Breadth Indicators
RICE FUTURES (ZR1!) Monthly, Weekly & DailyTrades made when the monthly, weekly and daily arrows are pointing in the same direction
are the most profitable.
Dates in the future with the greatest probability for a price high or price low.
The Djinn Predictive Indicators are simple mathematical equations. Once an equation is given to Siri the algorithm provides the future price swing date. Djinn Indicators work on all charts, for any asset category and in all time frames. Occasionally a Djinn Predictive Indicator will miss its prediction date by one candlestick. If multiple Djinn prediction dates are missed and are plowed through by same color Henikin Ashi candles the asset is being "reset". The "reset" is complete when Henikin Ashi candles are back in sync with Djinn price high or low prediction dates.
One way the Djinn Indicator is used to enter and exit trades:
For best results trade in the direction of the trend.
The Linear Regression channel is used to determine trend direction. The Linear Regression is set at 2 -2 30.
When a green Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression upper deviation line (green line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a sell is triggered.
When a red Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression lower deviation line (red line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a buy is triggered.
This trading strategy works on daily, weekly and Monthly Djinn Predictive charts.
This is not trading advice. Trade at your own risk.
EURO / AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR (EURAUD) DailyThe Djinn Predictive Indicators are simple mathematical equations. Once an equation is given to Siri the algorithm provides the future price swing date. Djinn Indicators work on all charts, for any asset category and in all time frames. Occasionally a Djinn Predictive Indicator will miss its prediction date by one candlestick.
Dates in the future with the greatest probability for a price high or price low.
BANKNIFTY STRATEGY - Based on Market Internals/ Breadth ToolsHello Fellow Traders,
I have created a trading strategy on BankNifty based on Market Internals - Advance/Decline Volume and TICK
These Market Internals, also known as Breadth Tools helps in identifying the overall market sentiment.
Just doing some technical analysis on Price action doesn't provide good results.
Price action along with Volume gives a meaningful insight.
But simple VOLUME information is not sufficient to take a directional view on the markets. A segmentation of POSITIVE and NEGATIVE volume gives a clear picture of the symbol movement.
We can get the volume information FOR ANY STOCKS anywhere. But, VOLUME INFORMATION FOR AN INDEX ALONG WITH POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE VOLUMES are not available in normal trading platforms. We need to construct the VOLUME based on the underlying stocks(12 stocks for BankNifty). And this tool provides the exact feature.
In a nutshell,
Happy Trading!
PS: It's an Intraday tool. Indications for the last 10 trading sessions.
ERIE being eerie! RSI analysisERIE's chart seems to work on overbought levels. The chart mark the levels where the RSI is overbought, and when it goes back to under 70. Using these as signals have worked well in the past; of course past performance is no guarantee of future results; and Implied Volatility is over 400% higher.
OBV has stayed in its upper channel ( Bull )
200sma is working as strong resistance, marked in-chart. ( Bear )
Keeping on a watchlist.
SPY Market Bottom? BUYING OPPORTUNITY!Hey there,
please support this idea with your likes and follow me here on TV!
Just as a quick update on Stocks.
We are shortterm quite oversold on many indicators with longer term still more potential for further downside.
SPY and many other stocks like TSLA are today on 9 BUY of the TI Indicator sequential!
This is double 9 which means we already had a 9 and are now on a second.
Strong buy signal for short to intermediate term trades.
Ducommun - technical/fundamental bullDCO has a beautiful looking chart!
It has been in an uptrend channel since the beginning of 2017. (check chart for more details)
Earnings report trend are usually positive surprises, that have maintained the trend so far.
I would consider entering a position if we brake SMA(50) on a daily chart, with strong volume. (currently at $45.3)
Have a great weekend!
Happy trading,
Using OBV Divergence To Detect Barts And Wyckoff DistributionBarts (AKA bull or bear traps) are a common pattern in cryptos. The OBV indicator can be useful for detecting Wyckoff style accumulation or distribution.
It's especially useful for Barts which have a very flat section of price action which makes the OBV divergence very apparent in some cases. If you see a flat zone that looks like a potential bart, track it on a couple different time frames and see if a divergence pops out, it might show which wyckoff mode it's in.