Current Price of SLRX too Low: Short Term Breakout PotentialFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on an opinion based basis. That being said, let me get into a few insights. SLRX had one of the biggest yearly price declines, and bearish runs. Looking at the indicators, and company activity, you can still see some potential however. Currently, I'm waiting for a gap fill so this starts rallying. I also think a positive wave correlation is still likely to happen quite soon and it could even double in price. I'm bullish on this and some technical indicators are giving it a buy, while analyst are giving it a hold.
Spotify + 9 Other Stocks I Would Get if I were to do a LongFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, I wanted to do a long six month to 1 year stock pick strategy just out of boredom. Now, if I am right about this post some of you might get really excited. My picks include: Spotify: Expect it to grow due to the Joe Rogan deal and video integration | Guess: On the next wave correlation for a long | ACB: Aurora is expected to have both short and long potential, especially given there expansion strategies | PluralSight: An increase of market demand in their market segmentation and how they are expanding digitally | For an Alibaba competitor, they are still quite under rated and have strong financials overall | Trip Advisor: Going to continue expanding digitally, especially if they retrace post-Covid, safer bet than many hotels and airlines given they are in the tech space without need for lots of real estate | GBTC: Institutional investors are going to be more interested in it as a trust, though I prefer Bitcoin over some trust | Tesla: Tesla will continue expanding given Elon Musk must work to beat production quotas. It is in my opinion that Mr. Musk will perform in that aspect | CloudFlare: Stable growth overall, quite bullish on its category | PFE: Pfizer is one of those stable stock picks for the pharma category. Now this being said, I have done these stock picks all for specific reasons, and I picked 10 so if someone wanted to do a split diversification it could be easier. Again, this is on an opinion based basis and not meant to be taken as financial advice. Invest at your very own risk.
GUESS: Look at the Big Picture of Wave HistoryFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on an opinion based basis. That being said, here are a few insights into what I think about Guess. I'm not a big fan of the whole fashion retail business, especially given how businesses like JC Penny can easily go from corporate giants to being crushed into the ground. Growth for them has alot of variables, and many businesses in this market segmentation fails to innovate, diversify, or push further. Guess though is one of those brands that does still have somewhat of a following. While not a fan of it, given I like different stock categories that breakout and promote different sets of products, I look at it from an investment perspective. They have lots of potential in terms of the price they are now, and the price they could be. For a long position, I am saying it should at the very least reasonably pass $14 if it keeps the historic trends it had in the past. This is even given the Covid19 hit, many market variable unknowns and how shoppers react.
Joe Rogan already made Spotify $3.22 Billion + the FutureFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on an opinion based basis. That being said, here are a few insights. Since Spotify was already mostly on a bullish run, and the market had a chance to retrace from most of the noise, I am using a $160 to $180 price as a metric not $190. If you look at 20/160 you get 0.125. Now I am going to multiple by 0.78 as hype multiple rather than attributing all that growth to just the deal. 78% is still way too generous, but I think it is decent given how popular Joe Rogan is. 0.125*0.78 is coincidentally right on 0.0975. I multiple that by the current market cap and get 3.22452 billion. I seen this YouTuber do a video saying the Joe Rogan deal made Spotify $5 billion. Personally, I understand the reasoning behind his metric, but he didn't consider Spotify was already bullish and that not everyone trading Spotify are Joe Rogan fans. He also didn't give a decent shortening or reaction time. Joe Rogan contributed to the a major push in the rally continuation. I think it is fair to say around a 78% push pre contributing to sentiment reaction. Also Spotify's ROI for a $100 million dollar deal is 32x in a short time period which is for every $1 you have $32. That means literally 3100%. If Spotify made the same deals every 11 days or so, and profit kept compounding over and over again a year, that would be an annualized ROI percentage of 14,847,931,113,934,977,527,395,976,847,246,204,891,384,177,320,001,536%. That means that a deal like this is extremely rare . Spotify made one of the best partnership deals a content platform could make, and likely they wouldn't be able to find creators that popular in which they can offer that same amount too for a really long time. Untop of all this, Spotify said they want Joe Rogan's clips migrated to their platform. I myself am a creator who posts content on Spotify. If Spotify decided to allow video integration, it can easily even annihilate companies the likes of the size of YouTube. CEO Susan Wojcick's management of YouTube included higher attention to many mainstream media sources over small creators (trying to be cable competitive). YouTube also been having a broken content management and Copyright system for a while in many creator's voiced opinions. The whole way things played out is most likely YouTube ruined its edge factor and didn't differentiate itself. Joe Rogan was probably already planning an exit, and Spotify found an opportunity due to what one can call a competitor's lackluster management style. I think a realistic target in the future if Spotify starts rolling out video updates and doing all this is a long target of $325 within a year or so. It would be interesting to see how that plays out.
