BTG Ready To Move Bitbay had insane buy volume recently but I know its probably fake, US Investor so my only option is HitBTC. Wedge has formed nd compressed price to the end. Stochastic RSI is 25 & 27 so certainly could lose momentum. However we had a wick to .24 at the beginning of the month. Will the bulls take us there?
Why Governments and Banks will be KILLING their currencies!Before I begin my discussion on Inflation and Deflation, I want to preface by saying I still expect the US Dollar will be going higher, and this will exacerbate the world's problems. This is linked below.
Of all the questions I receive regarding economics and monetary policy, the question on what is inflation and deflation, and why it is important, is at the top of the list.
This blog post will dissect what inflation and deflation really are, and why governments and central banks love inflation…while hate deflation (albeit discreetly perhaps).
Remember, now a days, inflation and deflation have a lot to do with the funny money policies of the mercantile/keynesian school of economics…which are socialist in nature as they encourage big government and government playing a large role in the economy, to a point where they manage it and we get no true free markets.
So, the common definition of what people are taught about inflation and deflation are:
Inflation is when cost of living and prices of things go up.
Deflation is when cost of living and prices of things go down.
What are inflation and deflation really?
Inflation is when the currency of a nation weakens, that it now takes more of the weakened currency to buy something.
Deflation is when the currency of a nation strengthens, that it now takes less of the stronger currency to buy something.
This is actually pivotal right now for the US-China trade war. According to Keynesian economics, a weaker currency is great for exports, while a stronger currency is bad for exports, since nations will look to buy from the cheaper nation. China likes a weaker currency, which they actively manage, as a way to boost their exports. What they really are doing though is they are importing inflation, making it look like their economy is growing, while exporting deflation, making the other nation, in this case America, appear as if their economy is not growing. This is why China is labelled a currency manipulator as the Chinese want to keep the currency weak compared to the US Dollar. To be honest, every nation does this although they do not say they actively intervene with their currency like the Chinese.
So why inflation?
Why do central banks (western) want to target 2% inflation a year? Why do they want to raise living costs by 2% a year?
First and foremost: Inflation is Taxation.
The more expensive things get, the more tax revenue can be collected by way of sales tax and property tax etc. Something your politician that says they want to lower costs will not tell you…especially when government is large and bloated and has many social programs to pay for which requires tax revenue.
Inflation is also largely psychological in nature. It can get to an extreme point where people lose confidence in the government, banks and fiat money where we get hyperinflation as people distrust the further and extreme devaluation of the currency they are supposed to use.
When a central bank sets up an inflation target, they expect that people will say “oh man, I need to spend money now otherwise things will get more expensive next year and going forwards”. This is a way to encourage people to spend money and boost the economy. It gives the impression the economy is improving so people and business’ will spend money. Interestingly enough, at the most recent Fed meeting, Fed chair Jerome Powell talked about aiming for 3% inflation targets…attempting to spur people and business to spend money.
Inflation is great for business’ (and government) because they can borrow money to invest and payback with cheaper dollars. Let’s say rates to borrow are at 3%, and inflation is at 2%. In real terms, rates are 1%. Going forward, you will be able to payback your debts with cheaper dollars.
Western governments have a lot of debt. They want to use inflation to handle their debt loads. This is part of the reason why western central banks are cutting interest rates. To weaken their currency (inflation) so people and government can payback their interest payments with cheaper dollars, and service their debt. You can read my reasons on why central banks are cutting rates here.
This of course really has not have the effect it was supposed to have. A lot of people and business’ know the real economy is not improving. It really has all been financial engineering. It is a better bang for your buck as business to borrow money for share buybacks than investing it into the real economy by building factories and hiring new workers. All funny money.
So deflation. Why, might you ask, do government and central banks not want to make living costs and costs of things cheaper?
Very simply: Because government has not found a way to tax lower living costs….although the socialists are saying this can be done with the green taxes: tax for breathing, km driven, empty rooms, and quite frankly, a tax for just being human.
