IBOVESPA Brazil - corrective up trend finished ?Minuette c wave of minute iv correction up was an extended one and it seems to have now finished. The index should continue its path to levels below 62,000, with a first nest stop at around 70,000. In case the index crosses 78,700 this analysis should be reviewed. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
VALE3 (BRAZIL) - final stages of the counter trend rallyVALE3 counter trend rally is reaching the end. The evolution This last leg up can finish an anywhere from the current level to up to 50 before continuing its trend down. If price crosses up 50.50, this analysis should be void. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
USDBRL - final stages of cycle wave 5 upBrazilian Real is tracing minor wave 5 of intermediate, primary and cycle wave 5. The pattern shows a complete five wave that would complete the pattern, however minor wave 5 could extend, therefore the target to confirm the trend down would be if prices crosses down 5.20. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES
USDBRL - wave 5 finished, downward trend aheadUSDBRL crossed the upper line of the primary impulse waves' channel. Primary wave 5 finished with a throw-over crossing up the channel, a typical behaviour. Price should continue down in a corrective pattern. The odds for this scenario increases after prices crosses down 5.38. This analysis should be void if prices crosses up 5.72. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
Ibovespa Brazil -wave C should push prices below 62,000IBOV finished intermediate wave B up and is now tracing the initial stages of intermediate C down, which should be the final leg of primary corrective wave 4. Prices should reach levels below 62,000. The alternative scenario would be a triangle formation, in this case, it would take more time to cross that level of 62,000, but also in this case prices should not go beyond the top of intermediate wave B before the primary wave 4 correction is finished. This analysis should be void if the index crosses up 82,000. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
USDBRL - correction down before new highsAs predicted, prices reached 5.392 and it seems to have completed or very near to completing minor b up. When complete, prices should correct in the range of 5.20 to 5.05 before moving up a final minor wave 5 of intermediate 5 of primary 5 of cycle 5 up that should reach the range of 5.50 to 5.60. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
USD.BRL - after wave 4, opportunity for gains - keep tuned !USDBRL is tracing minor wave 4, after it finishes, minor wave 5 of intermediate 5 of primary wave 5 should lift the currency pair to levels higher than 5.30. As minor wave 4 is in early stage we will have a more precise target for minor wave 5 some days ahead. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO RECEIVE UPDATES.
The "Future of the Gas Station? (Latin America)The "Future of the Gas Station”?
(“Christ the Redeemer of Oil?”)
One of the most beautiful (UNBELIEVABLY beautiful) and largest “mega cities” in the world which is also named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World is (in) the city of Rio de Janeiro. Perhaps the only other mega-city “city” on Earth that can come close to matching the natural amazing cliffs and crazy “year round” beautiful beaches of Rio de Janeiro is “Hong Kong” (there are many secret cities around the world that are better then Rio de Janeiro or Hong Kong for example along the Perl River or along Southern China or maybe someplace else hidden on Earth?) However, many larger cities are much much more expensive (Rent in Hong Kong for example is about 600% higher then in Rio de Janeiro and food prices in Hong Kong are are about 200% higher maybe even more if you dont trust the numbers??)
Interestingly perhaps the “largest ever” oil corruption and fraud charges in the ENTIRE HISTORY of “ALL” of Latin America was quite recently (and is still going on to this day at least from the Brazilian stock market BOVESPA index’s perspective??).
This was a major lawsuit that started at some “Gas Station” outside of Rio de Janeiro Brazil and centered around one of the largest oil companies in the world. At least 11 different countries where involved in the lawsuit for "corruption indictments" (even the United Stated SEC made off with $10’s of millions of dollars (cold cash) from this case?), at least 18 different companies where involved and 400+ people (criminals) involved with many going to jail for anywhere between 10 to 30 years of jail time and by some estimates something like R$6.2 billion (USD$2.5 billion) (which is about equivalent to price of construction of 10+ off shore oil rigs?). Even the president of Brazil was sentences to jail for 9 years and went to jail for about one full year+?
What makes Rio de Janeiro especially beautiful and “amazingly religious” is a 600+ “ton” statue of “Christ the Redeemer” shining with “hands stretched open” above the mega metropolis of 10+ million people. The statue of Christ above Rio de Janeiro is truly one of the most amazing religious concepts that any modern megacity on earth lives and works under. The statue of Christ is so big and so fundamental that two thousand years from now it might still be there… it is a 600 ton god statue?!
