Deeper Network DPR Bearish Triangle Deeper Network DPR Crypto has play thru with the bearish triangle but there is still a possible -10% drop for this pattern. As DPR is looking to form a new pattern it will only be bullish if Deeper can put trust back into the project with a possible routine crypto burning to fight inflation as was promised. I think this might spark a renewed trust. But no one is in a hurry to buy because of the bear market and a coming recession possibly thru next year. And all the miners are concerned about another crash in September for 8 months straight as the investors are paid back in DPR. Another concern is losing the mining rewards in December 2022 because Deeper said they will cut them but did not give any additional information. They think inflation will be cut by reducing the mining rewards but once investor DPR is released it will definitely wreck the price as investors are mad there smart contract was relocked back up. I can easily see DPR going down lower because of the environment that was made by Deeper and the Financial Markets at the moment. But as I say for those mining and paying taxes on it who are holding long term, then this is the perfect storm, and as a long term holder I say thank you Deeper Network. Hopeful your figure things out in 3 years when I am ready to sell a little off.
Websites: (DPR Main Equipment Website) (Mining Rewards after Staking) (DPR Wallet Lookup) (DPR Crypto Polkadot Parachain Governance System, New Wallet, Smart Contracts Upload, Miner Wallet Info) (DPR Videos) (FBI VPN Video) (DPR Polkadot Parachain)
Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for there wallet info as you can track your self who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
Crypto Blockchain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network not by the Community thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA)
7 Validator Nodes – 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
Burn Wallet – There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation.
Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – is not at the moment yet (Verified by Polkadot Support)
Warning: Possible Token Crash Starting in September 2022 thru the next 8 months
Company Info:
Deeper Network of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency
Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/VPN/DPN
EIN Tax ID# 841835438
Location Of Head Quartiers Office: The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past year or longer unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified.
Location of their servers where data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto NewsBelow is the list of Genesis Gold Ter8 Miner Wallets connected to the ECR20 Deeper Token Smart Contract. You can search their movements on & to see who is supporting this project and who moving DPR across the bridge to BSC or ERC20 to then resell it as the price keeps dropping.