PFE is Proof Today is a Bad Day for the Stock MarketFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, PFE recently came out with news that they are working towards a Covid19 vaccine by October. They were already on a mostly bullish run until recently. That being said, the chart patterns were already indicating positive. The fact that they didn't rally and sentiment analysis didn't push it the same way Moderna did when it came with similar news stories, leads me to believe that today was obviously a bad day in general for the stock market.
Proceed Cautiously TomorrowFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, here are my few insights. I think Fauci's comments on Hydroxychloroquine and his flip flops back and forth on stances that he takes is discouraging. As much as people like Fauci, he haven't been quite accurate lately or thinking of the potential downfall of his comments. Whenever he changes his mind or says something wrong, thousands of jobs can be lost and billions of dollars can be erased from markets. No epidemiologist should have as much power in voice affecting the market as he does. He is only human. It is mostly the fault of large institutional investors acting as if he is an economist or sociophysicist who studies market offsets. Whenever he says something negative, institutional investors expect industrialist market segments to crash or act like its doomsday. Also, the China conference call tomorrow/ news conference on trade and Asian markets have people worried. Even see what Marketwatch are saying . I am bullish still on many of my current positions. I'm just saying for general traders who think tomorrow will be a great day for alot of markets, please proceed with caution. I know I watch things like a hawk, and am relentless in what I do.
PluralSight: $30 Long Hold Potential --> Strong BuyFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on an opinion based basis.That being said, PluralSight definitely looks like a strong buy and many analyst are saying so. It is currently having a positive chart retracement pattern and its market segmentation i.e. e-learning (specifically related to IT or MOOCs), category is expected to grow. A $30 long target for PluralSight especially given their expected EPS growth and metrics, is quite reasonable.
Watching $ALPN --> $4.20 TargetFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, given the current Alpine price, analyst have been giving it a strong buy rating and it looks like it is having a retracement of around early 2020 price. I think a reasonable short target if it is truly going to rally could actually be around $4.20. It is definitely on the watchlist for sure.
SLRX: $1.83 Short --> $3.80 LongFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on an opinion based basis. That being said, here are my insights: SLRX have had recent news, especially with the Flex Pharma agreement , and their expected upcoming ASCO20 Trial Poster presentation. This + the fact that it is long due for a breakout is why I AM STILL SHORT TERM BULLISH on SLRX. Two Investor observer reports have a strong buy or hold . As of May 27th , 28.40% of SLRX stock have been in the hands of institutional investors. 3 Analyst on Zacks Ranks give it a hold rating. That being said, I expect it to extremely soon go on a bullish run and pass that sweet sweet lucrative target I been hoping for. Once it does, I may transfer positions to higher growth stocks and continue feeling like Nostradamus.
SPTN: Earnings Call Postive: Sell off at $25 (Beat Expectations)First off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said Spartan Nash which was already rallying beat earnings call expectations. Infact, they crushed it. As tempted as people are to take potential profits they have and sell at current market price, I suggest you set a sell order for $25, because it looks like this is a push of a continuation of that rally. This is especially true given it will hit the $22 resistance wall and is expected to have newer 52 week highs. A $25 sell order may seem like high hopes, but in my opinion it could go to that much.
ACB May Breakout Soon! $45 Target --> Short + Long PotentialFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, getting into my analysis, I think ACB is about to have another retracement of a past wave correlation it did in 2017, with a higher support curve. The charting data seems there, and that is why I say I am extra bullish on my analysis and hoping to see a wave the next few weeks. Just advised someone on this, so will see if they bite!
JNCE: My Next ONTX-like Pick: $6.50 Price TargetFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, here are my insights. JNCE is expected to go up quite soon and is on breakout watch. My recommendation based off of current charting patterns and past wave correlations is to buy now and set a sell order at a $6.50 price target for a similar correlation to ONTX at its bullish runs. I feel like I am actually quite conservative, and am hoping for it to reach around the $7.17 range for its price wall.
