APE Coin growth thesis valuationBored Apes NFT project official ApeCoin token was launched on Coinbase and it immediately reached $32.
At the time of writing this idea, the price is around $14, but extremely volatile.
The growth thesis that i have comes from the initial price of the APECOIN on Coinbase, $32.
At 14usd the market cap of APE is around $4Bil and the fully diluted mk cap $14Bil.
At 32usd the circulating supply was $9.14Bil and the total supply around $31Bil.
My expectation is that APE could have the highest valuation similar to DOGE and SHIB, which it shouldn`t surpass.
Now the mk of DOGE is $15.6Bil with the same circulating supply as the total supply.
SHIB has a mk cap of 12.2Bil and a total supply of equivalent to $13.1Bil.
So this is the highest valuation that i think APE can reach market cap wise.
The downside is $6.3 - $7
Looking forward to read your opinion about it.
LBFOAT (LARGEST BULL FLAG OF ALL TIME) NEARING COMPLETION.When in doubt, zoom out. Never ever in my life have I seen a more bullish monthly chart. AMC must test $38 one more time, possibly with the most volume we have ever seen, really depends on how much liquidity hedge funds still have. An artificial intelligence-based portfolio that outperforms the S&P with no human input just today sold Facebook and Wal-Mart and went long on AMC. Must I say more? AI is the future. Patience fellow apes. Only a waiting game. HODL. 8. 01 . NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE.
AMC - The Degenerate Meme Wall PaperChimps in charge tout - "Bruh, I bought at $5.16"
Congrats Ape.
One Problem, you forgot to sell 52, watching almost 1/2 your gains evaporate
rather quickly.
Can't applaud that, no.
Herd-ish behaviors are generally a bad idea, you know... like a Ponzi or Pyramid
where the base gets its Palm Frons fanned over the Flames of a jungle Napalmed
into oblivion.
Fur and Flesh burned to a crisp bark.
Cause to Celebrate this Bankrupt Company?
Apparently so.
The "Logic" is that of a Bipedal with a slightly crowned head.
I always find it fascinating to observe the Kings of the Jungle. They have an excuse for
everything. No reason, simply more vapid non-sense.
Profits are Good, AMC has no business treading anywhere but the Pink Sheets at $.0001
If Creditors had any sense, they'd call their Principal, but that would end the wash/rinse/repeat
of taking Hoodiots $, so for now... you all are open season.
AMC is over, it's done. I wouldn't go to a theatre IF you gave it to me, wouldn't want to feed
that Dinosaur. Bollywood holds far more promise. Hollywood, it's cooked as well.
A.Prime, Hulu, Netflix and 100's of other FREE Channels on a Samsung, Vizio, LG, SONY - they
all own Entertainment Divisions. Not promising as even "No time to Die" will never reach $1Billion
in No Tickie No Laundry Sales.
At Least Bond made $100MIllion in 2019... Yeah, it's 2 years later and a dud.
Perhaps a rebranding with an APE instead of Popcorn would save this Hot Mess of Debt, Delusion
and Yolo. You only live once, as far as we know, but you can die the death of one thousand cuts
repeatedly - they call it "Life"...
Convert Theatres into encampments with a Tropic of Cancer theme and free Day-old Popcorn.
Turn those Projectors back on... Yeah, Naw, it's over.
Good work Chimps, the Blimp is on fire and going Hindenberg....
"Oh the Humanity..."
Thanks again for the Entertainment Jungle Co.
Taper Comments Effects - Ape Mode Should be ExploitedRight or wrongly, as soon as the word ' taper' is announced, or even eluded to - the market goes into Ape mode and trades axiomatically - in full Ape mode it means:
- Sell SPY
- Buy DXY
- Sell commodity currencies.
Tapering is actually positive, so in effect the right thing to do if you don't want to scalp the short Ape Trade, is buy at lower levels particularly instruments like the SPY where you can build a position over time - the best of both words: timing the market and time in the market!
PS. you don't need to be an Ape to know what the Apes will do. Just need to be their to exploit the phenomenon.
AMC breakout rejected, trading in down channel... for nowSo AMC looks like it has failed to break out of its down-channel, I hope to pick up AMC around $23 before it gets squeezed into a symmetrical triangle from the trend line going back to the sym formation at the start of this year, which led to the parabolic move up to $73.
I think we need to complete this triangle pattern before another parabolic move up, we have a few converging signals here:
- Meeting the 200 day MA which is skipping along the trendline nicely
- November 8's earning call which will hopefully give us some good news regarding BTC acceptance in theaters.