Psychologically, deflation makes it appear the economy is worsening. It can be a self fulfilling prophecy. If people know things will be getting cheaper going forward, they will wait for things to get cheaper before they purchase it, especially assets and real estate. People do not spend money, business lose money and cannot make profits, and you get a recession.
We have seen this recently in Japan and Europe. Where they have had constant deflation, where in Japan, many have become renters because they get no equity in their home, and the home loses value or stays the same year by year. To get some sort of inflation, they have resorted to negative interest rates, forcing people to pay the banks if they save money rather than spend. They thought people would spend since they are losing money in real terms.
The central banks cannot admit their funny money policies have failed, they say they have not cut deep into the negative enough, nor did they devalue the currency enough. Digital money will be coming as it will force you to keep money in the banks and pay them monthly for doing so. One can say that the people of Japan and Europe have lost faith in the central banks and their funny money policy.
Once again, this is all to do with the mercantile/keynesian soft money regime of economics. With soft money, government and banks can devalue currency for policy purposes while it generally hurts the citizen in the end.
We are at a period where central banks have run out of tools…besides lowering rates further negative and adopting digital money.
When central banks received this power to devalue post 1971, central banks became powerful, and the press conferences have turned into the media circus’ they have evolved into today. They are rock stars and have immense influence.
Just want to end with a quick thing regarding Paul Volcker who was Fed chair between 1979-1987 and passed away at the age of 92 a few weeks ago. Before central bankers became rock stars, and we did not have funny money. Mr. Volcker had to rent an apartment in Washington when he took the Federal Reserve Chairman job…his previous job as New York Fed Chair paid more than the post in Washington. His wife had to go back to work in order to live comfortably. A true civil servant.
When money and producing money becomes easy, you get people flocking to finance and banking. Banking then becomes the largest part of economies. Pre-1971 and in a hard money system, most bankers and traders needed multiple jobs to support themselves.
GOLD & BTC Could they meet at 1800?This idea many BTC fans will hate. If you don't think this can happen you are not thinking outside the box enough. We are heading into the year of the Digital Asset Market. I find it funny that people are saying BTC to 100k ! BTC to a million! in less than a decade..sorry but I don't see it! it took a half a century just for rare relic coins to hit numbers that high. I can see BTC hitting those numbers but not anytime soon. Maybe so for my kids or by 2050. Afterall we will be towards the last 2% of mining bitcoin from 2040 to 2050 ya? Correct me if im wrong but someone told me this. That the last few percent of BTC will take almost 10 years to fully mine out the algorithms. This could give us one hell of a parabolic move upward on BTC in a couple decades from now.
2010 - 2020 : A new market begins to sprout
2017: People become aware
I see 2020 - 2030 : the new market is born and begins to crawl
2030 - 2040: 2nd Deca wave now we are walking
2040 - 2050 : 3rd deca wave now we are running
Be prepared for the worst but take opportunity where you see it and when you can afford is no longer just about is about mergers and acquisitions and new roads for the new technologies we are using today.
GOLD is grinding up slow. Has been since 1200. It is possible we can see these two markets merge on a defined price zone giving people a choice...OLD GOLD or NEW GOLD ...OR....BOTH?!?! But it seems to me 1800 - 2000 would be that marker zone where we see gold and btc begin to flow similar in price and direction through new asset vehicles that are being added into the markets today. Remember correlation does not mean causation but these two can dance together if the world is viewing bitcoin like digital gold. As old and new paradigms join together and merge. I expect blood to be shed across markets during these changes.
Accept ideas from everyone's perspectives. Communicate with professionalism and help each other understand that the "crypto market" has become the digital asset market now and those who pull the strings are also lacing them.
I will buy GOLD after it corrects and BTC if we hit 1800 again. That area looks like the perfect opportunity for me if we see a cross-road.
As always trade safe. manage risk. peace love trade.
Will gold & BTC hit 1,800 -2k together?Interesting perspective here...
I wonder if gold and BTC will define on the same price range.
TXTbook structure on XAU broke range. Now I expect us drip a little more if we can't break the coil. Especially if we head back up on the DXY and it starts to fall again.
