"Moon At Zero" ETH"Moon At Zero" is one of @NasserHumood most valuable indicators. When used with some common sense one can count the bars manually from phase to phase for clues.
For instance, counting 2 bars unto the next moon at zero dotted line presently with back data observation reveals with 95% repeated consistency what has happened in price.
One can then begin to observe the market conditions when consistent patterns are invalidated 3-5% of the time and compare to current market season.
When You Want To Accumulate BTC 2022/2025Please observe the historical consistency and accuracy of the colors. Unless for some reason history won't repeat this time - the best and lowest price to wait and accumulate Bitcoin for the 2025 Bull Peak will most likely be in October/November (blue lines).
TIME FOR SHIBAI want to publish my time (ASTRO) with you for first TIME , as you see the cycle is repetition correctly but sometimes it takes long time than pervious cycle but its repeat please not that time and use it for your chart. I HOPE this time + your strategy can help your trade better than past and cause improve your JOB for trading. //THIS IS A LIGHT//
it takes time for me about 3 years about 18 HOURS to find out how to they works. please have a study and improve your strategy... don't be disappointed, I lost my shoulder and eyes for this way. NOW I understand that how to work and use cycle for my strategy by MR GANN strategy. The STARTS ARE NOT LIER, Trust ME. Have fun DUDE...
Reversal for the altcoins on the 16th of mayhey what's up traders I hope you're doing well despite the BlackRock/Citadel sponsored attack on LUNA.
Considering the fib levels of the fib circle based on previous critical resistance we just exited the bearish 2.618 and should start a more bullish phase.
There is even a bullish ABC wave showing a possible reversal for the altcoin market if it finds its new support around these prices. If we follow the fib circles on the 29th of August I would guess the top will be in and on the 8th of November the lunar eclipse will influence the altcoin market so that a bearish reversal is likely to happen.
On top of that astrology and the moon will be on our side during its lunar eclipse on the 16th which means we should expect a market reversal +-1 day from the 16th.
BUT the mad instability worldwide is so uncertain that it is primordial to only put money you can afford to lose. If things continue as it is we should see an economic collapse before the start of June.
These are only my own insight based on data I've got and the status of actual geopolitics so always DYOR to get other data points so you can make the best possible decision.
So that's it for today mates I pray for you all and until next time ! :D
Gann Dates EthereumMAY/6 : one eight of the year
JUNE/20 : two eights of the year
AUGUST/05 : three eights of the year
SEPTEMBER/19 : four eights of the year
NOVEMBER/03 : five eights of the year
DECEMBER/18 : six eights of the year
FEBRUARY/01 : seven eights of the year
MARCH/21 : one full year cycle
Ethereum May 2022The price has fallen below key percentage levels as well as important angles which historically means a revisiting of lower levels levels. Historically during this phase of the cycle, BTC/ETH have reached its lowest point in November between Mars heliocentric reaching 0 degrees Taurus and Gemini.
However, the price has fallen into that period with peaks and valleys along the way, or sideways consolidation with minor variable increases and decreases.
So many square aspects and eclipse periods approaching middle of May is reason to tread with caution.