5G3YGLEefsLEDPZCnprYw4VxxkfF5KKmimuCknf2fZYSGqtM Australia
5CXwAf8Dp7C2aEnqZ5gakyFEy2wCv4iq63exuspuhWsjyd7N Canada
5DLTXXQfSrZtFxfVTb27hfsQYzj2H1BxjWbh6wF93TuxwbKA Canada
5DcrtrVd5WzEwtCsd98Y1dHhu5SrjU25PDQc1GbgQmsetHr9 China
5CJjEhwCH8T1Yn36boaRwYzTjioSLegermUq59HSg7HNpEWp China
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5EtRS9pHTUh3ydjuHADeQGBQBWh3jgJjgKhB42DLWYjKGnCz China
5GViXCfq22KUdWYK9E6bFZXYJWY7v4EVKJz3mgn6vGGPU1iT Great Britain
5ELEbWGu4fr27tbX6cSiqsFUupcRQaLdghzqp7p9MxwsVhTP India
5GbbFvsjzTuBMT61eSjSmj8hN4GGqws2kv4SCxEdrGBoj56i Korea
5DkLLYCnvGZxFzLDUzP5xxAVnMEagmLXUPPrccuu49kQAH6i Korea
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5GCRLi52wTynPvV3QXeVSRi2XkJ2NsTTS4XmVGcMGv2LiQfn Korea
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5FgxprKcDURxyq2qtdyfGTxyU5HcYeJKQ5xq6Yk2DqaPT6or Korea
5FsUaK9Bxx34Lp3cPVm15Bvo8zjhPPBfRUmnqwxLEVwLEWiJ Korea
5CPkZgLTQ37SS5GPdu2ZFnRikB26QoqCJKt85k1QDHVmDWEa Korea
5Gng44LUSE95SYK49HVr2jGbswqJH3puMSwz4qDFaMWaKNC5 New Zealand
5FCEgFPA1YE5fFsArxkjVsuxWXWj6kP7tpSvsXerxM5yCJZQ New Zealand
5E7KngvV1BS6ksoG3KVPYnFcyqjKpqDBpEbk2sFSVf7WUTYB Poland
5ES6o19S7GEU563uZKcbwHPZyXkPKenzJ2vyCzhWgmM6Fku5 Romania
5Gngy31M1yFkJNDPCv1EaDqaHZmxrUh2Ec28WHwVMmqoGzua Romania
5EuznmnpYwHseDQReBh5YFLgkXLML4EnJAKTxNJAGsBx3FEv Romania
5F9X4WoYCwjUtRNwCJDuxKdMYqfA1rhQZwwLn9CtEbVxPNKg Romania
5GEiCoRKkWvooK8nbzWhZzdKs5nfFR6Tfa6tWvHRypLzWZhC Romania
5EF9kfNGhciL9BqcQMQqZny9kcnzAtssQ8s2rmSsDssN9wE5 Romania
5Cwjfg7oKAxJedTF3f5ikX2u8nW8GHjXGdDoJw5VPEHgsPC2 Singapore
5EC7ErqccwDc9FCfVDkbydq6i8UWm9U6x6FL1FFN794NQs4s Singapore
5G1nBNMgeELmmxpd9s6hgp552Lrh8Z2zhDQyu3TyUiZtuEyX Singapore
5EoCaH9aPJn7VrByWXuW4Bd6oJWYRsBZTs4tyQWnhqQikJ5c Singapore
5DvcW356dyzc3cEYbrCyRsgkxjRNhj1m3Cyxg2vgeD2FHoTe Singapore
5EEumoALqF1hvEojUugQvqKaBzKK3T4heQHTur7DKLYZmJzu Singapore
5EAPed2UQ9mS4s9wfDi7D3rFmqKYWnnzBRkBNUtSK6Hu8hCW Singapore
5FhHb8yaNhVpXCdPNBoPinyW3iMsTf4aL2o2FfNWm2UjCZa8 Singapore
5ChWuMihnTjZBiVBgDQ8pmHFyxHKg4FNqqmoibYmqSQqV1YM Singapore
5EsqCzCU1G2KNTX1VR2qim6i4yPsuwZ8sTxGHoeLaXNV3BkG Singapore
5GZG8nJet5sDwuJQkk5iwbEsUMQabgHMeMmp33G7Bv2ebF1d Singapore
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5CvqChruwKzKMrSbPvykd5AA6PDvzwNnWjuBRjvkVM1hd5Po Singapore
5GsoUHzrgJKwDtfEigww1oja6ymwqif24RmByYB9krsDU6EP Singapore
5CZcqPhY38z3nSBMjD9eacKDuA4HcAoPbCzzTgzRQVof1MVh Singapore
5F4uQivV5JxCQqUYUQjco9ZdYNRgPyY5nFhHz4bcZjUwBiHY Singapore
5FyTPHqfMgCTLP3pkwjMZemJY9Jy9Po2SzPUa5JNPykuUnx6 Singapore
5DJNeu4q7y3iMAHhVPCZ5x3GHfL2kDLYh9qoYDK2F9ccedtz Singapore
5EvJVmsjumCDBJeukDgJJLur2QwJBrBYVmuTWTznaTBEnXsS Singapore
5HGvgSwrNESrEG3McgYHsxGGjVp6nfkxakg8VbTPud71Setr Singapore
5EcBi5VHLKB45SRDNyQwkRq1mkKYgB1NKwiCLR8VJ2L62yDD Singapore
5G4B4AYxabjshBK1Kqort8jrCbcjLPPARUF8rF6eRkc8XECA Singapore
5FC6rpHcAmenWJ67gUXbaRdxEhqLEKUqqSxyAPYHyWJqHEGj Singapore