Step into my time machine by observing historic growth on assets. Observe BTC and XRP fundamental growth. If you are a gold trader here is your gold chart as well ^_^ alongside a PERSPECTIVE that gold and bitcoin are zooming in together from opposite directions. What if we valley down on BTC back to that 1800 basement zone and we see gold hit the same zone in the next decade?
Is this a far fetched idea? You tell me. Lets have a conversation about it! Keep your mind open you never know what can happen in these markets during a changing point of history!
As always, trade safe, manage risk, peace love trade.
Your song to go with this idea:
How I trade? My Trading Portfolio!I made a poll asking traders this simple question: "Let’s imagine - you have 10 000USD capital for trading or investing. How will you manage this sum?"
with the options like:
- I will trade in Forex
- I will trade/invest in Stocks
- I will trade/invest in Crypto
- I will split my capital among different markets!
I’m very glad that 33% of traders picked the 4th option. They understand that trading in different markets provides more opportunities and lower risks. Of course, it is possible to trade only in Forex, Stock, or Crypto markets. But the diversification plays a very important role in trading.
I would like to share with you my portfolio and shortly explain how I trade in different markets.
I use auto trading (trading robots and copy trading) for Forex. This market is very good for auto trading because of good and cheap infrastructure. I started from Forex, but now I don't like it too much. It is not so good and simple for manual trading. It takes a lot of time and effort to search trading opportunities and monitor markets which are available 24/5. Robots and copy trading allow me to get trades in auto mode, and I don't need to spend time for active trading. Some interesting trades for the long run, yes. But day trading in Forex - no, thank you!
I invest in Crypto. This market was too good for active trading in 2017. It became not so good for trading in 2018. In 2019 it provided amazing buy opportunities for long term trading. Crypo is also a rather manipulated market, and I would like to use high timeframes to avoid weird movements.
Stocks trading is my love. I tried before trading stocks with CFD. But the real stock trading it is really another planet. I started trading in the real stock exchanges several months ago, and I think it is the best place for manual trading. There are thousands of markets where you can trade using different trading strategies, approaches, and styles.
Maybe you think it takes too much time for trading in several markets.
If you plan your work properly, if you combine different tools and trading styles - it is possible to trade in different markets even if you are busy.
I have a lot of work, but in spite of this fact, I could create a portfolio based on different markets and involve all tools which help me to manage this portfolio in a simple way.
Such an approach allows me to make my trading stable, and I don't risk too much. If the crypto market becomes boring, I don't care. I have trading opportunities in Forex and Stocks. If in Forex I face with drawdowns, I also don't care. I have crypto with good trades for the long run and Stocks where I use medium and long term trading.
I have the variant of the portfolio, which provides me everything I need for successful and stable trading in the long run.
And what about you? Please share your variant of portfolios in comments below this post.
The Tale of Two DollarsThe US Dollar is getting a lot of discussion in the financial media, in politics, by billionaires, and by a lot of market participants and fund managers. For good reason: it is the reserve currency. Ray Dalio has been speaking about world powers and reserve currency status for quite sometime. His ‘paradigm shift’ and us being in the 7th inning of a debt crisis, has been raising a lot of heads. Human history is cycles of hard/stable money and fiat/soft money. Many reserve currencies begin with hard money and then shift to soft money where they inevitably decline. Perhaps the Byzantine Solidus being the most resolute of them all, and maintaining hard money throughout their time of empire.
Recently, Ray Dalio warned: “In my opinion, we’re near the end, in the late stages, of our reserve currency system – it’s a fiat monetary system. Not only do we have negative rates, but we’re going to have much bigger deficits…and that’s not half the story. Because the larger story is the unfunded liabilities…those are pension liabilities and debt liabilities.”
If you follow my work this is what I have also been speaking about regarding economic history and principles of classical economics. Central Banks are stuck because we are at the end of this soft money cycle. Digital will be a way to keep this going which I have wrote a lot about.
This means the US Dollar should have your attention. It certainly has mine.
