Harmonic Decomposition of Trend Exhaustion - - ALGOUSD (1h)L I N E - W O R K : The foregoing, and more, populate my Object Tree, which is summarized as a separate item, below. Any line or drawing tool that I use frequently is saved as a color-coded template for rapid repetition.
Fib Space - A concrete Leading Indicator comprising several overlapping Fibonacci Trend-Based Extensions and a Retracement or two. Rather than to find Support & Resistance, its purpose is to target Volatility as the areas between highlighted zones.
AVWAP Array - A fluid Leading Indicator comprising several overlapping Anchored VWAPs, as well as some some standard and nonstandard deviations and anchor-points. Although Price itself behaves violently when interacting either with VWAPs, experience shows that the crossing of key VWAPs is a Leading Indicator of high Volatility. Among the VWAps, three in particular deserve special attention, namely the 1.272 Std Deviation VWAP since the chart’s inception, below the current price, as well as those marked by this year’s dates of 2.24 (two-tone red) and 9.8 (two-tone green), above the price.
Further line-work includes a Schiff Pitchfork implied by the right wing of the pattern (points ABC), and a section of a larger bullish arrow consequent to a larger Bullish Harmonic Reversal Pattern that does not fit within the hourly chart.
Notice the use of S-Curves as projected future trend lines, following the conservative path of Maximum Market Pain. Price is like a pendulum. It does not move in straight lines; rather, it describes the struggle between buyers & sellers pulled into maximum commitment before shorter term swings.
See below for more on Harmonics.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
V O L U M E : The various horizontal histograms of volume simply indicate accumulation and distribution. Volume Profiles, however, serve two purposes. 1) As a Lagging Indicator, to discover ranges of Supply & Demand, and the all-important Mean, and 2) as a Leading Indicator to corroborate entries, profit targets and stop-losses, as well as any discretionary management of the latter, if needed. Notice that each day, beginning with the Tokyo Session at 12:00 UTC, has its own 24-hour Volume Profile (see the Object Tree, below).
None of these are as useful as the custom construction in my Object Tree under the name AWAP Array.
In this case, Volume has been healthy partially due to the ongoing FTX Crash (as of this writing), and ALGO tends to have high Volume in general, making it a good indicator of the health of the sector. A recent spike in selling has dropped price to point C which, for those less familiar with them, is NOT considered complete until confirmation at D.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
V O L A T I L I T Y : This is the least understood of the the three fundamental axes of trading, or at least of my style. In any timeframe, price rises more slowly than it falls, which is to say that Volatility is the opposite of price variation. To see Volatility with any hope of clarity, it is essential to remove innate directional bias. In general, it rises sharply and declines slowly. The Question, even more than HOW FAR?, is WHEN? The mystery of Volatility tests, and rewards, patience.
Generally and in this case, too, the greatest Volatility occurred at X, which coincides approximately the 9.8 VWAP and the midpoint between the price drop begun near the 2.24 VWAP and the bottom of that swing, at A. As expected, there is a rise leading into the midpoint of the pattern, B, which is also the second highest price (so far). Another peak in Volatility may be expected at D, if it is reached.
Again, see below for more on Harmonics.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
T R E N D - E X H A U S T I O N : In order to maximize the Risk:Reward ratio, one must act at the edges, or as close as possible. Therefore, one needs an improving sense of where the potential for reversal is highest BEFORE price reaches it. Like Volatility, and unlike Volume, it is impossible to measure directly, and yet with clean Line-Work and a sound market narrative, or trade thesis, various containment and decomposition techniques exist to estimate probable areas in a chart where price vectors will reverse.
