Party City - Stop, He's Already Dead!Party City has become a perfect example of going quietly into the night. Despite the immense amount of trouble the company is in, and their constant and predictable death spiral, the lack of volume goes to show that the market hasn't noticed Party City on death's doorstep.
- Helium supplies being limited means that medical tech companies receive first dibs, leaving retailers like Party City scrambling to find a way to stay afloat (pun intended).
- Financial stress from the retail apocalypse and having Amazon as a competitor left the company far too weak to incur a financial trip-up such as the helium shortage.
- Short interest of 39% made stock buyback attempts laughable and gave little leeway against the consistent downward spiral.
- Irregular price boosts leave short sellers with plenty of opportunity to swing trade, with just enough volume on the options chain to make a consistent profit.
- Long term bears will flourish on the upcoming earnings report in November, which will only further reiterate what the market has seemed to ignore among trade war fears and index volatility trades.
Current price? $5.00 a share. My personal price target? $2.00 by Halloween.
Lifetime opportunity, soon Bankruptcy, short with PUT options!!It's time to talk about the story of a decade!
It is now clear, that General Electric has been cooking it's books for years now!
Says Harry Markopolos, a legendary whislteblower, who runs a finical fraud detection company, famous with him exposing Bernie Madoff and his Wall Street firm Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, a hedge fund that turned out to be a giant Ponzi Scheme!
The company is allegedly lacking 39 billion in cash, that being a conservative estimation, covering up it's losses with sophisticated accounting and it's organizational structure!
I am long PUT options on the 2.00-1.5 level with 4-6 moths expiration, and will be adding to the portfolio each month!
When the company announces it's bankruptcy the stock price will go below the mentioned levels, ideally to a couple of cents per share!
A MASSIVE opportunity with 1:100/ 1:300 returns, as the put options on these levels are currently worth almost nothing!
even if the odds of it going bankrupt is 1:2, the risk return ratio is just mind blowing!
It is important to note, that I am taking 4-6 months as an average for the previous cases of such fraud detection, like Enron and WorldCom, which both went bankrupt within 4 moths after the exposure!
S NYSE:GE o I am just being on the safe side here, being up put options with further expiration each month!
It does not matter how the stock's price behaves during these 4 months.If it goes up, take it as the opportunity to double down on your PUTS position.
$SHLDQ Soars to New Highs as it Gears up for a Massive RecoveryOne thing is known. SHLDQ Chairman Eddie Lampert and his Hedge Fund ESL held commons, and therefore voting rights. Owning 70%+/- is more than huge, no one could take over the company without their say so. To say that commons will not survive is somewhat ludicrous. Why would Lampert cut his own throat? Commons have voting rights and thus, he controls the company’s actions win or lose.
So, bottom-line:
1) Commons are safe.
a. They will be exchanged for NEWCO shares
b. Should be on a 1-1 ratio, but who knows
2) 375+/- stores will be liquidated to pay down debt.
3) 425 Surviving stores will make up the “New” Sears
4) June POR to be released
5) Debtors will be paid as assets are sold off and revenue comes in
This is jmho and how I see things evolving. Sure there can be and will be changes going along the way, but again, the hard part is done…Lampert and ESL survived the biggest holocaust they ever faced.
6) A Hedge Fund, Fairholme, owned by Bruce Berkowitz holds mount beneficially owned:
Fairholme Capital Management, L.L.C.: 3,900,408 (3.6%)
Bruce R. Berkowitz: 4,578,440 (4.2%)
Fairholme Funds, Inc.: 2,774,489(2.5%)
Other institutional shareholders:
There are about 30 million public float.
Here is a comparison study between WMI and SHC Bankruptcies:
1. Both Companies have hired Weil, Gotshal & Manges - experts in protecting the NOLs/ Tax Attributes and in Reorganizations.
2. Both Companies sold substantially all of their Assets in Bankruptcy. WMI sold its Bank WAMU to JPM and SHC just sold all of its Operating Stores to ESL.
3. Both Companies have/had significant NOLs. WMI had $ 7.5 B in NOLs and as of Feb 3, 2018 SHC had $ 5 B in NOLs with an additional $ 1.9 B in Losses in the 9 months following Feb 3, 2018. That would be $ 6.9 B in NOLs as of Nov 3, 2018.
