And just like that, Sangamo $SGMO is back at ATH market capSangamo Therapeutics is committed to translating ground-breaking science into genomic medicines with the potential to transform patients’ lives using gene therapy, ex vivo gene-edited cell therapy, and in vivo genome editing and genome regulation.
Still holding on!We entered CGEN last week hoping for a rise to 15. The biotech sector (IBB) was breaking out and our model was picking up a potential reversal signal. So far the trade has been flat to down. We will be stopped out on any close below 12 but for now we are holding strong.
Ingenuity Trading Model is an algorithm used in- Stock, Forex, Futures, and Crypto markets. The model is a Geometric Markov Model : Focuses on reversal and continuation wave structures
In probability theory, a Markov model is a stochastic model used to predict randomly changing systems. Markov Models are used in all aspects of life from Google search to daily weather forecast. The randomly changing systems we focus on are the equity, futures, and forex markets. The geometric element of the model is the fractal sine wave structure you can find on any chart you look at across any market and across all time dimensions.
Our model focuses on the current sine wave formation (current state)- geometric price formation along with its volume and volatility over a given time period and using that information to predict the future state- future price movement. For questions or more information feel free to contact me in the comment section or via private chat. To view the entire portfolio and track our performance visit our site.
Vaccibody $VACC leaping to ATH after releasing #Covid19 Data Vaccibody reports promising preclinical data with a second-generation COVID-19 vaccine and announces its infectious disease strategy
● Vaccibody demonstrates promising pre-clinical data with its second-generation COVID-19 vaccine candidate, VB10.COV2
● VB10.COV2 induces rapid, strong and long-lasting neutralizing antibodies and multifunctional, dominant CD8+ T cell and Th1 CD4+ T cell responses in mice after a single dose
● Vaccibody will present the pre-clinical data and its broader infectious disease strategy during a webcast on Friday December 11 at 10 am CET
Example of a failed Model reversal signal It was a big biotech week with many signals including CGEN, SEGN, BMRN but this one failed to hold. No Model is perfect and anyone who isn't trading with a rules based model will always underperform in the long run. No strong emotions for winners so the same must be applied to losers. We will certainly get another shot at this.
Ingenuity Trading Model is an algorithm used in- Stock, Forex, Futures, and Crypto markets. The model is a Geometric Markov Model : Focuses on reversal and continuation wave structures
In probability theory, a Markov model is a stochastic model used to predict randomly changing systems. Markov Models are used in all aspects of life from Google search to daily weather forecast. The randomly changing systems we focus on are the equity, futures, and forex markets. The geometric element of the model is the fractal sine wave structure you can find on any chart you look at across any market and across all time dimensions.
Our model focuses on the current sine wave formation (current state)- geometric price formation along with its volume and volatility over a given time period and using that information to predict the future state- future price movement. For questions or more information feel free to contact me in the comment section or via private chat
MSB - Updated AnalysisI hope you find my analysis useful.
From what I can see, price seems to be holding within the trend channel (bullish sign)
The moving averages are beginning to cross, and as you can see in the past, when that occurred, price rose (bullish sign).
Price needs to hold above the lower trend channel and break past the .786 fib to confirm bullish price action.
Stock is very news sensitive, price may rise in anticipation of an announcement and come crashing down if the announcement is lackluster.
Trade with caution, but from what I'm seeing, right now is a good time to either average in or enter the trade for a decent risk-vs-reward scenario.
*Not financial advice*
*Just my opinion*
*All investing and trading involves risk*
Moderna says they have a vaccine, ask for emergency approvalModerna announced today it would request the United States & Europe an emergency authorization for their vaccine. If my sources are correct.
As usual most of the mainstream media are unable to relay the information correctly, according to them the demand has already been made some posted at the same time say "will", and some only mention the FDA (the US one).
From their own site: "FDA has told Company to expect VRBPAC meeting for mRNA-1273 likely on December 17, 2020"
The FDA is the very competent very legit administration that authorized the Redemsivir after all of the final results (showing how bad it was) had been published, reviewed, circulated...