In this case, a Schiff Pitchfork is implied by interwoven patterns, among other evidence. Although the Price Action in the near term may be described by it, a larger Bullish Reversal Pattern (to large for the hourly chart) appears to have completed as well, implying an even larger set of Pitchforks.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
H A R M O N I C S : Whether by definition or analogy, harmony implies cooperation between two or more agents. To draw X5 patterns without understanding which elements one seeks to reconcile is like a chimpanzee playing with an iPad. When I draw them, I visualize the interplay of 1) the Range between Supply & Demand, 2) the Volume Spread and 3) Probability over Time.
In this case, in addition to the much larger (green) Bullish pattern completing, a smaller such pattern can be seen in the (red) Bearish Reversal Pattern whose CD Leg comprises the vector of the trade. In effect, the trade can also be seen as the AD Retracement of the smaller Harmonic Bull, since it coincides with the ABC Fib-Based Trend Extension.
Upon the Red W-Pattern are superimposed two smaller bullish patterns, one completed and one potential. Of these, the second marks a point, or an area, of risk along CD Leg.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
F O R E C A S T : Trading the CD Leg of a Reversal Pattern is technically premature, and risky. In this case, not only the coincidence of the Fib ratios but several factors of the Big Picture, as well as the Indicators make this a decent t proposition. As always, there is a point between 1/2 and 2/3 up the vector when it will be tested (and where it tends to fail, if it does fail) therefore some profit may taken along the way. Considering the high R:R Ratio and the duration of the swing, it’s not a bad idea to de-risk.
On this timeframe as of this writing, price is testing the 1.0618 custom “Overthrow” line in the template marked as a “Moving Stop Loss”. Considering recent price drops, this retest near the prospective bottom suggests support rather than a further run to the downside. Also, being a holiday weekend with other markets closed, crypto may indeed have an upsurge due to bored and/or her-eager traders. Setting the left edge of the window to the peak above X, near the 8.9 VWAP, shows the Point of Control of the Visible Range Volume Profile to be above the current price, further suggesting a price reversal in this zone.
O B J E C T - T R E E :
The most overlooked tool in Tradingview is the Object Tree. When cleverly rooted, it enables the chartist to arrange (i.e layer) the Drawings and Indicators (if any) and then selectively toggle them on and off.
I am sometimes asked about my suite of indicators, which I have listed below, per the order in which they are layered. (The settings I use are beyond the present scope.) A more relevant detail is that the major Volatility Indicators are placed in the upper windows while those which measure Volume appear in windows below the price action.
In the main window, the preference is inverted. Any original Line-Work that I might create is collected beneath all (12) Indicators.
Again, the purpose of this groundwork to deliberately overlap objects and to selectively turn them on or off like light bulbs in order to discover and/or important but not obvious facts about the potential action space.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Tesla Coil
Average Volatility Movement
Buying & Selling Pressure
Average True Range (Line)
Average True Range (Histogram)
Indicators VSA v6
Volume Pressure Analysis
Time Segmented Volume Bands
Visible Range Volume Profile
Periodic Volume Profile
Daily High/Low/Mid/Open/Close+Weekly/Monthly Open
Volatility Stop MTF
Volatility Bands by DGT
Double SuperTrend ATR
Moving Average Shaded Fill Area Crossover EMA
Moving Average Ribbon
>📁”Object Group 1”
>📁”Object Group 2”
Time Segmented Volume Bands
Heatmap Volume
Volume Analysis
Time Segmented Volume Bands
. . . . . . . . . . . .
R E M A R K S : I will attempt to post a larger, higher timeframe view of the position, showing the major Bullish Reversal possibly beginning, or at least the end of selling pressure.
Trading CD Leg of Harmonic Pattern: 7.77:1 Long ALOGUSD (1h)L I N E - W O R K : The foregoing, and more, populate my Object Tree, which is summarized as a separate item, below. Any line or drawing tool that I use frequently is saved as a color-coded template for rapid repetition.
Fib Space - A concrete Leading Indicator comprising several overlapping Fibonacci Trend-Based Extensions and a Retracement or two. Rather than to find Support & Resistance, its purpose is to target Volatility as the areas between highlighted zones.