The Dollar is important to what is occurring currently and where we are going not only economically, but geopolitically. I have spoken about Russia and China attacking US Dollar demand. I will discuss more on this further below.
Let’s look the the DXY. For those that do not know, the DXY (pronounced ‘Dixie’) is the US Dollar Index, what many people use to ascertain US Dollar strength. It is the chart I have at the top of this blog post. There is one issue with the DXY. It is heavily skewed to the Euro in terms of weight:
As you can see, the Euro makes up over 50% of the DXY composition, meaning any moves in the Euro currency, will affect the Dollar. This is why the DXY is seen as the Inverse of the EURUSD. It has an inverse correlation, and traders us a break in one as a confluence for the break in the other.
The Japanese Yen, British Pound, Canadian Dollar, Swiss Franc, and the Swedish Krona make up the rest of the DXY.
A lot of people have given their opinion on why the Fed is cutting rates. Are they cutting just for caution as Fed chair Powell makes it seem? Is it to meet inflation targets? By the way the Fed is considering moving their inflation target to 3% to make up for ‘missing’ inflation in the past and opens the door for further rates cuts in the future. My readers know where I believe rates are going.
So there are 3 reasons on why the Fed is cutting rates:
1) Perhaps they know a recession is coming (inverted yield curve) and are cutting to prevent this. They have been saying they are cutting in order to prolong and support this economic expansion…
2)To handle the debt load of the US government and the consumer really. An article just came out showing that world debt is now at a record 250 TRILLION. To put this into perspective, the total world economy of the 193 or something countries in the world is just under 90 trillion (around 88 trillion). Again more debt is required to just sustain where we are currently. Cutting rates allows the debt to be serviced and helps out the consumer who are already up to their heads in debt. Again the way the media sells this is by saying: “Consumer credit is expanding” rather than saying “Consumer debt is at all time highs/increasing”. Notice the difference in mood?
3) Finally, and perhaps the most important and relative to this blog post, is the Fed is cutting rates in order to weaken the US Dollar.
Why? So yes, a lot of central banks are cutting rates, and are trying to weaken their currency to handle their debt and to create a wealth effect with inflation. Essentially to keep assets propped, especially real estate. It will take more weaker currency to buy a home, however, people’s purchasing power does not change. Gives a fake wealth effect. It is a race to the bottom and the Fed is being taken advantage of.
Really though, the world and its problems will worsen and exacerbate with a STRONGER dollar.
Many emerging markets have dollar denominated debt. Since interest rates in the US were low compared to interest rates in their home country, US debt was borrowed. When the Dollar gets stronger, it becomes tougher for these nations to use it and manage their dollar denominated debt. This is the problem that will occur if the dollar is not weakened.
Geopolitically, the Russians and the Chinese know this. I have speculated that they are propping the US Dollar (although they do not need much help; more on why the Dollar will get stronger below). They know the higher the dollar goes more nations will be forced to drop it. Recently, Turkey and India have been buying Iranian oil because Iran takes any currency except the US dollar for their oil. The Indian Rupee and Turkish Lira have gotten decimated due to the stronger dollar. They cannot afford to use it as the Petro Dollar. European nations, Japan and South Korea also did this, but stopped when the US told them to do so.
What this does, is it takes away market share from the Saudi’s. Eventually, if the dollar gets stronger, buying from Iran becomes more appealing and favourable because one does not need to use the US Dollar. The Saudi’s may even eventually decide to drop the Dollar if this continues. President Putin is getting close with Mohammed Bin Salman, and perhaps if he becomes King in the future, he will drop the US Dollar with Russian military protection guaranteed. The Saudi Aramco deal is not getting the bids it wants for their valuation. I would not be surprised if Russia and China have said to the Saudi’s that they will be willing to pay the valuation the Royal family wants, but under one condition: steps are taken to drop the US dollar for oil payments.