5DJ2iG5WiaSpCReNiqGs3FEVtPHco3rMCbLjqEtAyTHPdAPf Singapore
5DDMA1bdUDap2j2ibmefzwSsYsxJNcYTrJrzT9DvZubNugSL Singapore
5Ev7yDCU1Hogd7eHiX8iFyGkfuVUwXQoSiNrqPykPQKuSBde Singapore
5G7PofgFjLgiAJTLZizbnhw1RgVdSSKFV8RX8iB5JtyWpU3M Singapore
5FCrSZvSr5nQAHXet3wzJwkW5p1VhVXJZLn2M7CErDu3GwSe Singapore
5EM7LnqjN7EwTibzWHBVL4Bu9m3gQX3ksKnPwfkLCcCnCA3n Singapore
5DCoh6S5ccvX1a9324whyL79Kyk9ctJYM1uxqHE8rEDmWFbt Singapore
5GQVW17sPkkLrvyYVn41SVuHE3fFAE6i7fYRRzKn4jRUSDAJ Singapore
5FZFcPRcP7TEj99a9wodJAwMtRpZzCAVHGwJHMfRHBVbgEP1 Singapore
5CfTb5T2dRjuzQF5hVtto8obxPMVAzMaSqvqtvcSSqq1PC2h Singapore
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5CJHcPTTKqsy5FtQsn6JXFX2ZxDkM5hrmEWZU5e9NsUuFcyP Singapore
5GEPxTWmcM9n81Awjtbaki6B2smRE8pZh5pqWfLowLfVouqw Singapore
5D7qosQtLLjHUYzNicmJRMDsPsYDiZPCpYgWhZgyVfDMqk6E Singapore
5Fxv9ZE79b5oxUKzEdhWHmMLMnkcv9BVAz8KbZRQQwiTm5zD Singapore
5EKuxUzQNFduqwj8pDEQZDZKXGkLzgfu6tAS7qJaY77Uv9hE Singapore
5EFTADcNTjhBm2s127u4pHut9mNeWB7X9Ax2ubjQjzVMXbyT Singapore
5FbMF6RZNGmVbJWTFMJYXqMm3cxMG7uXqXA4411jyGVKqAQ8 Singapore
5D4XPSDhuSsBV9QMUj6kWUxj3PsrDsKgnHSXwQBC1iYb55fw Singapore
5HK9oko2sWQ7QAwNrN9G2WZx8pZQULPbfLrbohkW2Rb5hCcc Singapore
5GvNN6aPFxrD9wgpp9akkMcNFR8np7D4jM8P96FVmeX5DB8Z Singapore
5HpUwNmtyA4srz72uJhYj5tmzgMhHBcMYbT41YAXTNxCDQmQ Singapore
5FCL9AFFyhLgLc6W4qGqtpXLoirh4Kv2qMeXPtRhKb1axDBK Singapore
5GERPiEhKSk7HsD1rYHhCQ93e9UhrF9K8SBuWZHsVHScHxm4 Singapore
5F46kg6o38bpAHhge1gD1PvWX9cJF19jcnPo6WpuJtMQJKLS Singapore
5CDZX8SdxqLpxe5yrUU4HAnUJDFY2KartyUZ3Tribc1NjsTg Turkey
5ECCLcuMW2dpNSw6TfR7DL6iYsgNCHWX9xefHnkoNmcip6mF United Arab Emirates
5DCTr1PJ5Wz6wHafeHCkFEqbK2wNST9nouhX4LpCGAsogPdS United States
5ERE7GT69VRpYwu1bKwPemQ5nt3koeLRWaM99ZmzMnagvxCr United States
5GbxfScgTV49GVqJeir1YZ3MbFzLDNNTSKj3UKFQWdfFW4QV United States
5CPuEo9u5u6H1ztMoD4DCHVpKyAFYruyF48EM32z6rQrVLmc United States
5D8DybG5wCwoV6GGby7NWxhPWHUVC9vkpWeH1MG5hPBdUskh United States
5D798417ZneLdufcN2mF4nEAqXwpUmFGuQDCkmfXhcdh5qUd United States
5FHwLyV89S6mRd2Va1TGPk4LeGGDfoCHMFT2zePbw5sVgyXP United States
5EPSKGuU19eSdVQkDUWKcquBoniSfyK3pHXd46RX1VSqP6zQ United States
5GMsYDd6iBRTbg2BbxbAqKyweN7LpyV8xBxc1gU4t8fwcCsd United States
5Gs23GagMYas3gJdnXu7E2wp9mnoB3z8TjsyNpHb6w3vK5s4 United States
5GZ7eg3rSyiTJHyGt1iuyd8S4XkhoGCcvfyTgdw4BakVJeEa United States
5FhHFbwojWvLDB54b1MH9WEFqqR6tnDsMW8w2TgC1GJ4Vy99 Pending Location
Below is a list of Genesis Gold Ter8 Miners that are believed to be interconnected to another Gold Genesis Ter8 Miner, which miner it is connected to is undetermined at the moment for now. Because this Piggy backing process which I call it was not told to the community at the beginning of the process it is believed they may belong to Deeper Network and or their inner circle. But I may be wrong but that is how I currently look at it.
Deeper Network DPR Bearish Triangle Deeper Network DPR making its way down to .02cents.