- And hopefully the end of all the Covid lockdowns, and theaters back open.
I included a bar pattern of the last move up here, with a fib retracement from its correction. If we hit that 3.618 fib up there at $541 it will be party time baby!
So long-term bullish here, although I hope the masses demonstrate diamond hands through the shakeout!
NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE - You should commit the time to do your own research before investing in anything!
AMC - Another Gamma Attempt on 39 CallsCall Buyers greatly reduced the Call buying activity in AMC, which has been
the mode of operation for the WRR Gamma Squeeze.
AMC now favors BTC, salacious job Management.
We have Sells staggered from 38.50 thru 42.50 for
an accumulation of 5K to 41, 8K to 42.20.
Good "Luck" Monkeys. No one is going to the Moovies...
No one.
Alex is back, ready to relieve you of your Capital.
xoxo - Hunter Killer
AMC - Will the Moneys Fill Us to 41? Get in Gear.After the usual non-sequitur responses...
Idiocy reigns supreme in the Jungle.
We patiently await the promised "SQUEEZE"
Remain in SELL to 41.
Prey/Predator thingy.
We eat Apes, not Bananas.
Monkey see, Monkey doo not working out at the moment.
Seems to be some trepidation in the Jungle.
You Jane, Me Tarzan.
George of the Jungle trade drags on... unreal.
Just buy this JUNK UP monkeys.
We want these fills dammit.
Quit Monkeying around.
AMC - a $1 Equity - Tick Tock, actually Pink Sheets 24mosWell it's time once again to review the Great APE escape.
On any level, AMC is a Degenerate Gamblers paradise for Wall Street.
A simple review of Reddit Former Bag Holders clearly voices that the
vast majority chasing this FUD was beaten with the UGLY STICK while
chasing highs.
Fundamentally AMC is I N S O L V E N T. Broke, Bankrupt, Debt Laden
and Ticketless SCAM.
Whoever buys this as a HODL.er - well you dear "Speculator" - 110%
deserve to lose it all, UNLESS of course, you exit in profit.
The rest will be History.
$5.4 billion in debt , have a look at the repayment schedule and please explain
how on earth or the moon for that matter, AMC will ever repay their Debt.
Ticket Sales are non-existent, a mere 2% of what they were pre-Pandemic.
Over-priced Movie Food has declined by over 57% in less than 18 months.
So clearly, Revenues are not going to asssit.
$2.02 billion in cash, a Hoard made from Swapping shares with Apes.
Genius on their part, they won, Apes lost on balance to the tune of 90%+.
Wall Street and Insiders cleaned your accounts.
Solid as it ever was. They take your money and you pretend they did not.
Again, see Reddit, 20X losers to winners.
So, how bad is it at AMC?
AMC revenues fell 88% to $162.5 million, down from $1.4 billion YOY.
AMC losses for the three-month period ending in December topped out
@ $946.1 million, down from a loss of $13.5 million YOY.
Last Q - this speculative HODL managed to lose $567 Million.
This Q, they will lose even more.
Operating performance of a company determines when and IF a Company
goes tits up or survives.... NOT SHORT INTEREST.
Shorts do not ever have to cover, the much anticipated Short Squeeze to
Bankrupt Hedge Funds is A S Y M T O T I C. The probability is near ZERO.
Apes like those odds... so be it.
BTW - how long has the MOASS been touted by Social Media Deviants
been promoting this inevitable event? Might they profit from doing so
and what are the odds they well may be in it on it?
Fundamentals always matter bro, it's us Apes kicking ass and negating
those funnymentals. Telling ya Bruh, they don't matter, we do.
No, it is not. That is delusional.
You are Short, you are the enemy.
No, we are your enema, the level of rationale ass kicking
which is deserved.
Blackrock is a "Large Hodler" !!!
No, and neither is Vanguard, utter BS. Review their holdings
and get back to me. Then realize Dark Pools love, love, love
AMC Derivatives.... LOVE THEM. It's free money for them.
They can spook the market at a moments notice.
AMC is plaything for BR & VG.
Apes can't fathom they have harmed a Company they claimed to save...
They saved AMC... bro.
Actually, it is exactly the opposite. BY creating a speculative environment
with immense Volatility - No Partner will ever step in to provide much needed
Capital to AMC.
You all keep shooting yourselves in the D_ck.
We'll take the SELL ANY DAY.
AMC - Banana Daiquiris for SELLERsOnce again, AMC begins the all important test of Support.
It will fail.
This Bankrupt J U N K has little support immediately below.