"These risks, uncertainties, and other factors include, among others: the fact that there has never been a commercial product utilizing mRNA technology approved for use; the fact that the rapid response technology in use by Moderna is still being developed and implemented; the safety, tolerability and efficacy profile of mRNA-1273 observed to date may change adversely in ongoing analyses of trial data or subsequent to commercialization; "
"In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as “will,” “may,” “should,” “could”, “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “aims,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “predicts,” “potential,” “continue,” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. The forward-looking statements in this press release are neither promises nor guarantees "
Sell hype, but hey, make sure you are covered.
The price gapped by 13%, went up 4% 2 minutes after the announcement, is up 50% in the last 3 days.
Moderna investor news release is 50 lines long. Investors of course also read the latest 10Q published the 30 October available here and 400 pages long:
Impressive! These investors are very fast readers!
"We are expending significant efforts to further the rapid development of this potential vaccine and expect to continue to do so over the next 12 months."
Authorized and distributed by december? 12 months? Distributed, maybe obligatory, still in development? These words should not be in the same sentence.
Hey maybe I am just a plebe and it is typical for this to happen, I really need a medical advisor at some point. Dad! He sells pills and vaccines for big pharma, perfect candidate.
If (jk there is no if) - When I get rich I will need advisors in all areas I just cannot deal with that much info and misinformation, and correlations, and risks, and so on.
Hey and rich people will be able to afford real science and real medical treatments while the plebes get the untested vaccines with coinflip long term effects.
They are turning healthcare into a consumer thing, it is not about healing the sick but distributing (for a cost) supplements and medications and prevention vaccines to everybody.
I do not know if this will, or can, continue. Medical doctors are against (I think) turning the population into drugged zombies. The sheep well I am not sure about the sheep, I think the "silent majority" just obeys and follows no matter what - this is what they have done for all of history.
If they make progress to sell products to make people that go into old age have better quality years then it could work out but still not sure because those that cannot afford it are not going to accept this, people see healthcare (at least today) as a basic human right.
Anyway let the fomoers and gamblers fomo and gamble, I strongly think this is very very early, and the worse the greedy corporations and their liberal-bourgeois buddies in governments behave (how they handle this vaccine for example), the longer it will take for people to forget and the biotech bull market / revolution to comeback and go up. People have goldfish memories so it won't take an entire lifetime either, 5 to 20 years to complete a bear market then start an uptrend. Well too many variables, we will see later, for now we observe and wait. Let's see what happens with this new tech.
The biotech revolution (crisis, collapse, rebuilding)Hello
I still think the next bull market will probably include biotech, high tech, renewable energy.
After a violent bear market there might be a new peak civilisation, in the past they all happened during climatic peaks (Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, Europeans/British empire), I do not know if the cause was rather the heat or the CO2 itself.
Now the roman republic had those big socialist issues, the assassination of Caesar 1 year after he reduced the number of romans on bread welfare (conspiracy theory, his position surely has not helped) and then after civil wars here comes the Roman empire, 17 years after Caesar assassination so ye it might take a while. The roman empire peak is considered to be around 250 AD, but we are not after the peak we are after catching the uptrend early on.
Right now I only see very short term speculation as making sense. It could be 3 decades or more before getting real investments, things take a great amount of time.
Pretty sad we'll all be old by then. It could come faster, in particular from the emerging world.
Scientific research is very correlated to GDP, and looking at the number of papers published we can see the US continues to lose dominance, and all european countries and Japan are not in an uptrend, while China, Iran (yes Iran), middle east & african countries are on double digit growth. Another reason than GDP is westerners (and japanese) are encouraged to work in finance & business (the best ones I mean) whereas in poor countries their best most shiny glamorous goal is PHD and such.