AVWAP Array - A fluid Leading Indicator comprising several overlapping Anchored VWAPs, as well as some some standard and nonstandard deviations and anchor-points. Although Price itself behaves violently when interacting either with VWAPs, experience shows that the crossing of key VWAPs is a Leading Indicator of high Volatility.
In this case, further line-work includes one of the Pitchforks implied by the right wing of the pattern, and a section of a larger bulls arrow consequent to a larger Bullish Harmonic Reversal Pattern that does not fit within the hourly chart
. . . . . . . . . . . .
V O L U M E : The various horizontal histograms of volume simply indicate accumulation and distribution. Volume Profiles, however, serve two purposes. 1) As a Lagging Indicator, to discover ranges of Supply & Demand, and the all-important Mean, and 2) as a Leading Indicator to corroborate entries, profit targets and stop-losses, as well as any discretionary management of the latter, if needed. None of these are as useful as the custom construction in my Object Tree under the name AWAP Array.
In this case, Volume has been healthy partially due to the ongoing FTX Crash (as of this writing), and ALGO tends to have high Volume in general, making it a good indicator of the health of the sector. A recent spike in selling has dropped price into the C-Point of the pattern which, for those less familiar with them, is NOT considered complete until confirmation of the D-Point.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
V O L A T I L I T Y : This is the least understood of the the three fundamental axes of trading, or at least of my style. In any timeframe, price rises more slowly than it falls, which is to say that Volatility is the opposite of price variation. To see Volatility with any hope of clarity, it is essential to remove innate directional bias. In general, it rises sharply and declines slowly. The Question, even more than HOW FAR?, is WHEN? The mystery of Volatility tests, and rewards, patience.
Generally and in this case, too, the greatest Volatility occurred at the X-Point, which coincides approximately with the two-tone Green VWAP and the midpoint between the price drop begun near the two-tone Red VWAP and the bottom of that swing, at the A-Point. As expected, there is a rise leading into the midpoint of the pattern (B), which is also the second highest price (so far). Another peak in Volatility may be expected at point D, if it is reached.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
T R E N D - E X H A U S T I O N : In order to maximize the Risk:Reward ratio, one must act at the edges, or as close as possible. Therefore, one needs an improving sense of where the potential for reversal is highest BEFORE price reaches it. Like Volatility, and unlike Volume, it is impossible to measure directly, and yet with clean Line-Work and a sound market narrative, or trade thesis, various containment and decomposition techniques exist to estimate probable areas in a chart where price vectors will reverse.
In this case, a Pitchfork is implied by interwoven patterns, among other evidence. Although the Price Action in the near term may be described by it, a larger Bullish Reversal Pattern (to large for the hourly chart) appears to have completed as well, implying an even larger set of Pitchforks.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
H A R M O N I C S : Whether by definition or analogy, harmony implies cooperation between two or more agents. To draw X5 patterns without understanding which elements one seeks to reconcile is like a chimpanzee playing with an iPad. When I draw them, I visualize the interplay of 1) the Range between Supply & Demand, 2) the Volume Spread and 3) Probability over Time.
In this case, in addition to the much larger (green) Bullish pattern completing, a smaller such pattern can be seen in the (red) Bearish Reversal Pattern whose CD Leg comprises the vector of the trade. In effect, the trade can also be seen as the AD Retracement of the smaller Harmonic Bull, since it coincides with the ABC Fib-Based Trend Extension.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
F O R E C A S T : Trading the CD Leg of a Reversal Pattern is technically premature, and risky. In this case, not only the coincidence of the Fib ratios but several factors of the Big Picture, as well as the Indicators make this a decent proposition. As always, there is a point (orange) between 1/2 and 2/3 up the vector when it will be tested (and where it tends to fail, if it does fail) therefore some profit may taken along the way. Considering the high R:R Ratio and the duration of the swing, it’s not a bad idea to de-risk.
