BTC - LONG view using FIB channelsEverything's pretty self explanatory, just expounding on previous price action between FIB levels.
Only thing that's eyeballed is the angle of the bear market before returning to the grey line. I found it pretty cool that 100k BTC price was the natural target for both wave B and final price. Maybe 100k BTC will make it easier to price things around.
Bitcoin the rebirth - Road to 20,000 USD by 2021We entered the third era of Bitcoin, the rebirth with an increasing weekly traded volume at 75,000 coins and a succession of RSI overbought levels marking an uprising bullish strength. After settling at the lowest level of the era 3500.0 USD per coin, the crypto is aiming for 20000.0 and upper levels with its third euphoria.
a quick update on #viteThe first thing you have to do about the market and the #positions you are making, try to accept the reality of the market, not the thing that you want to happen!
this is just an idea,not a trading setup!
BTCUSDT, The market is moving exactly according to the analysisHello everyone
According to our last previous analysis of Bitcoin that we published we shown on chart that we need a correction then the price is ready to drop more and reach to the new target and exactly this scenario will going to be happening and now we can say the correction was completed and now we are going to reach to and re-test again the sensitive zone that we shown on chart (blue box 32K) and after this event happen we will update chart again.
We predicted that the price of BItcoin should become to reach to the target of 16 17k because of many reason that we shown everytime in every analysis of it, If you wanna know and learn something you can go and check our previouses analysis.
Good Luck
Previous analysis :
Bitcoin / crypto in trouble Bitcoin so that means all crypto is in trouble
Macd weekly rejected
Bitcoin was held up by China ( now banned)
Tether ( they printed and printed to certain leverage exchanges) that’s stoped due to sec investigations
Don’t believe the “ covid , and war” comments from idiot YouTubers, yes it does not help but allot of the upswing was down to China and tether manipulated exchanges
Can’t see a way back here for a while
BTCUSDT, We can drop more because ...Hello everybody
According to the chart and last analysis and our serial previous analysis always we were told that we should becareful about inflation, why ?
Because when the market wanna go up it should have reason for the movement but in this time Europe, USA and other country impacting to the inflation and the central bank should do something because we are going to have depression inflation and this the point that can effect to all the risky and financial market.
In technical view we expect that when the price can not supported above of the sensitive zone area we are ready to drop to new support zone area and 32K is good place for the price to have some support but our team expect the price can drop more than anyone think because we need more more more fear for the market to be ready to jump .
Zone of 16k to 20K is good place for buying and holding.
Another point and advice for anyone that working in markets is GO AND LEARN AND DO WORK TO TAKE EXPERIANCE THEN TAKE NAME TRADER FOR YOURSELF
Good Luck Guys
Previous analysis :
Can RADIX Pull A Fantom?RADIX (XRD) is DeFi only chain just like Fantom. The project has huge backers, the big dogs and it has a strong community behind. I am not shilling the project, however, this project might have the potential to pull a Fantom like price action by 2023 if you can be patient enough and buy in increments. This is not a buy today get rich tomorrow project; it is rather a mid to long term hold project with a strong community and backers.
Best regards,
BTCUSDT, First scenario activatedHello everybody
Did you checked our last analysis of Bitcoin ?
The price activated our first scenario and if you look at the chart and last analysis the price exactly after the broke its started to have some correction and after the correction will complete its ready to continue its movement to the resistance zone area that we shown it on chart, we expect the price can complete its correction in the zone that we shown on chart and becareful this is just break and until now we dont have any acceptance to ahve a trend but the most important thing is the price if its wanna go up more its need to break the 53k but until this zone its not break the price has a chance to drop more .
If you wanna know about the movement of Bitcoin and learn macroeconomy and fundamental analysis, you check our previous serial analysis of Bitcoin.
Previous analysis :
Good Luck
BTCUSDT, We have these 2 scenariosHello everybody
We hope that you check ou last analysis because this analysis is following our serial previous analysis if you dont understand the movement of price at this time you need to check our last and previous analysis and read the caption of the analysis .
Bitcoin is coming to one of the most sensitive and important zone of this time of history because at this time we have inflation in the world, we are near to new world war, we have loss of food and energy and ... , this zone is important for the price because if it can break this zone the price has the potential to move more upwards and reach to the zone of 53K and if it cant break this heavy resistance the price has the potential to drop more than everyone can think and can come close to 28K or more lower price.
The data of onchain can tell us the whale are in buying and holding but everytime we cant say if we see this sign we can say the price wanna go up because the whale are buying now for example and they do transaction in days later and the onchain data only tell us the transaction not from when they bought.