In France since the 1790s (the revolution) universities got destroyed and rebuilt, and the best students go to "grandes écoles" (tertiary education schools) that mostly creates managers & engineers. When I was a student the word "university" really had a smell of poop and all the double digit IQ trolls that smoke in class and don't care go there. Populist/socialists want "equality" and "no discrimination" and "everyone welcome" (zero selection) and so on so universities stay trash. The revolutionaries were so mad they chopped off the heads of many recognized scientists (Lavoisier worked as a tax collector and back then people really hated taxes they did not ask for more).
US universities are an absolute joke as the world must have learned by now. No selection, no elitism means a decline in quality. Gender studies, wokism, politicized science and dogmas do not produce progress, actual science does! The UK seems to be the same.
On top of universities being absolute crap in the west (France since the revolution, UK & US since what... the 2000s? It was a progressive decline), the people that make the decisions do not bother reading papers with a critical mind, you got actual doctors that would much rather read the newspaper, if me an engineer specialized in electronic payments that gambles on currencies can read those papers and in at most a few hours figure out the basics about specific issues they should really be able to. And these authorities are completely disconnected from reality, anyone that disagrees with anything they say no matter how idiotic it is gets called "conspiracy theorist", they are stuck inside the most ridiculous dogmas.
On that subject, to make things more "practical", here is a great example:
=> "Authorities" step their foot down and angrily claim that genetics is not essential and funding should go to a more immediate need which is aids research because "wE hAvE tO sAvE LiVeS" (typical politician argument with work with the 100 IQS and does not let people disagree with, who would say "no let's leave them to die we have more important things to do")
=> Genetic research comes up with a cure for Aids.
=> 🤡
Did these politicians get held accountable? Of course not! Half of them are dead, most of the other half is now doing something else, the public has obviously forgotten and does not even understand any of this anyway. This is very real. And it is a big deal.
One other issue with healthcare is the horrendous economic model.
The grandchildren of singers will own the rights I don't know 70 years later but hey, someone makes a great discovery and first it costs a fortune to get an authorization (making sure only very big centralized companies can afford those) then "bEcAuSe hEaLtH iS nOt FoR pRoFiT" I think they have 5 years (don't quote me here) to sell it before all the generic treatments can come. So the business plan is broken. Then you have all these old medications (Chloroquine...) that are cheap and no one wants to experiment on them, big pharma won't because they won't get their money back, and the government won't because as they have proven for the past 10,000 years they are useless and terrible and slow.
In the US since the recession (2008) workers have gone from mostly working in small businesses (it lasted for generations) to mostly working in big or very big ones, and covid is the euphoria in this bubble with small and medium sized businesses dying and huge ones making record profits. So the entire capitalist system is bound to go boom.
More specifically, in the domain of health the whole process has to be reworked. Hey, and who created all the problems once again? This duhsdhjing government!
It's always their fault. Everything is entirely their fault ALL THE TIME. And we really have reached a point where they are complete sheep and idiots that get their info from the freaking media, from some idiot that thinks a lost plane might have entered a black hole is their source. You thought they were getting super military grade data? Hahaha no they get it from some biased newspaper that has no clue what they are writting about. At that point they are even recruiting representatives by placing surprises in Christmas crackers and mentally disabled people that struggled to wait tables end up in congress.
Another issue is accountability, french government say they'll pay for vaccine secondary effects so first of all the people that produce those do not do that much testing, second governments either, and third there are I think about 100 official (god knows how many unofficial) cases of people with very bad secondary effects from the H1N1 vaccine and none has gotten any of the money promised by the governments that would "cover" for the pharma industry (eager beavers, I wonder how many of them laughed and belittled skeptics also calling them "antivaxxers", I might be an idiot "antivaxxer" but I don't randomly drop down and sleep in the middle of the street so who's the idiot now?). They're pushing now what is not just a new vaccine but a entirely new tech, as interesting as it is just... mass vaccinating people with something entirely new is as stupid as it gets call me anti-vaxx all you want history will not be kind to them. Vaccine, or any medicine is just like an investment, if the risk reward stinks you avoid it. (Theorical example) Taking a vaccine that kills 5 in a million and cripples 100/1 million to prevent an illness that kills & cripples no one is idiotic.