O B J E C T - T R E E :
The most overlooked tool in Tradingview is the Object Tree. When cleverly rooted, it enables the chartist to arrange (i.e layer) the Drawings and Indicators (if any) and then selectively toggle them on and off.
I am sometimes asked about my suite of indicators, which I have listed below, per the order in which they are layered. (The settings I use are beyond the present scope.) A more relevant detail is that the major Volatility Indicators are placed in the upper windows while those which measure Volume appear in windows below the price action.
In the main window, the preference is inverted. Any original Line-Work that I might create is collected beneath all (12) Indicators.
Again, the purpose of this groundwork to deliberately overlap objects and to selectively turn them on or off like light bulbs in order to discover and/or important but not obvious facts about the potential action space.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Tesla Coil ML
Average Volatility Movement
Buying & Selling Pressure
Average True Range (Line)
Average True Range (Histogram)
Indicators VSA v6
Volume Pressure Analysis
Time Segmented Volume Bands
Visible Range Volume Profile
Periodic Volume Profile
Daily High/Low/Mid/Open/Close+Weekly/Monthly Open
Volatility Stop MTF
Volatility Bands by DGT
Double SuperTrend ATR
Moving Average Shaded Fill Area Crossover EMA
Moving Average Ribbon
>📁”Object Group 1”
>📁”Object Group 2”
Time Segmented Volume Bands
Heatmap Volume
Volume Analysis
Time Segmented Volume Bands
. . . . . . . . . . . .
R E M A R K S : I will attempt to post updates, and a larger, higher timeframe view of the position, suggesting a major reversal for Algorand (for reasons beyond the scope of the chart alone).
ALGORAND: SIMILARITIES?Hi guys, as i said always, trading is to find similarities in the past to forecast the future with more confidence.
In ALGO i saw this, so i'll wait a new low to try a long position if the market will be more stable.
Maybe tomorrow the market will explode and we won't see a new low, but we can't know.
Let's see.
ALGO Long Term Expectation (19.11.22)The threat of global economic crisis and recession is no longer a possibility, but a reality. Therefore, in a few months, decreases will continue in coins, especially ALGO. There is still the possibility of a dead cat bounce in the short term and then it is highly possible to pull back to 0.17$ support and get a reaction. It is best to wait for the 0.11$ region for the actual purchase.
What I write here serves as a note to myself. Does not include investment advice.
ALGORAND : THE COIN OF FIFA 2022 WITH BREAKOUT EXPECTINGAlgorand was before on a very interesting way on way to high targets, but since the FTT news, it did change a lot on cryptomarkets.
For this reason, know that there is always a chance unexpected news can happen which can affect the market.
This Idea is a TA idea depending on the view of now including the new coming trends of WorldCup 2022.
We will see the coming time when this coin will effect a new increase in the world cup since it's one of the most important coins for the world cup at this moment.
If it goes as we expect, then we can see the coming time even before the start of the world cup a new breakout.
Trade safe and learn from FTT what has an effect on the market totally.
We will follow this coin for the coming time to see the trends and patterns that this coin showing it will play out.
There is already a Fifa partnership and promotion plan for Algorand. for more info check the original FIFA website.
Keep an eye on ALGO! World Cup starting this weekend!Here's a quick Look at ALGO 2 hr chart. As we can see, the price has been forming an inv. head and shoulder pattern and we could see a break above the neckline soon - It all depends on BTC! Also, World Cup starting this weekend - we should expect some movement from ALGO!
The best entry would be when the price breaks above 0.285$ with a good amount of volume. One to keep an eye on.
The idea is: Buy when the price breaks above 0.285$ and take profits at the levels shown in the chart.
1. 0.293$
2. 0.3$
3. 0.318$
4. 0.338$
What are triangles when it comes to trading?
Key points:
"1. In technical analysis, a triangle is a continuation pattern on a chart that forms a triangle-like shape.
