's price right now. With no change to P/E, there's no justifying this unreal price hike. As the chart shows, this stock has gone parabolic and will inevitably crash. My first PT is 325, but it may run up to resistance at 480-500 first. If AAPL falls below 435, consider the shorts in control.
AAPL APPLE Buenas noches espero qué estén bien reciban un saludo.
Les analizo apple, actualmente tuvo una rotura del canal alcista en el medio plazo, en el largo nos encontramos en maximos histórico,en el corto ahora mismo en plano.
PUNTOS DE INTERES: 1 SOPORTE 2 SOPORTE 3 SOPORTE 4 SOPORTE, FUE LA RESISTENCIA DEL MÁXIMO ANTES DE LA PANDEMIA mucho ojo a este dato. ALCISTA, RESISTENCIAS: Tiene mucho recorrido en el corto medio plazo marcada linea amarilla.
CUIDENSE UN CORDIAL SALUDO L. E. D. En España a 29/07/2020
síganme en twwitter faacebook insttagram : wallstreetstocks
Good evening I hope you are well receive a greeting.
I analyze apple, currently it had a break in the bullish channel in the medium term, in the long term we are at a historical high, in the short one right now.
POINTS OF INTEREST: 1 SUPPORT 2 SUPPORT 3 SUPPORT 4 SUPPORT, WAS THE MAXIMUM RESISTANCE BEFORE THE PANDEMIC a lot of eye on this data. ALCISTA, RESISTANCES: It has a long way to go in the short-term, marked yellow line.
TAKE CARE OF A CORDIAL GREETING L. E. D. In Spain on 07/29/2020
follow me on twitter faacebook insttagram: wallstreetstocks
#AAPL - UPDATED EMA CHART Updated chart providing a more elongated perspective on the definitive trend line.
Its more than obvious that when the price intersects the ema you have a significant
bullish upswing. The breakouts are substantial usually occurring over a 30 bar period
with the most significant movement occurring from June 29th, through July 13th.
Prior movements from the intersecting points (since March) have a included
a $27 gain from June 4th, through June 11th, and a $29 gain from June 15th,
through June 23rd.
In this chart the line only dips below the intersecting ema 4 times (since March)
and averaged less than a $3 drop over a period of 2-3 days.
The chart maybe simple, but it makes abundantly clear when to buy.
AAPL at historical equilibrium!!! (Vibrational Analysis)I see markets are like a song and they create a vibration which can be visually observed as trend curves going up and down an equilibrium. Price has a tendency to move inside the vibration which would be low energy state.
Now when the price breaks outside the vibration, which I term as a deviation, this has an important impact on the future structure of the vibration, acting like an external force.
My entire concept is pretty deep and I wouldn't be able to share my entire philosophy here. However, though this chart I have tried to give a glimpse of this methodology. Pretty well if it makes sense to you.
So currently as per my analysis, as you will see in this chart, price is at the historical equilibrium. If this equilibrium turns into a support, we would be entering a huge bull cycle with an aim of $2500 per Apple share.
APPLE LONG Trading PlanApp Store revenue is booming as people stay at home. Analyst expects increased App Store downloads and in-app purchases to bring in an extra $500 million in revenue for Apple's third fiscal quarter. And if that revenue is driven mostly by subscriptions, as has been increasingly the case for Apple, it could mean a permanent step up in revenue for the high-margin services business.
Key Trading Plan:
i) LONG when the price reaches the pull back area at 326.14 with the target Take Profit point at 360.
S.I.D. Aizu