Science in general has been a hoax, or a religion if you prefer, for a while and the public is only now hearing about it, so things might actually start to move.
Of course today's useless politicians have done nothing about it they are even a major part of the problem and they will pretend to be the solution after the lowest of the low dumbest "dumb money" is aware of the issue. We're talking ripple investors at that point, even ripple investors understand at least healthcare is in a crisis.
There is a problem with who is getting the financing (the dogma sheep not the innovative free thinkers), how the info is distributed (decorated genius gets censored, dum dum parrot gets broadcast to the world), the rights to medication or call it intellectual property, the accountability of secondary effects.
I do not know biotech very well, and it might be way early (or not, I have no idea), but I am sure of 1 thing I will get my info from innovators at the forefront of progress not from broken media that can't even repeat correctly 10 years later.
Unless we fall into complete communism and as long as these issues I described (the economic model) get improved - this can take a very long time and I do not know how to predict how long it takes for the info to reach certain people's brain - there will be a phenomenal expansion in the healthcare business.
Even if the west goes insane, the world is not restricted to it. Let it decline, the Middle East & China will take over.
It may take time but we are not in antiquity anymore, it could go very fast, still as Warren Buffet so wisely said some things cannot be rushed it still takes 9 months to get a baby from a woman, but hopefully the whole process will take less than a century.
I wish I could find a good chart on Roman gdp/capita to see how fast it went up and so on, wouldn't that be great, please let me know in the comments if you have one. All I know is Egypt & Italy were rich, Gauls were poor plebes, and the rest was in between.
The contaminated blood scandal, the thalidomide distribution scandal (called a wonder drug at the time), they are going to look like minor boring stories compared to what is coming. The entire system is broken. History will not be kind to the dogma people, and I will be proven right as usual :/
Buy Signal: 13.04Ingenuity Trading Model used in- Stock, Forex, Futures, and Crypto markets. For Stops and overall trade management join the club.
The model is a Geometric Markov Model :
In probability theory, a Markov model is a stochastic model used to predict randomly changing systems. Markov Models are used in all aspects of life from Google search to daily weather forecast. The randomly changing systems we focus on are the equity, futures, and forex markets. The geometric element of the model is the fractal wave structure you can find on any chart you look at across any market and across all time dimensions.
Our model focuses on the current wave formation (current state)- geometric price formation along with its volume and volatility over a given time period and using that information to predict the future state- future price movement. For questions or more information feel free to contact me in the comment section or via private chat
Entry of the gladiatorsWonderful bullish news! There is a vaccine. The economic activity can soon go back to normal. The question now is how do we make it obligatory?
Crazy antivax conspiracy theorists are saying that because it is a rushed & untested vaccine and entirely new technology that affects ARN and contains heavy metals that can breach the blood-brain barrier we should let people choose if they want to take it. Haha ridiculous, they probably think the earth is flat am I right? We have no other choice, if we do not all take the vaccines millions will die, they do not only put themselves at risk by refusing to take it but they also put others at risk.
You know why we can trust pharmaceutical giants even though there is a major scandal every 2 weeks where they caused harm to make money?
Because there are now laws that make them immune against any consequences if there are long term negative effects.
Isn't that great? So now they can work with a clear mind and only focus on producing a vaccine as fast as possible to maximize profit without having to worry about any annoying long term side effect!
And officials clearly have our best interest at mind even though they might have a few millions in conflict of interests.
Why do I know this? Well the fact that Philippines have kicked out and want to punish Sanofi for selling to them an extremely dangerous & inefficient vaccine against Dengue, while the European Union have fully allowed this vaccine which we'll have the pleasure to get access to if we get a Dengue outbreak in Europe because they do not believe in conspiracies and want people to be healthy.