4. In the WMI Bankruptcy over 90 % of the reorganized Common Stock were issued to the Preferred and Common Shareholders. After WMI was emerged from Bankruptcy as WMIH with the limited remaining Assets, the WMIH Stock traded in the .50 range and then eventually increased to about $4.00
5. $WMIH was eventually merged with $COOP to utilize $ 6 B in NOLs which is trading at $14.70
6. It is my opinion that it was the $ 7.5 B in NOLs that saved the WMI Preferred and Commons. And I think that the same event could happen with the SHLDQ Commons.
Is is good to sell XEM now?!Buying coins with good news always lead to losses.
Let me explain why:
Good-great-exited news coming from projects always when price peaked or heading to overbought areas and gives short-term small profits.
Remember WAVES
Remember TRX
Remember XRP
Remember XLM
But for common investor-long-term-trader it gives loss.
What about coins with bad news?
Let's figure out with XEM trade.
Price can go to previous lows near 800 level, so control you risks if price go below 900.
And spam some bad news about XEM in comments;)
Good Luck and Have Fun!
$SHLDQ Major Future Dates Predictions and TakeAways TP $4.50I have taken a large position on Sears going into the Sale hearing on Feb 1st after a revised bid was submitted today for $5 Bil, giving it a valuation almost 100x the current Market Cap. I do believe the stock should more than likely do at the very least 3x the current PPS and at the very most 9x the current PPS going into the Sale Hearing.
Here's some info I found on another case for Lampert which makes a very valid point:
"$GGP the same scenario happened there many were against Lampert debtors and creditors and was fought legally, the judge eventually sided with Lampert and the offer was accepted commons were not wiped out and many who held made tons of money selling at $29 bucks from a position of .65 cents
The price started to go up slowly before the offer acceptance and once it was accepted we got to $2 dollars and by the time they got out of bankruptcy it started to move and in less that two years or so I cannot remember exactly we were in mid twenties lots of money was made.
I repeat not once in legal disclosures or security filings has sears ever mentioned anything about commons being cancelled.
There is always a disclosure when companies file for bankruptcy, they disclose this very clearly that they do not expect commons to survive. Why then are insiders still holding their common shares?"
Insider Ownership:
ESL Partners, L.P.
156,380,740 (1)(2) 73.4 % (3)
65,015,615 (4)(5) 37.3 % (6)
SPE I Partners, LP
150,124 0.1 %
SPE Master I, LP
193,341 0.2 %
RBS Partners, L.P.
156,724,205 (1)(7) 73.6 % (3)
ESL Investments, Inc.
156,724,205 (1)(7) 73.6 % (3)
44,629,752 (5) 29.0 % (8)
Edward S. Lampert
156,724,205 (1)(7) 73.6 % (3)
Important Future Dates:
• January 11, 2019 (10:00 a.m.): Hearing on Stalking Horse Designation Objections and on objections to the qualification of any Credit Bid by affiliate or insider, if necessary.
• January 14, 2019 (10:00 a.m.): Auction held at Weil offices, if necessary.
• January 16, 2019: Target date for debtors to file with the Bankruptcy Court the Notice of Auction Results and to provide the applicable Counterparty with Adequate Assurance Information for the Successful Bidder (if different than the Stalking Horse Bidder)
• The later of (i) January 24, 2019 and (ii) eight days of filing of the Notice of Auction Results and Service of the Adequate Assurance Information: Deadline to object to (i) the proposed Sale Transaction for a Successful Bidder (including a Stalking Horse Bidder), (ii) Debtors’ proposed Cure Costs for Proposed Assumed Contracts not included in any Stalking Horse Bid, (iii) the assumption of and assignment to a Successful Bidder that is not a Stalking Horse Bidder of any Proposed Assumed Contracts or any Contracts or Leases that may later be designated by such Successful Bidder for assumption and assignment, and (iv) conduct of the Auction
• January 29, 2019 (4:00 p.m.) or two days prior to the Hearing Date: Debtors’ deadline to reply to Sale Objections
• February 1, 2019 (10:00 a.m.): Sale Hearing
Sears is a 126 year old corporation and the pioneer of many things we have today in retail. I do believe the company and commons will be saved either through Lampert or a buyout from another organization, maybe one of the many insiders who still have a majority stake in the company where they can offset the price of buying it out with the dramatic increase of the PPS from this level.
I am Mid to Long term depending on how the PPS plays out and the price.