Websites: (DPR Main Equipment Website) (Mining Rewards after Staking) (DPR Wallet Lookup) (DPR Crypto Polkadot Parachain Governance System, New Wallet, Smart Contracts Upload, Miner Wallet Info) (DPR Videos) (FBI VPN Video) (DPR Polkadot Parachain)
Crypto Whale Information: There are one or maybe more whales mining
Whale #1 (Updated info) - Location in the Singapore, equipment 49+ Genesis Gold Ter 8 Miners, estimated yearly mined crypto over 20 Million DPR, estimated income at a .10cent evaluation yearly over $2Million+ USA Dollars (Verified), it’s assumed this is Deeper Network themselves or one of their associates (Unverified)
Whale #2 - Location (possible China unverified) Telegram Mod Ezel shared photos of a mining farm with Deeper Equipment in China.
Crypto Blockchain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network not by the Community (Verified on AMA)
7 Validator Nodes – 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs
Burn Wallet – There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation.
Polkadot Parachain – is not at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
Possible Token Crash Starting in September 2022 thru the next 8 months
Company Info:
Deeper Network of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency
Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/VPN/DPN
EIN Tax ID# 841835438
Location Of Head Quartiers Office: The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents , supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past year or longer unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified.
Location of there servers where data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from china, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy info shows data is kept, time period kept unknown.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Are Bulls Losing Track On 47k?Weekly Time-frame
We are about to cross the 0.618 $46,669 and encounter the next resistance $46,866. Potential rejection or it can be a next rally to the upside.
1D Time-frame
We are ready for a massive drop but if the supply zone breaks this can be the next rally to the upside. Demand zone is holding up 0.236 $45,137
4H Time-frame
Triple top will be super bearish if we get a rejection in the supply zone we can expect more to the downside. If we break the supply zone We can create a new high.
1H Time-frame
How to trade
BTC short position
entry $46669
entry $47342
SL 1-5% $48318
leverage 20x
TP 1 $46195
TP 2 $45722
TP 3 $45137
We will discuss more on the possibility on our Live. Stay tune and check with us!
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Disclaimer: Above Technical Analysis is pure educational information, not Investment Advice. The information provided on this post does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other sort of advice and you should not treat any of the website's content as such. Do conduct your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
$140 Million In Bitcoin Liquidated, Are We Yet For Another Run?Weekly Time-frame
We hit our major supply area $48,000. We can see Retracement from this. All stocks are now in correction including Russel 2000. We broke out from the cloud but got a rejection and now back inside the cloud.
1D Time-frame
Greed and Fear index is now at #56 still in greed. We might have some Retracement coming. 1D Awesome Oscillator is still bullish, and we got a long wick when we hit the supply zone.
RSI almost Overbought. VPVR is now in high volume node which is hard to break.
4H Time-frame
We hit the top $48,000 now we are about to start correcting. We are overbought in Relative Strength Index RSI. Awesome Oscillator is now bearish. but still higher high. We have found support in Fibonacci line at 0.382 and started bouncing. We are about to make lower high.
We will discuss more on the possibility on our Live. Stay tune and check with us!
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We endeavour to share you our investment knowledge & experience in order to help you starting your path to financial freedom. Follow, Subscribe & Join our Community to trade together!
Disclaimer: Above Technical Analysis is pure educational information, not Investment Advice. The information provided on this post does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other sort of advice and you should not treat any of the website's content as such. Do conduct your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
FTM/USDMarch 8, 2022 – Tel Aviv, Israel Orbs continues to push the boundaries of multi-chain interoperability as part of its Orbs 3.0 roadmap. The next step in the ecosystem expansion involves the Fantom blockchain, a growing force in the decentralized finance industry. The Orbs vision is to create broader interoperability between different blockchains and ecosystems.
SLP more up side to come.After the season 20 update that reduces the daily supply by 56% SLP has been sky rocketing and is up 260%. still 10X potential in my opinion.
#vgx GREAT POTENTIAL!! #btcstarburstThis token/project might be at the best price to DCA into… it seems to possibly be on the floor maybe… If this is true it would on be because of the current market situation… the Voyager reward program and debit card will most definitely take it places so I am only expecting long term upwards motion DYOR DCA Safely… Possibly a 5-10x or more depending on market rebound A GANN Study. Jon fiorucci
BTCUSD(4Hr): BTC touched a new ATH within 1 monthMarket in the last 24 hours
BTCUSD saw a new ATH this month as it gained nearly 4K$ in the last 24 hours as the price continuously rejects the upper Bollinger band as a resistance line. Trading volume has been moderate in the last 24 hours but the trading volume can be seen decreasing with an increase in price suggesting a correction is imminent.