The Apes will begin to panic this week, creating a Vortex of
Selling pressure unimaginable to most.
Diamond Hands turn to dust, paper HODLers will jump ship
and that will send Price well below the most recent lows.
Chopping along at lows, ready for the break.
31.88 lets go and let the games begin!
AMC - Pump - dump to 28.32 next.Have to hand it to the determined Apes.
They believe their own narrative - TTM.
The banter is entertaining at minimum.
"Better Cover"
No, no need.
When you execute a trade plan, everything
is preset:
Including drawdowns.
The first rule of Management...
Enjoy the daylight while you can... the shadow pool is a comin.
Correction inbound?In 2008 over leverage of 440 billion, to todays (2021) 900 billion.
2008 inflation rate 2021
May 4.2 April 4.2
June 5.0 May 5.0
July 5.6 June 5.4
August 5.4 July 5.4
Sure just numbers right? Lets look at the months prior to the big change
2008 2021
January 4.3 January 1.4
Feb 4.0 Feb 1.7
March 4.0 March 2.6
April 3.9 April 4.2
The percentages in 2008 were slow yet very high. In 2021 we went from one extreme to another.
Banks selling assets, at an unfathomable amount and rate
** reverse repurchases exceeding 1 trillion a day for the second time this year and will probably do so again today
SEC, DTCC, and SSTC passing rules and regulations at an unprecedented rate
Massive amounts of covid-19 relief money infused by new investors Crooked brokerages working with one of the largest market makers who now know your every move.
Naked shorts, and meme stocks. Failure to delivers
US 10yr rate approaching 1.0 return
0.608 - 1.778
PRICE 99 1/32
Please add if I am missing any other signs that point to a 20 to 30% market CORRECTION ( Not a bear Market).
All of these things and if you look at the SPY Chart, even when nobody was working and freeways were dead and police officers were stopping no one from speeding, the SPY chart looks like a ramp Evil K'nevil wouldn't jump from.
Let's also remember we have 10.8 million US households that are going to be affected by the rent moratorium expiring on 08-31-21 with a congress that is adjourned for the next 7 weeks ( I want seven weeks off) . That's 1 out of every 6 renters ready to be evicted from their dwellings.
Also we have debt ceiling about to be breached.
An Explanation of the Symmetrical Triangles and Price TargetsGME is currently in a pattern known as a symmetrical triangle in which, following a move (up or down), there is a battle between bears and bulls to establish dominance on the market. We'll focus on a symmetrical triangle that starts with a move up like GME , but the same applies to a move down, just vice versa. This is visualized on a chart as a move up followed by a series of lower highs and higher lows which form two converging trend lines that form a triangle shape. As far as market psychology goes, this represents a few things. You should know, three parties are usually considered in market psychology analysis of individual securities, but four parties are considered when there is an influx of people who were not previously involved in that market. I think in GME 's case we can say that there are four parties. Those parties can be identified as bulls, bears, undecided, and uninterested. The uninterested party becomes interested, and therefore accounted for in analysis, when there is a lot of attention surrounding a security. The move starts with a lot of volume (which is relative, but mostly can be based on the average volume over a long period) as a result of a shift or reversal in sentiment and newfound attention on that security. The bullish party increases their position as their bullish thesis is proven correct. The bearish party closes their positions (and may even reverse their position to bullish) once their bearish thesis has been proven wrong. The undecided party becomes decidedly bullish. And finally, the uninterested party becomes interested and bullish.
Following the move up, buyers and sellers are going back and forth increasing and decreasing their entry and exit points which creates a series of peaks and troughs. At the first peak, where the triangle starts, there has been bullish sentiment because bears realized they were wrong and the stock is getting attention because of the price increase, so all parties have turned bullish. GME is a tricky case because there probably would have been continued bullish sentiment if there wasn't interference with the market, but even though the price action has been interfered with, the chart still paints a picture of market psychology for us - whether it's unprecedented or not. At some point, the stock will hit the bulls price target and they will start selling their shares for profit (and possibly reversing their position to bearish, but this is less likely in a market that's trending up). At this point, bears take over and start shorting again, bulls become dormant until they see another price they like, undecided parties may stay undecided or move with the trend, and uninterested parties are again no longer interested or are also moving with the trend. This process continues in a series of a total of 5 peaks and troughs (combined) to form a wave (this ties into Elliot Wave principles, but I'm not well versed in that yet). Each peak will be lower and each trough will be higher as buyers and sellers compete for dominance. In other words, moves up should have decidedly more volume than moves down in a symmetrical triangle, because all parties have turned bullish where the opposite is not true for moves down. The overall volume from the beginning to the end of the triangle should also decrease. Symmetrical triangles are intermediate patterns which means they typically last 1 to 3 months. In the event that the patterns continues past 3 months, if the volume profile is still indicative of a continuation, the breakout will likely be more significant.
