I'm Buying ACB @ $4.07 will Dollar Cost Average at lower pricesMy first buy was at $4.07, just a hunch we can see a reversal at this levels...
I see a RSI bullish divergence at this level, but sincerely this is not about technical analysis... the price can go to $2.00 in the next weeks
I will be buying what I consider next 3 support levels (DCA)*
HIGH risk investment for the long term...(at least 1 year) but also HIGH reward
Invest only what you are willing to lose...
Wish me luck !
(See you in HELL...or in HEAVEN)
* Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is an investment strategy in which an investor divides up the total amount to be invested across periodic purchases of a target asset in an effort to reduce the impact of volatility on the overall purchase.
AURORA CANNABIS INC (ACB) DailyDates in the future with the greatest probability for a price high or price low.
The Djinn Predictive Indicators are simple mathematical equations. Once an equation is given to Siri the algorithm provides the future price swing date. Djinn Indicators work on all charts, for any asset category and in all time frames. Occasionally a Djinn Predictive Indicator will miss its prediction date by one candlestick. If multiple Djinn prediction dates are missed and are plowed through by same color Henikin Ashi candles the asset is being "reset". The "reset" is complete when Henikin Ashi candles are back in sync with Djinn price high or low prediction dates.
One way the Djinn Indicator is used to enter and exit trades:
For best results trade in the direction of the trend.
The Linear Regression channel is used to determine trend direction. The Linear Regression is set at 2 -2 30.
When a green Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression upper deviation line (green line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a sell is triggered.
When a red Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression lower deviation line (red line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a buy is triggered.
This trading strategy works on daily, weekly and Monthly Djinn Predictive charts.
This is not trading advice. Trade at your own risk.
I'm Going Long Aurora Cannabis. (ACB)I'm firing long on ACB.
I like the chart setup.
I'm aware of the reverse split on may 11th.
We will see how it plays out.
Wish me luck! 😁
Rolling Up The Cannabis LoudPack Aye?Symbol: ACB
Cannabis stock analysis, want to see this one play out. Correlate it with the last etf I just shared for cannabis sector health. Hope this helps. Enjoy. 🤠
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- Major League Trader
Aurora Canabis - ACB Bullish trend continuesACB (Aurora Cannabis) after breaking the cup and handle is currently sitting on the support line of $8.8 currently showing a descending triangle continuation pattern, the targets are the same targets of the cup and handle pattern $11 and $12