Perhaps its more often then we realize in Europe and North America, but religion is and has a very important key to Latin America (and many other cities on Earth). However, for Rio de Janeiro “god (apparently) is the key”? The giant statue of Christ the Redeemer atop Corcovado mountain looking down at everyone happens be one of the most stunning and most “godly” and fundamental religiously famous landmarks of our Earth? It one of the “wonders of the world?”
One of the interesting things about the oil industry is that there is a lot of “suspicion” that everyone involved “maybe” is making a “ton” of money. Many people suspect the oil executives of being a type of “cult club”. Its possible that the corruption charges against Petrobras are “very complex” and even “creatively created” by a mastermind who understood the legal system and that they might have to “go to jail” just to convict everyone of what they are doing wrong anyway.
In a lot of ways the (socialist “working class”) president of Brazil learned a very very important legal lesson after spending one year in jail and “getting out” and being “set free” after even contacting the United Nations Human Right Commission. The corruption maybe was with the legal system itself.. the judges? and Petrobras maybe wanted to see the Judges go to jail in addition to the president? However, the president was “popular” especially with labor activists and was eventually set free. The president was convicted of “money laundering” and “passive corruption”, defined in Brazilian criminal law as the receipt of a bribe by a civil servant or government official. Lula was sentenced to nine years and six months in prison and only served about one year. However, the president learned a very very important lesson about “doing things legally correctly” and maybe will even run for president again? (see many articles of news on this topic)
So how does the “oil mafia” really work? How do we know if there really is such a thing as a “oil” corruption (problem) and how does this all actually work and do people really go to jail and get “busted”? What about the police operations in Brazil did they want some of this “oil” money too?? What was this Brazilian “Operation Car Wash?” And most importantly what can we do about all this? (for everyone!?) Whats the suggestions for Petrobras’s Future and the future of “oil” in Latin America?
In the oil industry and in “big-time” obese operations world there is a term called “downstream”. Some companies get so chubby that they essentially dont need any of there sales stores that they actually sell their products in… in the oil industry a lot of companies “don't need gas stations” anymore so they “spin off” what is called their “downstream assets” and basically the gas stations are no longer part of the company. This allows for some “corruption”? However, there is good and bad sides to this, it makes it easy to “own a McDonald’s or Petrobras Gas Station franchise” but difficult to do anything “differently” or create “unique competition” with the financiers (the people with all the money) or the people that gave you the money at the top get “lazy” and want even more money from the Gas Stations.
The law is typically behind the “money” and not the people who own and run the businesses day to day. A lot of these people are not use to “dealing with the legal system”. However, what happened in Brazil’s Oil Business was that someone working at a “gas station” might have “purposely” tried to “go to jail” just to get Petrobras “media light and attention” and then the real problem was actually something more “fundamental” to franchising and just being “reasonable”.
The problem “with” Petrobras actually has to do with something called “franchising” and how gas stations all over the world really work. Imagine two possibilities a world where “everything is run by big oil business” or a world where there is a lot of independent smaller business. The problem is we need both and both sides say we only need that side.
However, what if the problem is with wealth is maybe something “gravitational” or “universal”?
Is there fundamental problems with ALL of capitalism?
In the Communist Manifesto written by a Eastern European named “Karl Marx” believed that capitalism contained the seeds of its own destruction. He described how the wealth of the bourgeoisie depended on the working people (just like the people who actually work at these Petrobras McDonald (only franchise) Gas Stations) ... Eventually the proletariat (gas station worker) would lead a revolution against the bourgeoisie (Petrobras). The final struggle would lead to the overthrow of capitalism itself. Because the businesses (got too obese and fat) (and the governments that regulate them too) would just get too big and too powerful.
For more then a few hundred years capitalism has hidden behind democracy… but what if? What if there was something really wrong? With both communism and capitalism then what? (we will not discuss that here.. however, there maybe some new political revolution needed that isn’t socialism, or capitalism or communism)?
The art of franchising and “gas station-ering” maybe needs a “global overhaul”… the secret maybe isn’t in “more franchising” but allowing “greater freedom” and allowing independent business owners essentially to start their own unique businesses. And when we leave earth that all will get even more complected (this is the “transport” industry?)
There are many detailed videos on corruption and “operations carwash” and it may help to hear what others have to say about this problem of “franchising”. Part of the key to understanding both sides of “real corruption” to understand “both sides” and even look into helping both sides solve those problems.