During this 1-3 month period, the breakout generally occurs between 2/3 and 3/4 of the overall length of the triangle starting from its beginning (the base) to the point where the trend lines converge (the apex). If there is no breakout by the time that 3/4 of the triangle has passed, the continuation pattern weakens and it becomes more likely that the sideways trading will continue. If there is a break out, it's generally on higher volume than the past 10 days and in what's known as a gap up, or an opening price one day that is much higher than the previous days closing price. There are a few types of gap ups, but we'll focus on breakaway gaps because that's what we're dealing with in this instance. A breakaway gap typically occurs when breaking through or out of a prominent support, resistance, or pattern. The breakaway gap indicates the start of a strong trending move, is typically a large gap, and the price tends to follow through in the gap direction over the next few weeks. In order to confirm a gap up, you want to see increased volume and you absolutely do not want to see that gap filled in the following days. We just had a gap up to break out of the symmetrical triangle in GME and we partially filled it, but have not filled it all the way. If the gap is filled it usually indicates prices will go lower. Now that we've broken out of the triangle, the upper resistance line will likely become a prominent support line. So if the breakaway gap is filled we can expect a bounce somewhere around $195. If it's not filled, we can expect to continue moving higher to the price targets set by the symmetrical triangle. There are a few way to set price targets, but two methods are most common. The first is to measure the height of the base of the triangle. Use that same height going up from the breakout point to determine a price target to be met by the apex of the triangle. The second method is to draw a line parallel to the triangle's support line. Your price target will be where that line ends at the apex of the triangle.
The end of the symmetrical triangle is on 11 June and my two price targets are $588.87 and $634.24. I'll post the chart now so you can see that this is a nearly perfect symmetrical triangle continuation pattern that follows every single one of those parameters that I just explained. This is a very high accuracy pattern.
BLACK BERRY - BUY - SILVER BACKS - Incoming ^Well as many have seen lately these reddit stocks such as GME, AMC continue to surprise institutional investors
Reddit traders and people all round the world seem to have discovered a loop hole in the financial system
if it makes money, I'm in too seen the performance of these WSB stocks short squeezes and was amazed the moment it began to rise
Expect to see many other reddit stocks behave unfamiliar, I'm buying into ( blackberry ) very soon you will see.
Black Berry continues to make enterprise grade mobile devices much like the infamous bb curve from May 3, 2007
BlackBerry provides enterprises and governments with the software and services they need to secure the Internet of Things.
BlackBerry has transformed itself from a smartphone company into a security software and services company.
We're "Dumb Money", so why are we up 2,200%? 🧐💰Every time I hear "Fundamentals" being thrown around on Citadel-owned main stream media and news articles, I have to laugh. I buy another share. I get APEISH. 🦍🌕 This is simple supply and demand. As we see here, the ape gang is diamond-balling it to 60, a well-known resistance and we're about to smash through! If you check there is strong consolidation between 57 and 60, which is good for us. I smell a gamma squeeze comin' (how do we know? Look at the options chain and check the IV for how ppl feel about the stonk, demand is going 🆙).
I like the stock the more I run into other apes. What we're experiencing is the market discovering new price action like a free market should. Other growth stocks have been so removed from fundamentals for a long time. And yet on the news its used to villify the retail trader. What a JOKE. LOL
Holy diamond balls, Batman! AMC is on the money! 🚀🌝AMC is moving in beautiful form! Look at this buying pressure! The area on the 50 SMA was starting to show signs of buying pressure, and here we are bouncing at 60. I am beyond blown away at this, and all I had to do was use my fUnDeMeNtALs to see that AMC is going to the moon! I'm buying more shares, I am an ape after all! 🦍 🚀🌕
GME gearing up for more upsideAs predicted in my older posts, GME is now nearing the completion of the Cup and Handle pattern. This is very bullish, and indicated that it is ready to continue its long term upward trajectory.
The long term trend we see with this pitch fork from the ATL to first peak and next low outlines that we should be expecting another test of the top of the 1x trend line at around 760 to 800, and after that, we could even see a run to the 2x trend line like in January at around 3000 to 3200 within a months time. This is the best case scenario.
I consider this trend invalidated if we fall below the purple zone between 90 and 80.