2. Triangles are similar to wedges and pennants and can be either a continuation pattern if validated or a powerful reversal pattern, in the event of failure.
3. three potential triangle variations can develop as price action carves out a holding pattern, namely ascending, descending, and symmetrical triangles."
If you like the content, then make sure to comment and like the post :D
Follow me for daily profitable trading setups
BTC dictates the market. If BTC falls, then Alts will fall as well. Trade safe!
ALGO randyOn major historical support
RSI in an uptrend
Plenty of FUD
This is iso20022 compliant (look it up)
It’s a scalable chain
Decent community schizz
Talking about some off the wall but sensible stuff like atomic swaps with monero
GRI 2022
Algorand (ALGO) - November 16Hello?
Traders, welcome.
If you "Follow", you can always get new information quickly.
Please also click "Boost".
Have a good day.
(ALGOBTC 1W chart)
In order to gain the power to rise, it must rise in the 0.0000 1970 ~ 0.0000 2452 section and show support.
The key question is whether it can rise to the 0.4253-0.6132 range.
To do that, we need to see if it can rise above 0.3310.
(1D chart)
Below 0.3310 is likely de facto long-term investment territory.
Therefore, it is important to keep the price moving above 0.3310 quickly.
If not, a decline below 0.2140 is likely.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
** All descriptions are for reference only and do not guarantee profit or loss in investment.
** If you share this chart, you can use the indicators normally.
** The MRHAB-T indicator includes indicators that indicate points of support and resistance.
** SR_R_C indicators are displayed as StochRSI (line), RSI (columns), and CCI (bgcolor).
** The CCI indicator is displayed in the overbought section (CCI > +100) and oversold section (CCI < -100).
(Short-term Stop Loss can be said to be a point where profit or loss can be preserved or additional entry can be made by split trading. This is a short-term investment perspective.)
ALT Coins & Predictive Models IIIf you go back to my previous idea for TOTAL3, you'll see that I had "eye-balled" a pitchfork (downward) to show a channel that I figured we would eventually take. I may not have gotten 100% accuracy on that fork but it was obvious (to me anyway) that we had some serious correction coming. That fork has proven itself after all.
So welcome to the next leg of the bear market, even if the plunge protection teams get in there and attempt to prop things up, bear markets are NECESSARY and deep corrections are EXACTLY what we need in order to shake weak projects, weak hands, hopium, hype and all the scams from our midst.
What has value is worth paying for and owning, the rest will vanish (assuming a free and generally un-tampered market, which we don't really have)
Enjoy the interim relief rally here but don't hold your breath for 90k Bitcoin and ETH, it still pretty much sucks, it's expensive, slow to transact and mostly a pain in the arse to work with.
* * * Not Investment advice * * *
An even bigger inverse h&s pattern appears on ALGOOn our way to hit the 2 targets I posted about previously from former inv h&s neckline breakouts, algo has now brought price action above an even higher inverse head and shoulder neckline. Stoch RSI is pretty over extended at this point so it would not surprise me at all if we see a dip back down to retest the neckline or even a few wicks or a candle close below the neckline before we are ready to validate the breakout above this new neckline. Of course, it could also just decide it wants to pump all the way to our next measured move target with no correction at all. I will keep hodling, but if I was leveraged i would dial down a good portion of my leverage after hitting the previous targets and try to add it back in upon a successful retest of the new neckline as support…if we do dip below the neckline as long as it holds the 50ma as support any dip below should be temporary. We maintain overall support on the 50 and then solidify support on the white neckline here we will likely validate another inv h&s breakout by the time algo’s golden cross occurs. *not financial advice*
Algorand getting closer to a fundamental catalystq Algorand had a Bullish move on Friday and it continued on Saturday where price rose to $0.45.
Fifa NFT collaboration with Algorand could be a huge catalyst within fundamental frames that could push Algorand's price higher.