This is really why Iran is key for the Russians and Chinese on the geopolitical chessboard. It is their node for de-dollarization. Another node is Venezuela. The Russians and the Chinese have invested a lot of many to bring Venezuelan oil production back to optimal and regular capacity. They support Maduro because I believe their condition is that once this oil comes back online, Venezuela must not accept the Dollar for oil payments. Meanwhile the US backed Guaido would accept Dollars for oil. Interestingly, at time of writing, South America is on fire. Protests in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela of course, and Ecuador. Cannot help but think perhaps it was a way for the US to destabilize this region so it makes it tougher for the Russians and Chinese to operate there, and many nations will then stick with the Middle East and other nations for their oil needs. A tic for tac on the geopolitical chessboard.
Remember, the US Dollar is the reserve currency meaning it has artificial demand which allows the Americans to print as much of it as they want without needing to worry about debt. The French called this ‘exorbitant privilege’. This is why the US Federal Reserve is seen as the central bank of the world, as they can print dollars to bail others out like they did with Europe and Canada during the Great Financial Recession of 2008. If this demand is hampered, all this excess dollars will return and then American debt becomes real and we will see signs of massive inflation (even hyper) due to the confidence lost in the Dollar.
This is why Russia and China are attacking US Dollar demand. Yes, their currencies also will weaken with a stronger dollar. But both nations have a large Gold reserve meaning that even though their currency weakens against the US dollar, Gold priced in their currency increases. This is essentially how the Russian Central Bank fought off US sanctions and has maintained themselves in good shape.
Now you might be asking why is this called a tale of two dollars? Well the US Dollar has made all time new highs…
This is a chart of the Trade Weighted Dollar Index.
This is generally called the ‘second’ Dollar index and is: A weighted average of the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against the currencies of a broad group of major U.S. trading partners.
Broad currency index includes the Euro Area, Canada, Japan, Mexico, China, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Brazil, Switzerland, Thailand, Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, India, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Sweden, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile and Colombia.
As you can see, much more broader than the DXY AND takes into account emerging market currencies which are crucial to understand how the Dollar will wreck havoc on the world.
If you look back on this chart, we have broken above 2002 levels taking us into new highs. This is the chart I believe the Fed accounts for when determining whether they should cut to weaken the US Dollar. As you can see we may have created a some what double top pattern with price moving down recently.
Here is where it gets interesting.
I believe if the Fed goal is to weaken the US Dollar, then they will fail. Why?
The dollar will get a bid due to:
1) It being the reserve currency so it is still seen as the safe haven currency. Many argue if you can even assume this in today’s world but again, the US has the strongest military which can enforce dollar demand if need be, and the reserve status is still intact. If we see unrest and other crisis’ around the world, which I have spoken about on this blog, the Dollar will strengthen. Note, the US Dollar and Gold can both strengthen during a confidence crisis.
2) In terms of the western world, there really is nowhere better to go than the US. The US is seen as the dirtiest laundry in the clean laundry basket, or as Martin Armstrong says, the prettiest sister of the three ugly sisters. The Japanese Yen perhaps? Japan is stable and their currency is backed by their high savings rate, but then again they have negative interest rates. The Swiss Franc? Switzerland is always seen as the safe haven due to their laws, small government, and what I believe to be the real reason the Franc is see as a safe haven: they have a large Gold reserve proportionate to their currency, a some what off the record gold backing.
3) Perhaps the most important, and why the Fed may have shot themselves in the foot attempting to weaken the dollar, is the US has the best yield. If you are a Fixed Income trader say in Germany, you will only buy German Bunds because you think you can sell them to another bigger fool. However, US treasuries still provide a decent yield compared to other western debt. Money will flow into the Dollar for treasuries. Also, with the fact the Fed has made the stock market the only place to go for yield now by cutting rates, money around the world will flow into US stock markets. A trend which will get even stronger due to the fact the US markets have made all time new highs and continue to do so. You will need to buy dollars to participate in this, and I have spoken already on European money coming into the US given the Brexit and broader EU concerns.
This means that the Fed are trapped and will fail in attempting to weaken the Dollar. The outcome can be two scenarios. First, the US actively announces Dollar intervention to weaken the US Dollar. It will not be popular with the people, and if Trump does this, he will guarantee lose the next elections. Americans will wake up to find their dollar and purchasing power has weakened. Other nations around the world holding dollars will become very upset, and the US will lose credibility and allies… which will naturally affect US dollar demand which would mean trouble for the US.