$HMNY THERE IS NO BOTTOM FOR #MOVIEPASSTOXIC POS TURD BANKRUPTCY Just a few names to describe this decrepit dumpster fire. There is no hope, flee while you still can, don't even try to catch it for a deadcat bounce, all bounces are bull traps, repeat after me ALL BOUNCES ARE BULL TRAPS! Play at your own peril. If you do have the funds however by all means go short, its totally worth it :-)
$BIOAQ News Drops Stock with A great chance for a Major Bounce $BIOAQ's stock dropped more than 90% today presenting people who had not gotten in the play yet a chance to play a major swing trade for the potential of 200% or more ROI.
Here's why: Many people are suspecting Rick the current CEO to have gone rogue and put out a false PR today given that the company has been in the process of finding bidders to buy it. The PR put out today only has contact info for Rick and all PRs before had contact info for $BIOAQ also the PR stated the company is still in the process of finding buyers to save it giving a two week timeframe from now. Which means in the next two weeks (If the PR is even real and from the company directors and not just something the CEO put out himself without the other directors permission) buyers should be flocking back in taking it up to at least .045 or even .05 with an anticipated high of maybe even .06 if the FOMO is good enough. That being said the news as bad as it was wasn't the worse possible news the company could have gotten, it basically says there is a chance of saving it still, so the drop today was a major overreaction as is expected down here in the OTC.
This morning's Press Release:
BioAmber Provides Update on Sales Process
Jul 30, 2018
MONTREAL, July 30, 2018 /CNW Telbec/ - BioAmber Inc. (OTCPK: BIOAQ) announces that the current stage of the Sales and Investor Solicitation Process (SISP) has concluded without an acceptable offer having been received from a Qualified Bidder as of the due date of July 27, 2018. The company will now seek to obtain court approval to pursue liquidation as well as alternative offers in order to realize the greatest value on behalf of its creditors.
Moving forward, subject to the approval of the court and with support from its monitor or receiver appointed by the court, the company intends to:
•solicit liquidators to bid on the acquisition and disposal of the company's assets, including the Sarnia plant;
•continue to actively engage with Qualified Bidders and other interested parties to determine if, and under what terms, a transaction that would result in the continuation of the company's operations is still possible.
We estimate this process will be conducted over an approximate two-week period with a target conclusion date of August 14. The company will engage with Maynbridge Capital, its interim lender, and all other secured lenders to determine the best going-forward strategy.
"We are clearly disappointed that the Qualified Bidders did not place an acceptable offer for Bioamber," stated Richard Eno, CEO. "We will continue to be actively engaged with potential investors to seek an acceptable transaction and avoid the liquidation of the company's assets. Most importantly, I'd like to thank our dedicated and highly capable employees for their outstanding service to the company."
Potential investors can contact Richard Eno in order to express interest in acquiring the assets or investing in the business.
Note that there can be no guarantee that the company will be successful in securing further financing or achieving its restructuring objectives. Failure by the company to achieve its financing and restructuring goals will likely result in the company and its subsidiaries being liquidated. Liquidation will almost certainly result in no residual value for non-secured creditors and equity investors.
$SHLD A Downside Opportunity You Don't Want To MissJust like many of the Texas Shale oil companies during the oil downturn with massive debt, Sears is what we're calling "Walking Dead" of the retail industry. The recent rally of price has likely come from many of the shorts closing their positions at large profits, and the huge drop has come from professional and retail traders alike identifying an opportunity to ride the price downward.
This stock is the definition of high risk on either side, so the best play is a long term option spread; enter the December strikes.
If you missed the last week's signal, then have no fear. As of now, if you were to sell the December $11/12 call spread, you have a 70% chance of making 30% Return on Investment/Risk (ROI/ROR) for 8 months of waiting. That's pretty good odds and not a bad return for less than a year's work.
Check out more from our homepage...#StayFriendly
August 12, 2016
Shares of Ocean Rig UDW Inc. ORIG, were nearly halved in premarket trade Friday, after the oil services company said it would continue to explore reorganization strategies that could include bankruptcy given the continuation of "extremely negative" market conditions. The company said late Thursday that oil companies continue to reduce their offshore budgets, the floater rig market is expected to become even more oversupplied than it already is, and a recovery may not occur for several years. "We continue to explore and consider alternatives, which may include a possible reorganization under US bankruptcy laws or another jurisdiction, so that we can ride out this very difficult cycle with feasible prospects for strong, long-term success." The stock plunged 61% ahead of the open.