Technicals for the week ahead suggest key levels to be broken and hold at certain levels.
Disclaimer .
Do NOT trade or invest based upon the analysis presented on this channel. Always do your own research and due diligence before investing or trading. I’ll never tell you what to do with your capital, trades or investments. I’ll also never recommend for you to buy, sell, long or short any asset, commodity, security, derivative or cryptocurrency related instrument as it's extremely HIGH RISK! You should always consult with a professional/licensed financial adviser before trading or investing in any type of assets.
Algorand: Liquidity Voids Hit & Failure to RallyALGO has been predictable with demand volume spiking systematically each time the PA bumps into the micro resistance. These spikes, however, have not been enough to flip the lines. We see that after the LVs are mitigated, down the PA goes, back into the channel to retest micro support and prepare for another attempt. I have no doubt the macro liquidity void (#3) will get hit: the only question is when. If things play out the way I think, I can see us going back down before that happens. ETH is in its own rising wedge, BTC doesn't look so hot either. Be careful, amigos.
*Be sure to subscribe for more easy-to-follow charts with high win ratios (80-85% average) in hitting the Fibonacci profit zones. I've been trading crypto fulltime since 2017 and handpick all the runners myself after conducting a series of volume-to-spread reads and Wyckoff schematic comparisons. Check out my past charts & see the wins for yourself.
**Not financial advice. Always DYOR and trade at your own risk.
ALGOOAAALLLL ⚽️Hello TradingView Family / Fellow Traders. This is Richard, as known as theSignalyst.
As per my last idea (attached in the Related Ideas below), you know that I am keeping an eye on tokens that might get more exposure during the World Cup 2022.
Here is a quick reminder:
FIFA has teamed up with blockchain technology company Algorand to agree a sponsorship and technical partnership deal.
The agreement means Algorand will become the official blockchain platform of FIFA and provide the official blockchain-supported wallet solution. As per the sponsorship agreement, Algorand will be a FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ Regional Supporter in North America and Europe, and a FIFA Women’s World Cup Australia and New Zealand 2023™ Official Sponsor.
Source: Tweet attached on the chart
📉Technical Analysis:
ALGO lately rejected a weekly support zone 0.20 - 0.30 and since then it has been stuck inside a big range.
For the bulls to take over from a long-term perspective, we need a momentum daily candle close above the upper bound of the range (gray zone) around 0.440
Meanwhile, if ALGO rejected the upper gray zone and trades lower, we will be looking for short-term buy setups as it approaches the lower gray zone again.
Always follow your trading plan regarding entry, risk management, and trade management.
Good luck!
All Strategies Are Good; If Managed Properly!
ALGO/USDT - LONG 12H TF----- Welcome, dear followers! -----
- Here is my trading methodology. I trade with a normal system and analysis of resistance and support, as well as price reversal patterns.
- For the record, I do not place a stop loss within my trades. So that I only risk 1.5% of my total capital in order to support the loss due to a price reversal against me.
- If a price reversed against my expectation and touched the drawn line r3, then I transferred targets to the entry point and waited for the price to close at it with a loss equal to almost zero.
- Today's deal is shown in the chart, and here are the entry and exit points below.
-- Support me with numbers and follow up on my account for other deals in the future. Thank you for coming to this part. --
⚡️⚡️ #ALGO/USDT ⚡️⚡️
Client: My-Binance Futures
Trade Type: Breakout (Long)
Leverage: Cross (2X)
Entry Targets:
1) 0.4550 - 100.0%
Take-Profit Targets:
1) 0.4843 - 20.0%
2) 0.5297 - 20.0%
3) 0.6062 - 20.0%
4) 0.6742 - 20.0%
5) 0.7319 - 20.0%
Trailing Configuration:
Entry: Percentage (0.0%)
Take-Profit: Percentage (0.0%)
Stop: Breakeven -
Trigger: Percent (10.0%)