Of course Ursula has our best interests at mind. So does Joe. The Philippines are just conspiracy nuts and anti-China racists obviously.
Ok yes, every single child out of hundreds that took the Dengvaxia dropped dead and so what? Never heard of coincidences? Just because there is a correlation does not mean there is a crazy conspiracy theory silly. Children die all the time in the Philippines as it is a third world country.
People are losing their minds simply because Germany has passed an infection protection law, ridiculous, they say it reminds them of the 1933 enabling act.
It's not the same silly, it is called "infection protection law" not "enabling act to solve the distress of the people", see? Entirely different.
Schlomo Goldstein is hiding in a cellar; this is insane! People have gone completely paranoiac! And they don't believe in science and facts but primitive conspiracies. Schlomo should get on that train for his own good. The stories that "people are never seen again" and "the german government is sending all jews to concentration camps", how crazy does this sound to you? How can people imagine such insanity?
Independent fact checkers have been to Auschwitz and Dachau and gave these vacation camps a 5 ✡️ out of 5. The official claim from our independent fact checking sources is "The vacation camps of Auschwitz and Dachau are wonderful places and all of our independent fact checkers financed by facebook had a great time there, we are giving them a full recommendation".
See? There is nothing to worry about. We are on our way to a great time of peace, prosperity, and health.
Titan Biotech above Rs. 300++ My target for this beautiful and undervalued stock Rs. 300++ in next few months. Once Nifty corrects, this is the stock (monthly chart is good). And strength vs Nifty 50 is good too. If this sustains we can easily see the Elliott wave 3 ending at about Rs. 322.
What are we talking about?
Target Rs. 300++
That is 140% profit - are you with me?
Elliott wave 3 (Monthly Chart) - can touch Rs. 300++ in next 3 months (may be earlier)
Follow me for more ideas like this!
Amgen Nears a Death CrossMany stocks have hit new highs this month, but Amgen isn’t one of them.
The biotech may be showing signs of topping out. The main thing jumping off its chart now is the falling 50-day simple moving average (SMA). Current prices have dropped back to the 200-day SMA. If the trend continues, it could produce a “death cross.”
Next, why is AMGN’s 50-day SMA falling? The reason can be found on October 8 when a potential heart drug failed to reduce death in a phase 3 trial. Its partner, Cytokinetics , lost more than 40 percent of its value on the news.
Third, AMGN’s last peak occurred at almost exactly the same price around $241 where it ended 2019. It’s back in negative territory YTD and at risk of potentially bearish window dressing into December.
Fourth, stochastics have been overbought -- even as the stock made a lower high versus early October.
Finally, relative strength has been poor in big pharma. Most of the gains in health care lately has been in HMOs, hospitals and medical devices. For an example of the weakness, just look at Pfizer or Gilead Sciences. Even with Covid products, they haven’t been able to advance.
Investors should always be wary of stocks falling when the market’s rising because it can foreshadow broader distribution.
TradeStation is a pioneer in the trading industry, providing access to stocks, options, futures and cryptocurrencies. See our Overview for more.
Vaccibody / Genentech deal closed #biotechVaccibody announces the closing of the worldwide license and collaboration agreement with Genentech
All antitrust contingencies required to close the agreement with Genentech, regarding the development of individualized neoantigen cancer vaccines, have been satisfied
Oslo, Norway, November 06, 2020 –
Vaccibody AS, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery and development of novel immunotherapies, today announced the closing of its exclusive worldwide license and collaboration agreement with Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, following expiration of the waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended.
As announced on October 1, 2020, Vaccibody and Genentech have entered into an agreement for the development and commercialization of DNA-based individualized neoantigen vaccines. With the expiration of the HSR Act waiting period, the agreement is now effective and Vaccibody is entitled to receive USD 200 million in initial upfront and near-term payments.