The second scenario is that the Dollar keeps on rising in price that it does worsen the problems in the world and wrecks havoc on emerging market nations. The world will get together and demand action…Russia and China saying I told you so and becoming champions of a multi-polar world. The world then gets together for another Plaza accord where the US Dollar is devalued. It was devalued 40% during the Plaza accord.
This is what I see coming with the US Dollar, and it will affect everything. It is the key for geopolitics currently, and I am expecting a run higher than fall which coincides with the Dollar likely losing reserve currency status.
The Difference between Failure and SuccessHave you ever asked yourself: "Why some traders fail while others make money? "
In this post, I would like to share with you my ideas, which will explain the difference between successful traders and those who lose money all the time and provide the answer to this question.
There is a well-known fact that in the financial markets, about 90% of traders fail, and 10% of traders at breakeven and profitable.
I have been trading for 12 years, and in the beginning, I made tons of mistakes. I was in a group of 90% "successful" traders. I tried to understand where I was wrong and what should I do to get out of such a situation. I have spent years searching for my own path in the financial markets. And one day I realized - there are no secrets in trading. There are no unique and super-profitable trading strategies or tools which will make money for you all the time. The attempt to find something like "Money Button"- it is the path that leads to nothing. You spend your time trying to find something super-profitable, something which will give you only profitable trades, something which will make you rich very quickly. But there are no such tools or trading strategies.
I understood that for becoming a successful trader, I had to change my approach and focus on really important things. What are they?
You should understand as quickly as possible what your goals in trading are? If you like trading as a game, ok - no problem. Play with money but forget about a stable and profitable income. If you really want to become a successful trader and get financial freedom, you must manage trading as a business. You must work and work hard sometimes in order to reach your goals.
You must combine the most important elements of profitable trading, such as:
- Knowledge probably is one of the most important elements of any profitable trading. Without knowledge, it is impossible to become successful in any field. The same goes about trading. It does not mean that you have to learn the whole theory about Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis. It is possible to pick an interesting direction and develop yourself in this direction. Do you like technical tools like line, levels? No problem - learn as much as possible about trading based on these tools. Do you like indicators? No problem. Do the same. Add the knowledge about your favorite trading tools to knowledge about money management and trading psychology, and you will get a powerful combination. Doing it, you will make a huge step forward to your goals - profitable trading and financial freedom.
- Experience is another important part of profitable trading. You must collect your trading experience step by step because it will help you to avoid mistakes and improve your trading. To become more and more experienced trader, you will know better what you can do and what you must not do. Experience, in combination with knowledge, makes a solid base for your successful trading.
- And one more important element which you must have if you want to become a successful trader - it is discipline . You can have the perfect knowledge and amazing experience in trading. You can use the perfect trading strategies. But if you don't have the discipline to follow your trading plan, you will fail. It is just the question of time.
If you get these three key elements, you will make the huge step forward and move to profitable trading as close as possible. The problem is - not many novice traders want to put efforts into getting knowledge and experience. They prefer to follow their dreams about "Money Button" and search for ways which will make them rich very quickly without efforts. There are no such tools or ways.
If you want to become successful, you must work hard to make your dreams come true. The difference between 10% of successful traders and 90% failers is in the efforts they put in reaching their goals.
You want to know "Why some traders fail while others make money? " and the answer is very simple. Successful traders worked hard to become successful traders. Failers want to become rich do nothing for this.
Think about yourself and your trading. Do you want to become one of the successful traders and get financial freedom? If yes, what do you do to reach your goals?
P.S. I know that Tutorials does not have the value on TradingView. But I think we must change this situation. I will be grateful if you support my post by your LIKEs and comments! I don't buy views and likes and that's why your feedback is very important for me! Thank you.