Only i wanna tell you 2 secret of to be Billionaire : one of them is to observe your capital management in financial market
And the second one is if you dont know what should you do in the market or in the chart at anytime, go and learn and spend your time then you can spend your money for buying anything.
If you have any question or need any help you can ask us
Good Luck
Previous analysis :
ETHBTC, We are going to reach to the resistance zoneHello everybody
According to the chart, as you can see the price its making a upward trend but we need acceptance to have permission to take long position but now we can take short position according to the trend that the price is in it and when the price will reach to the resistance zone (Blue Box) that we shown, we can take short position and wait to see what will happen .
We will try to update update very soon after the price reach to the resistance and give us trigger point for entrance we will update chart soon .
Dont forget use stop loss and observe capital management.
Previous analysis :
Good Luck
BTC - THE LAST TRENDSHello trading friends,
This is an update with the last trends for BTCUSDT.
We have seen the last 24H a stable trend of BTC where it did breakdown to 38500 - from there BTC did increase into a small trend to 39k+ --> and as we did add before - the 40300+ with a time frame will be a point where the uptrend can start - depending on TA.
The last world trends play an important role in BTC change.
Also, it's important to see what the 39900 targets will do - as it's a power trend line. if this powerline play as it should play it can bring BTC to 40300+ on the uptrend point.
For a good chance that BTC will go further into a new uptrend depending on TA - it's important that BTC stays above the whale setups zone.
Know that we are at this moment still into breakdown trend - we will get a new change when we hit the target of 40300+ with time frame.
At this moment we waiting to see or we will get an uptrend confirmation. for daytraders, it could be better to wait for the uptrend confirmation first.
Have a great day.
Give your nice like - if you also trading BTC or studying the trend of BTC.
and if you want to get alerts with the next BTC updates - follow the channel - Thank you
BTCUSDT, This route can becoming true because ...Hello everybody
I did something different in my serial previous analysis of Bitcoin. Did you follow us ? Did you read previous analysis ?
I wanna start today different, do you have any idea about the market ??
Do you have any scenario for your capital ? or Do you have any plan if the market drop from here ? Or Do you have any plan if the market wanna move upwards ??
This is the most important thing that you should write it and schedule it to know what should you do in anytime in anywhere in any price of market.
According to the chart and from our last analysis of Bitcoin that we published we expected that the price should drop because of the kind of movement that is similary to the last movement in a range of trading trendline.
And exactly happend what we should thought and now its time to take decision for the live of market that is now.
According to the heavy movement and powerful candle that bullers made, we expect the price can go up again to re-test the resistance zone that we shown, if the price can break this level it can reach to the new target BUT the chance for the drop is more than ago and the price its ready to have amazing dump from here or from 45K to 31K and then we have some rises in there and again we need to have another big dump to 15k and in there zone its time to buy and hold.
Im so tired to write again the reason why the market should have dump if its wanna be alive for the investor and ...
If you wanna know that, you can check our previous analysis
Paradise is near to us, live the moment and love your loved ones as much as you can
Good Luck
BTC - Depending on TA BTC into new breakdown trend.Hello trading friends,
BTC is in a new downtrend area depending on TA trends.
The confirmation of this area is the 42600 - we should confirm or come to a time BTC will hit this target as BTC is now still above the 43K.
Have a great day.
Manage your risk all time - it's BTC and it can go all sides in the long term.
some can be 10x times right - but with 1 trade losing all - it's all about risk management not to be right or not.
# This chart are not a signal view to go long or short - make always setups depending on your study.
How to Accurately Read My Schiff PitchforkAnother link to the Schiff Pitchfork idea is also below in "Related Ideas" :
I realized that sharing my Schiff Pitchfork idea may not have been sufficient enough to allow others to be able to use it efficiently and accurately. I wanted to make a video that shows people how I use the Schiff Pitchfork to trade and analyze; Along with some extra tips.
The video is 20 minutes, but well worth it and shows my analysis for BTC since I have came back to charting this January 13th.
In related links, you can also find the idea "BTC End above 41,700 potential". That idea shows some of the analysis on the movements during those times.
Thank you for watching the video. I hope you enjoyed it. Stay Healthy and Stay Safe.
BTC - NEW WEEKLY CHART STARTS - WHAT NEXT? Hello trading friends,
The new weekly charts start.
There are many questions like what will the bitfinex whales do at the china time frame - and are we get first some manipulation trends before the expecting ETN target the below 36K
Before the opening of market makers - There will be not a confirmed change on BTC - BTC following also US30 market. --> this all also depends on last news from Ukraine - Russia trends.