Under the terms of the agreement, in addition to the USD 200 million in initial upfront and near-term payments that Vaccibody is entitled to receive, Vaccibody will be eligible to receive up to a further USD 515 million in potential payments and milestones, plus low double-digit tiered royalties on sales of commercialized products arising from the partnership. Through this partnership, Genentech and Vaccibody will progress Vaccibody’s investigational product candidate, VB10.NEO, into clinical trials in the U.S. and in Europe. Following completion of a planned Phase 1b trial, Genentech will have responsibility and bear all costs for clinical, regulatory, manufacturing and commercialization activities.
About Vaccibody
Vaccibody is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery and development of novel immunotherapies. The Company is using the Vaccibody technology to generate best-in-class therapeutics against cancers and infectious diseases with a high unmet medical need.
Vaccibody is developing cutting-edge, targeted DNA vaccines for clinical use, based on a deep understanding of immunological principles. Vaccibody’s vaccines specifically targets antigens to Antigen Presenting Cells (APC), which are essential for inducing rapid, strong and specific immune responses and elicit efficacious clinical responses. By intelligent design, Vaccibody’s vaccines can be tailored to induce the desired immune response profile correlating with protection for each specific disease with any given antigen. Hence, the Vaccibody vaccine platform has the potential to address many disease areas with a high unmet medical need such as cancer and infectious diseases. Vaccibody has collaborations with Roche and Genentech, and Nektar Therapeutics and will pursue further collaborations and strategic partnerships to maximize the value of its technology platform.
Vaccibody’s shares are traded on Merkur Market, a trading platform operated and wholly owned by Oslo Børs ASA, the Oslo Stock Exchange.
Further information about the Company may be found at
Genmab $GMAB all time high after Q3 earnings beat #biotechNovember 4, 2020; Copenhagen, Denmark;
Interim Report for the First Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020
Novartis granted U.S. FDA approval for Kesimpta® (ofatumumab) in relapsing multiple sclerosis
Janssen and European Myeloma Network achieved positive topline results from Phase 3 APOLLO study of daratumumab in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma
Janssen was granted U.S. FDA approval for DARZALEX® (daratumumab) in combination with carfilzomib and dexamethasone in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma based on Phase 3 CANDOR study
DARZALEX net sales increased 35% compared to the first nine months of 2019 to USD 2,937 million, resulting in royalty income of DKK 2,898 million for the first nine months of 2020
Genmab (GNMSF) commenced binding arbitration of two matters under daratumumab license agreement with Janssen
Announcement of plan to transition Arzerra® (ofatumumab) to an oncology access program for chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients in the U.S.
“Genmab continued to deliver on the promise of improving the lives of patients, with multiple regulatory milestones for Genmab-created products under development by our partners, including the exciting U.S. FDA’s approval of Kesimpta and the 8th U.S. FDA approval for DARZALEX,” said Jan van de Winkel, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of Genmab. “During the first nine months of 2020, with our solid financial footing Genmab has continued its focused investment in advancing its proprietary antibody product pipeline and building its capabilities as we evolve into a fully integrated biotech.”
Financial Performance First Nine Months of 2020
Revenue was DKK 8,067 million in the first nine months of 2020 compared to DKK 2,405 million in the first nine months of 2019. The increase of DKK 5,662 million, or 235%, was primarily driven by the upfront payment from AbbVie pursuant to our new collaboration announced in June and higher DARZALEX royalties.
Net sales of DARZALEX by Janssen Biotech Inc. (Janssen) were USD 2,937 million in the first nine months of 2020 compared to USD 2,168 million in the first nine months of 2019, an increase of USD 769 million, or 35%.
Operating expenses were DKK 2,641 million in the first nine months of 2020 compared to DKK 1,943 million in the first nine months of 2019. The increase of DKK 698 million, or 36%, was driven by the advancement of epcoritamab (DuoBody®-CD3xCD20) and DuoBody-PD-L1x4-1BB, additional investments in our product pipeline, and the increase in new employees to support the expansion of our product pipeline.