$5.20 Target NNBR: Let's Watch This!First off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, I have a few insights. NNBR is about to break that expected resistance curve and is on its way towards a breakout. My recommendation is to buy now and set a $5.20 sell target for a quick profit turnover.
NVAX: $55+ Target very Reasonable, hoping for around $65First off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, I have a few quick insights. Novavax is about to start the human clinical trials for a Coronavirus vaccine, and the recent already expected price retracement by investors, the strong buy rating, and the positive news may have this stock start to rally and you might want to consider this as a buy pre-market hours even.
TRIP's a dip because of Covid19, $25 LongFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, I think the whole reason for TripAdvisor's recent bearish run is quite obvious, and the reason why it broke resistance recently is also quite obvious. This is why, I am saying the current price is likely low to mid risk at most, and probably a dip. I expect it to be at least around the $25 range going into 2021, and that the steep downward trend is due to lack of demand in the curve because of Covid19, not poor managerial or operational performance.
BTC to hit $9k, need to Retrace past $10k+ SoonFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. I may or may not have a conflict of interest making this. As always, this is on an opinion based basis. That being said, here are my insights. Many traditional analyst are bearish against Bitcoin. They are failing to see the vision of billionaires like the Winklevoss twins or Chamath Palihapitiya. They are also some of the same analyst who called Bitcoin out when it was $1k, $2k, $5k, etc. Bitcoin as volatile as it is, have been high growth when you look at the big picture. Many of the people angry been late to the game. That being said, correlation-wise it is about to hit $9k, looks like it is about to retrace to the $10k price and potentially be on some positive correlations during the next upcoming few weeks. Wave after wave, it is a back and forth pattern as with most asset classes.
HON: Been Low Growth: Waiting for a $140 TargetFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, here are my insights: Honeywell needs to soon pass that $140 price target, which is where it is expected to go within a week or so. Between my analysis on May 2nd and now, Honeywell barely grown at all and as an industrial conglomerate it is a stable growth stock in general, but not a high growth stock. It also had a large hit during the Covid19 period. That being said, currently I am bidding on higher growth stocks to invest in over Honeywell. The short target is $140 with potential of a stable hold with low to mid risk.
LOGI $60 Short is a Decades' Historical HighFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, Logitech is on my watchlist. Teleconferencing have been growing since this time period, and so has streaming and e-sports. Also, flight simulators are a growing genre in the gaming industry (and I am not just saying that given I am working on a flight simulator). All these factors give an increase to the overall supply and demand curve for what type of products Logitech is offering. A $60 price point would be a historical high and can lead to a potential breakout, given how the market might react. Either way, on the watch list at the very least.
Waiting for SLRX Next Few DaysFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, here are a few important insights. SLRX is right due for a potential breakout or bullish run as I have said recently. I am waiting still to see what would happen, and a potential spike in growth as we can never be too sure. However, I am on par with my previous chart analysis.
Roku Bearish Temporarily but will RetraceFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, for the next few weeks I expect Roku to have many bearish correlations and the next short is $110 with a $114 target for it to break that resistance bubble. Once it breaks said bubble, it should go to around $124 and could continue a small rally. However, short term it is really risky and there are higher growth stocks not getting strong sale calls from analyst.
TESLA vs. the S & P 500: A No Brainer!First off, please don't take anything I say as financial advice or seriously. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, lots of the traditional analyst, and wall street fund managers that make money once a decade were unsurprisingly wrong about being bearish on Tesla. Tesla still even at this price, has some expected growth long term given the increase in demand, and how Elon Musk is likely to meet production quota. I know people already preordering the cyber truck like crazy, and personally it is becoming a brand loyalty type scenario like Apple's early good years.
GPRO: Still Waiting for $4.50 Target -> Hoping for $4.80First off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, GoPro have jumped about +17% since the time I was bullish on it, and I still am bullish on it. I was a bit optimistic for my expected short target given this is still a conservative hold, but I am expecting it to soon pass that $4.50 benchmark and likely could rally to $4.80 maybe even peak at a $5 curve. It does still have lots of long potential afterwards as well.
Next Ford Target: $5.85 Short given Presidential Plant VisitFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on opinion based basis. That being said, given the recent resurgence curve, and the news surrounding Trump's Henry Ford plant visit, a very decent and reasonable post-memorial day price target for Ford is $5.85. I am not going to call a breakout or anything like that, as I think there are higher growth potential stocks out there, but Ford could start having a stable growth positive correlation and go from the mid risk range to low risk if the positive shorts continue.