Theory: Bitcoin is a reflection of Gold, it aims to replace it.I believe that Bitcoin (chart on the right) is aiming to replace gold (chart on the left) as it is quite literally the same concept as it (a limited resource that acts as currency). If you look at these 2 charts using a logarithmic chart you will undoubtedly see a resemblance between the 2. I theorize that Bitcoin has been rising at an exponential rate just to catch up to golds current state. The patterns bitcoin have made are extremely identical to golds, the only difference being the time it took for each pattern to form. If both of these currencies end up at the target of $700 then it will confirm my theory.
Currently Gold and Bitcoin are bouncing off of extremely important fib levels and if they continue to move in the way depicted in the charts then they will most likely repeat their past pattern formations (referencing the smaller Elliot wave cycles I have drawn in the charts past data).
I believe however that after they each hit their respective bearish targets that they will then follow up with new all time highs.
GBPAUD looks for directional break of consolidation zoneGBPAUD continues to trade within the daily uptrend, however the market has consolidated at the top of the trend amid Brexit uncertainty. On the shorter term, the chart is posting lower highs and equal lows. We are expecting a bearish breakout from this consolidation area.
Why Bitcoin Will Be Better Than GoldHello Everyone!!!
I am Donald David Dongalore!
Earlier in the day, I had promised that I would provide some remedial education! I am doing this because I believe that there is a lack of literacy, with regard to the cryptocurrency space, in the arena of monetary policy and the effect that meddling with a money supply can have!
To fully understand what is happening, it is imperitive to have a firm understanding of what is so called "hard money" vs "easy money"!
In the chart you can see that as far back as time will allow me to chart is the year of our LordAnneTaylor 1975. Unfortunately this does not allow for the accurate price analysis of Gold in comparison to the United States Dollar prior to thier decoupling by the great and glorious President Richard Nixon, who I'm told has established quite a reputation for watches and sunglasses! How exciting!
The interesting item that I believe I have uncovered here is that when you scale the 21st Century Fox (TM) digital gold i.e. BTC to the origin of decoupling "hard money", we can see that what was once an asset which had appeared to be manipulated through paper (XAU) has done nothing more but grow in value on a consistent basis when compared to the now "easy money" generated by what can be presumed to be the "easy money" powerhouse of the world!
It is interesting to note that this powerhouse of "easy money" no longer enjoys the same prosperity that it once had while following the economics of "hard money" and has since laden its populace with reckless amounts of debt! How enjoyable it must be to live there!
BTC which is growing ever more scarce and difficult to obtain, shares many properties with XAU but has many more features which make it incredibly useful!
Don't invest in "easy money"! It will make you poor!
I don't give advice, but if I did, it would be good.
GBPUSD at short-term supportGBPUSD has fallen from the highs amid Brexit tensions. With no recent developments Cable appears to have put a bottom in place at least in the short term. The trend remains bullish and stochastic as displayed a bullish cross in an oversold market. TPs should be conservative around 1.23.
CADCHF looks to continue downsideCADCHF has pulled back to 4hr horizontal resistance and a re-test of the broken uptrend. 61.8% Fib acts as further resistance. The pair has begun to post lower lows and a lower high and therefore bullish momentum appears to be diminishing. RSI and stochastic suggest an overbought market.
US Equities stalled by Emergency Funding and China Walks AwayThe S&P500 failed to make new highs and rejected previous resistance. You can argue we have a double top here. The trade idea here is to await the break of 2980. Target would be 2940 however pay attention to the flip zone at 2960 zone.
This market wants cheap money. It does not care about forward guidance, P/E ratio's. It wants cheap money to keep the party going. Interest rates are coming down, and when they do, there will be nowhere to go fir yield except the stock market. If you follow my work I talk about the confidence crisis that is coming when confidence is lost in government, banks and fiat money. You can already see the economic, political and social tensions reaching their zenith. Human history is cycles of soft money and hard money. No soft money has ever stood the test of time. It seems we are approaching this situation (Ray Dalio calls it 'paradigm shift') where central banks are out of options.