Operating income was DKK 5,426 million in the first nine months of 2020 compared to DKK 462 million in the first nine months of 2019. The increase of DKK 4,964 million was driven by higher revenue, which was partly offset by increased operating expenses.
Genmab is maintaining its 2020 financial guidance published on August 20, 2020.
Ultimate LONG - The Biotech Bubble Bubbles are natural & good until everybody talks about it.
Didn't hear of anyone talking about it, so its a good time to make call - THE NEXT BUBBLE WILL BE IN BIOTECH (if we IGNORE EV and SPAC's ofcourse)
My bet is:
1. small cap bios could double-tripple from here.
2. heavy names could get +50%
Too much money, to few shares & good companies.
Wedge setup: Pre-R/S #VolatilityWatchI’m sharing this as an impromptu for this upcoming weeks Earnings regarding what stock looks like pre-R/S, being this severely damaged. I look forward to seeing how management goes forward with addressing the company’s current financial state.
Technicals :
- Stock at bottom of wedge = Bullish, for bounce play, especially “good” on news.
- Weekly RSI “oversold”
- Trend lines converge into end of November. If we don’t get all news next week, likely test local ceiling/ floor by EOM.
Why? :
After several offerings and uncertainty due to loan covenant EYPT had made with CRG, Eyepoints stock price has been devastated. (Don’t forget covid). EYPT has upcoming Earnings on November 4th and had previously promised data on anti-vegf treatment “EYPT 1901” by October, 2020. With November and election days away, it is my belief that EYPT management/ BOD are waiting till next week to give news in hopes of catching good news pump from The company update in hopes they can serve Investors a side dish of R/S (Reverse split) to help EYPT meet listing requirements and to set themselves up for their next offering they’ll need - unless the company had some miracle blowout quarter., that is..
Furthermore, with rates as low as they are and as mad as it may sound, we may see them leverage the current low rates to keep cash afloat, as borrowing is currently very cheap.
I’m sharing this as an impromptu for this upcoming weeks’ Earnings and * hopeful * news regarding what stock looks like pre-R/S, being this severely damaged, and with supposed upcoming FDA filings. I look forward to seeing how management goes forward with addressing the company’s current financial state and using this data to help future financial decisions.
I am not a financial advisor. This is not a buy/ or sell recommendation it is to be used for educational purposes only.
Healthcare Critical LevelTechnical Analysis
The 200ema has been tested several times, and has worked very well as a mid-term support level.
Risk reward ratio is easy to set-up with a 3:1 ratio approximately.
Sector & Industry Analysis
It is important to note that the industries inside the sector have different performance, which has been very useful to analyze what the market thinks of the risk of healthcare with the election coming up.
The following list is the Healthcare Industries with a 6-month performance % move, as well as a some good ETF to follow/trade:
Healthcare Technology --> +56% // have not found appropriate ETF.
Biotechnology --> +21% // XBI (smaller biotech), IBB (large-cap biotech), ARKG (genomics)
Healthcare Equipment --> +19% // IHI
Healthcare Providers --> +5.51% // IHF
Pharmaceuticals --> -1.3% // IHE
ALRN Weekend Data CatalystALRN had some weekend news. Will be interesting to see if it can break above a near-two-year resistance level. I didn't show it all the way back to November of 2018 but if you take the chart out further, you can see this level holding as resistance.
"Saturday, the company announced new positive clinical data from its ongoing Phase 1b trial. The trial demonstrated clinical proof of concept that treatment with ALRN-6924 prior to second-line topotecan administration resulted in a protective effect against severe anemia, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia. This was in patients with p53-mutated small cell lung cancer. The results were featured in a late-breaking poster presentation entitled, 'Prevention of Chemotherapy-induced Myelosuppression in SCLC Patients Treated with Dual MDM2/MDMX Inhibitor ALRN-6924.'"
Original Quote Source: 5 Penny Stocks On Robinhood To Buy Under $2; Are They Too Risky?