It maybe that both sides wanted good? Even the Brazilian military “discovered” the problem in the first place? The head of Brazil's army wanted the president “behind bars”? and the New York Times even claimed "Brazil’s democracy is now weaker than it has been since military rule ended".. however, maybe the truth was different?
Hope this helps you!
IFIX - losses aheadFOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES. IFIX should be finishing minute wave 5 up of a minor C of a intermediate B corrective wave. In this scenario, the index should decrease 10 to 20% if this primary wave 4 is a triangle formation or should go below 1900, up to June 2020, if this formation is a zigzag ABC pattern.
IFIX - one more leg up before reversal to downsideIFIX is tracing a long intermediate B correction and it seems to be in its final leg up, tracing minor wave C. The most probable target would be at 2,790, after this it should start a long move down to levels lower the previous intermediate wave A. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
Ibovespa - one final leg before long correction downIBOV seems to be tracing the last leg of a minor ABC pattern up that will complete intermediate wave B. There are two most probable targets for the end of wave B up: one at around 85,000 when wave C reaches the same size of wave A. If it surpasses this level it could go above 90,000 before entering the path to new lows. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
EWZ at decision Point!Dear Investor,
After falling about 60% from this year's High, the EWZ has started a correction movement in "W" shape.
If the price goes above $26,50, I believe the share will return to trade between $30 and $35 and it'll close the first GAP opened by the coronavirus crisis.
I started my LONG position in this share since $20,00. But, if you want to get in this trade, I think the better entry level is when the price breaks up the $26,50.
Good investments for all.
Best regards,
Lucas Sampaio
Olá Investidor,
Depois de cair cerca de 60% da máxima desse ano, o EWZ está fazendo um movimento em formato de W.
Se o preço superar $26,50, acredito que alcançará a faixa de preço de $30 a $35, fechando o primeiro GAP desde a forte queda da crise do cornavirus.
Eu já estou comprado desde os $20, mas se quiser entrar nesse trade, acredito que o melhor ponto de compra é após o rompimento do $26,50.
Bons investimentos a todos!
Lucas Sampaio
IBOVESPA BRAZIL - triangle pattern before new lowsIBOV is tracing a minor triangle ABCDE pattern that will culminate with the end of intermediate wave (B). After completing this move IBOV should collapse to new lows below previous wave (A). The triangle pattern is not a reliable pattern to trade, therefore we should wait until wave (B) is complete in order to short the index. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
There are two most probable scenarios for IBOV at this point:
1. Prices are tracing minute wave 5 up of minor C, where returns should increase to 78000-83000
2. If the index crosses the 72,300 support line, minor ABC zigzag completed a short intermediate B wave and price should decrease below 61,600
IBOVESPA BRAZIL - chances for more around 10% short term returnsIBOV is tracing minute wave 5 up of a intermediate corrective wave B and should reach the same proportion as the minute wave 1 at around 83,000. If this scenario persists, when finished Intermediate wave B would be completed at a 0.618 retracement of wave A and a new downwards rally will start. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO RECEIVE UPDATES
IBOVESPA BRAZIL - short-term analysis before market opens todayBMFBOVESPA:IBOV should be tracing a micro wave 2 down in the 15 minutes graph attached. The 0.618 correction retracement can most probably stretch up do 65,000 points before continues its counter trend move into micro wave 3 up. LESS PROBABLE ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO: If IBOV traces down below 62,000 points the odds are that the current scenario is a ABC down and minuette wave 5 should be developing (see the other longer term analysis posted) and it is prudent to get out at this level as prices should go lower.FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
IBOVESPA BRAZIL - chance for double digit growth this weekBMFBOVESPA:IBOV11
There are high probability that Ibovespa is entering minor wave 3 up of corrective wave B up during this week and if so prices should deliver double digit returns. Updates are being published here, follow SkylinePro to get updates
Brazil's Ibovespa Soon To Enter Grand Supercycle Wave 3With the recent plunge in the international markets, Brazils Ibovespa is soon to reach Wave 2 bottoming territory and should stage Grand Supercycle Wave 3 next.
Com a recente queda nos mercados internacionais, o Ibovespa deve em breve chegar no território de fundo de onda 2(Grande Superciclo) e em seguida encenar a onda 3 de Grande Superciclo
Suporte fortíssimo no fundo da onda II da (V)