One thing is sure coming time is very important for BTC - also depending on last trends of Ukraine and Russia.
Monday is known as an important day for the BTC market.
US30 is still not confirmed for uptrend - what could end today into red trend also.
Depending on the ETN tool - there is expecting for the below 36K market price action.
We are now at an important whale setup zone of 38k+ trends.
Last news from Ukraine - more countries want to accept Ukraine into the EU - which means it could bring new effects to conflict Russia - Ukraine.
Bitcoin is still into breakdown trend TA - even if BTC increases above 38K.
What is a whale setup trend?
A whale setup trend is a place where whales have their orders ready for the time frame - into history trends can this be a point of more breakdown trend.
This update is not a trading call - and always manage your risk.
we know that all sides of BTC are very risky.
These updates were made for 100% spot.
Have a great day.
BTC - ON WHALE SETUP RED ZONE - ETN below 36KHello trading friends,
This is an update for BTCUSDT depending on the last trend.
We are at this moment on an important whale zone - where we did add before about it. see the chart below. 37.8 is an important whale zone.
For more details check the before view.
We are exactly now on the time frame of whale setups - this could bring us to the expecting target of the ETN tool as you can see below 36K trend.
Same time it's BTC - and manage your risk - as there could be more manipulation trends, but even with TA trend BTC entered a breakdown trend - as we did also add before into this chart.
See this chart view as the last trend on live data of BTC - this could change coming time.
Have a great time.
It's not always a must to be into trading, sometimes no trading zone is a good option.
As always don't expect always fast changes - BTC goes on its way.
# This is not a trading call - manage your risks - and know that BTC is into all sides very risky.
BITCOIN DAILY UPDATE - NO reason to hodl BTC At this pointHello trading friends,
This is an update for BTCUSDT with the last trends.
This update is for the low time frame -
All before crash trends what ETN tool did predict looks also at the start of trending as the trend are powerful, and going to uptrend, there is no crash that just starts to crash, but most time it crashes with fake volume trends.
It's the plan and the trend of whales to make a different side of trending than what they want - but when it's the moment they will get active to what they want. you can backtest the before trends - and you will see - no crash did just start from nothing, but from a first uptrend trend.
Depending on TA and trends BTC is at the point of no trading zone. There is no reason to hold BTC until we get confirmed Into a new uptrend.
The same update as this we did update before what did end in the broken into downtrend also :
We have seen that the ETN prediction was right.
About these trends, you can read in before updating.
The main reason for this expecting for breakdown trend is this ETN view
most trend Whales setups are at 37.8
If you like this content give it a like and follow for more. / Thank you
This is not a trading call - manage your risk well - shorts and longs can be all very risky - and this post means Spot trading.
Have a great day all, and wich your best trades.
ETN TOOL - LOW TIME FRAME CRASH EXPECTING Below 36KHello trading friends,
This is an update from the ETN tool expecting targets for the low time frame.
We know inside the ETN tool - 2 different Targets - the low time frame, and long term .
There is still a target running for the ETN tool (long) - Long term target, that will end if BTC price goes below 30k.
At this moment it still running. this update of now - is a low-time update.
ETN DID IT MORE TIMES - CLICK on this chart to see history crash trends of ETN
ALL BEFORE UPDATES OF ETN were RIGHT - WHERE NOW ONLY 1 running for the long term.
The update of now - depending on the low time frame.
Depending on the ETN tool trend - we could see coming time a new crash trend. what will bring BTC price below the 36K trend.
This is not a trading call - manage always your risk. There is no guarantee for any price action in trading.
As the ETN tool did predict more crash trends - we will follow this trend.
Have a great time.
Give a nice like for more BTC analyses. Thank you
and if you want to receive alerts - follow by tradingview.
BITCOIN Depending on TA into new Breakdown trendHello trading friends,
This is An update for BTCUSDT depending on the TA trend.
Bitcoin had before an increasing trend to 40k+ depending on the last update did also add that it can be a fake bull trend - and later we have seen that the increase did not confirm the time frame. as you can see in the previous chart.
It's important to follow the coming trend of BTC since BTC is now at the breakdown trend time frame.
Further, if this trend goes further we can see soon 37.8, from there a possible huge recovery trend to 34.8 - this will happen only if this breakdown gets further confirmed, as we are now exactly at the time frame.
Know that trend changes can take some time, and with live updates coming time we can expect better the trend.
Have a great time - we will see coming time the new changes.
Depending on TA trends we are now into a new breakdown trend.
# this is not a trading call - also BTC can change unexpectedly since the last trends in Ukraine and Russia - on this reason manage always your risk.