We saw with the Fed that they cut rates but they need to do it in a way to maintain confidence. In last months FOMC meeting Powell said it was a mid cycle adjustment. Now he wishes he never said that. This week he cited uncertainty and needing to reach inflation targets. They cannot tell you the real reason because they must keep this narrative that the economy is the strongest it has ever been, and the recovery from 2008 has worked due to monetary policy. So much so that the Europeans, Japanese and Swiss are in negative rates!
All central banks are going to inflate their currency. It is a race to the bottom in cutting rates but they must do this while maintaining some narrative to keep confidence in the system. They cannot admit they failed.
So the two major news this week:
1) On Monday we had a repo event. Basically banks were running out of cash and emergency funding had to be ushered in by the Fed. Emergency liquidity. Short term rates went up to 9%...way than the 2% or so of the effective Funds rate. The Fed had to inject more money to keep rates low and keep the system going. The whole system would have frozen. If you follow my work, I have warned that this freeze or credit freeze event is coming. This is how digital money will be ushered in so all money will be tracked and taxed. It is coming.
Our big sign of a market crash is for interest rates to spike with a sell off in the bond/debt market. Yes, the Fed can print money to buy it up...expanding their balance sheet. But then this would lead to a confidence crisis. If their balance sheet expands to a large amount, we essentially go into a socialist/communist system where markets are propped up. Central banks become the buyers of last resort. No free markets. Again, I argue this is happening and we pretty much are in managed/controlled markets now because of all the things that would happen to pensions and the middle class if assets fell.
So the Fed injected through repo over 300 BILLION dollars in 72 hours. This is a sign that the Fed may be starting to lose control of the system and manipulation. What we need to watch for is how long repo takes place. If it stops in a week then it is fine. However, if it carries on for months then we can say there my be a large issue coming.
Well on Friday close, the Fed announced they would continue repo through until October 10th... we can argue that we have stealthily went back to balance sheet expansion or QE. Again, if you follow my work I have said this is coming. They would not call it QE because then people would realize QE in the past did not work and would lead to a confidence crisis.
Again folks this is big stuff.
2) China left the trade table and said they would not meet the US for a deal.
I have said that China can remain patient. They have no election so they can wait for a weaker US President to come to office. The Chinese (and Russians) loved Obama because they considered him weak. They advanced their geopolitical ambitions greatly (really to 'check mate' positions) during Obama's tenure.
It is President Trump who needs this trade deal. He will be the one who needs to go to the trade table and will accept a Chinese dictated deal.
The only things that would change this is the people in China rising up due to food issues. China has been hit by the swine flu and army virus and the CCP is subsidizing food prices, especially pork. If they can't control this for any longer and have food issues, they would be forced to accept a deal.
And also Chinese credit issues. There are problems in China as we have seen. Banks needed bailouts, and now there are reports that pensioners and government employee's in tier 3 and tier 4 cities are not getting paid...some haven't seen a cheque for as long as 6 months. There is also a rumour that China may not have enough dollars to maintain the Yuan at a price they want...that the CCP borrowed money from HSBC and other banks...meaning their 3 trillion dollar reserves may be much smaller than they care to admit.
So again folks expect a lot of crazy news like this to happen. I believe we are in the economic reset. There is also a thucydides trap issue occurring with the US declining and the East rising. It is likely there will be a conflict. 72% of all thucydides trap environments have led to war. I have given my take on Iran as well and why it is important for China, and the US to nullify China's advantage.
So let us look at other US equities and short ideas:
The Nasdaq did not touch resistance at all time highs, but is showing weakness. We failed to make a new higher low and may even have made a head and shoulders pattern indicating a trend reversal is coming. A big support/flip zone here at the 7760 zone. Await to see if we do break below here.
The Dow Jones triggered on Friday, however I do not like to hold positions over the weekend in this environment. We had a nice uptrend with higher lows and higher highs and then began to range before breaking. I want to see how we react on Monday. Ideally await for a pullback or a confirmed lower high swing before entering.
The Russell 2000 as well with a nice looking short set up. We did close below the neckline if you look at the set up through the lens of a head and shoulders set up, but we did break below support. Not the best close so this is one to see how it opens.