How to be a Successful Forex trader Segment 1FIRST HAVE A PLAN .
Better yet, have 2 Plans!
Most traders have a trade plan, that will tell them when to get in and when to get out (or at least it should and I will cover that in the next segment)
What a lot of Trader's don't have and really need, is an account management plan.
An Account Management Plan is necessary to keep you from causing too much damage on bad days, to having a positive outcome on so-so days and a Great out come on the good days. In short, it will protect your account and allow it to flourish :)
1. How to do you handle the bad days? Unfortunately, we all have them but limiting their impact is crucial to your long term trading success. Personally, I risk 2% of my capital per trade and usually only take 1 sometimes 2 trades per day. so the most I will ever lose in a day is 4%. which is okay because the majority of my trades have a 3-1 RRR or better, so I can make that up in 1 trade. Might i suggest, limiting your daily losses to a percentage that you can make up in a single day/session. You don't want to spend days trying to recoup losses from a single day.
2. How do you turn the so-so days into a positive: On day's where the market does not do what you expect, you need to recognize that and hopefully bank some profit or at the very least, cause no damage to your account. Sitting on the sidelines patiently waiting for a good trade is a lot better than being in a bad trade. Today was a So-So day for me. As illustrated in the above chart, I took a pullback trade with an entry at 1.8318. it took a lot of heat and almost got stopped out, but I stuck with my stop loss and the trade came back and dropped down to the bottom of my Asian box, where I banked 1/2 my position and moved my stop to flat. And the remaining 1/2 of my position did indeed get stopped out. So yes the market did not breakout and run down as expected but I still made a profit. :)
3. Make the good days.... Great!!!
Before you enter into a trade, you should know where you are getting out, both good and bad. On the days where the market breaks your way. Stay with your anylasis and don't close the trade early. I talk to a lot of traders who do this and I get it!. The trade is Green, the Money is there...let's grab it!! You need t check yourself and stick with your original anylasis on how far the trade could run. That said you also must be prepared to protect your account. Personally, Once I am up 2% on the day. I will NOT let it become a losing day. Period. If the market reverses, I am out and I am done. Once I am up 4% I will lock in at least 2% of profit and so till the market reaches my Profit target and then I will close my full position. Although the market may run further, I stick with my original analysis of the proper Profit target.
I hope this post is helpful and If you have questions, either put them in the comments below or message me
Elements of a Successful Trading Plan 102SELF DEVELOPMENT/METHODOLOGY/PSYCHOLOGY
Elements of a Successful Trading Plan 102
2. Risk Level
Managing a risk in trading is essential if a person wishes to make profitable investments. As a
trader, one cannot control the market but he/ she do have the capacity to change what can be
done as circumstances require. They need to adapt the changes as the market conditions evolve.
A person does not take a position and hopes the market acts in your favour. Managing trading
risk will be a key factor in an individual’s long term success as a trader. As the market, structure
changes, the risk profile of trade will also change.
Risk will vary at different points of a trade and needs to be managed in a manner, which is
consistent with the individual style of each trader. This will be dependent on each trader’s
personality and time frame. Assessing market conditions can be categorised into core areas
where one need to consider the risk profile in his/ her trade. This risk needs to be assessed also in
line with your trading objectives. Active traders will tend to add and take off risk for each new
swing in the market, whilst passive investors will ride minor retracements looking to achieve
larger reward targets. Following are some areas where risk can be managed throughout a trade as
well as what to look out for at these points that indicate that the risk is increasing;
• At Entry: Stop loss risk.
• Distance from Moving Average: Price exhaustion risk.
• “M” Pattern: Price retest failure risk.
• Candlestick Tails and Shadows: Price rejection risk.
• Period Close: Price rejection risk.
• Reducing Range: Trend momentum risk.
• Support or Resistance: Price level failure risk.
It is necessary that how an individual plan to address the risk management needs to be included
as a critical part of the trading plan in order to protect the invested capital and preserve the
profits. One need to have strategies in place for how he will deal with the different areas
throughout a trade and how he will know when risk is increasing to a point where action needs to
be taken either to protect profits or capital.
Follow your trading plan, Remain disciplined and keep learning :)
More elements will follow... Like, share, Comment and follow us to keep updated on our professional trading ideas and education :)
GER30 in a Triangle area. Weekly analyseHola guys,
Our DAX30 is in a indecision moment, this is the reason this week i staied neutral. It is between R1 resistence and S1, S2 supports. The triangle pattern is made by connecting T1 upper trendline and T2 lower trendline. Also in the chart you can see T3 daily trendline.
Now... my plan for the next week is to wait Monday to see where it's gonna break and after i'll wait a confirmation for the trend that is gonna come ( i'll look for a test ceilling ).
We could have:
1) breaking of T2 and a test ceilling on T1 or S1. Than i'll sell paying attention at 5min candle stick patterns and at the price action. I'll also look for the possible pullback on S2 and T3 ( this are bullish areas ); here i could swip the trade, but anyway i'm gonna advice you if a change is near. S1 and T1 will protect my SL while the first TP could be when the price touches T3
2) breaking of T1 trendline and a test ceiling on the same trendline. This would be a bullish signal ( of course first we have to look at the price action of the market and candle stick patterns ). In this case i'm gonna take a long position, paying attention at when the market touches R1 resistence ( this is the strongest bearish area ). If a swip of the trade will happen i'll write you. S1 will protect my trade while the TP will be near to 11800 ( or i'll close it at a strong pullback that could be a change of direction ).
This is my weekly technical analyse for GER30. When the broke of the triangle will happen i'll publish the idea of the direction that i'm taking.
I hope that this idea will help you. Personally i'll use it to open BO options and couwntdowns... and of course for normal trading too. For any question about the analyse or others request like: the reason of the support and resiste areas, money management or personal market advicer service or account manager ( if you're account is in a bad moment ) contact me in p.m. without any problem, i'll be happy to help you.
Kind Regards,
Delta B.