Next 24 hour's Trend analysis
The price is likely to see some consolidation with a hint of bullish momentum as we some correction and the price moves between the upper and the middle Bollinger band.
The price change was high at approximately 5.44%, with the week's range between $62866 — $66517.
Price at the time of publishing: $66,208
BTC’s market cap: $1.25 Trillion
Moreover, the Indicator summary is giving a 'BUY' signal on BTCUSD.
Out of 11 Oscillator indicators, 1 is giving a SELL signal, 7 are neutral and 3 are giving a BUY signal.
Out of 15 Moving average indicators, 1 is giving SELL signal, 1 is giving neutral and 13 are giving a BUY signal.
Traded volume has remained high in the past 24 hours. If we don't see a sudden spike in volume then we can expect the above analysis to hold true.
The analysis is based on signals from 26 technical indicators, out of which 15 are moving averages and the remaining 11 are oscillators. These indicator values are calculated using 4-hour candles.
Any feedback and suggestions would help in further improving the analysis!
BTC UPDATE!!Hello ladies and gentleman.
I have some very interesting news to share about BTC.
Third-Largest Bitcoin Whale Sold at $56K and Bought Back at $57K a Day Later. 494 BTC was bought right on spot. Around $28,000,000.00
And the Bitcoin Illiquid Supply Shock Ration has surpassed it's 2021 ATH. That means that the supply in BTC is decreasing while demand is increasing. I think it's just a matter of time until the price increases.
That's it for this analysis, if you think this was this idea with your like.
Thank you for investing your time in my analysis btw.
See ya✌️
Trend reversal pattern in Bitcoin* Bitcoin in 3H time frame appears with Inverted Head and Shoulder pattern with it's neckline as resistance to the price.
* Inverted Head and Shoulder reverses the bearish trend into Bullish trend.
* If Bitcoin breaks the neckline of the pattern we can expect a rally till ATH.
Will Ever Cardano Price Break Out Of Consolidation To Reach $2.5After a notable roller coaster ride, the crypto space currently seems to have relaxed a bit. Most of the assets are currently accumulating after slightly pulling back from the higher positions. While Bitcoin, Ethereum ranged high and consolidating, Cardano appears to have inculcated a reverse trend. And hence raising the clouds of suspicion over the ADA price rally.
The price maintained a depleting trend from the past couple of months, yet the current month trade dipped lower levels. The recent price dip has formed new resistance and support levels which are lowered at $2.02 and $1.96 resp. And now also the asset is trending within small braces or consolidating in very narrow ranges.
Read more :
As you can see on the chart Bitcoin is forming the same divergence it formed during the October 1st cool off period before a massive pump to $48,000 USD.
It is forming that same divergence and I am curiously waiting for that third bounce from the RSI to really confirm this.
This is a sign of bullish divergence as the lows are becoming higher but the RSI is lower. This indicates the coin is much being over sold at much higher prices and shows a sign of a strong buying force to come.
The MACD on the one hour is also about to cross the signal line.
Like I said in previous posts Bitcoin is looking to retest the $49,000 resistance level and if it does challenge and break this level we are looking at an extremely bullish sign for bitcoin.
Personally I am waiting to see the price action of bitcoin and seeing if it can hold these higher highs.
For More Short Updates like this make sure to like and follow to always be notified.
Make sure to read my previous post on Bitcoin to get a more in depth understanding of why the price is acting the way it is.
Thankk you
Remember to be patient AND MAKE SOME MONEYYY!!!!!
This is not financial advice.
Bitcoin has had an extraordinary pump, But with every pump comes either a correction or a dump.
Like analysed in my previous analysis of this Pump ( ), Bitcoin is still not clear yet. Although Bitcoin is showing signs of a bull run because of this crazy pump and all the retail investors celebrating the end of the dreadful month of September it does not mean Bitcoin is out of the woods.
As mentioned in the previous report Bitcoin should have hit a key level of resistance at $49,000 USD and that would mark the end of the short term down trend as there would not have been a lower high. However Bitcoin has started moving slightly downwards and topped with a high of $47,800 USD. This still means Bitcoin is in a down trend and with lower highs, lower lows usually follow. Right now the key level to look at is the $46,800 USD mark as it has been a previous level of support when everyone was convinced “Bitcoin on the way to an all time high” (18th September).
Usually I am very bullish on Bitcoin but we are seeing the buyers lose their buying force. Although we have seen some strong rejections at that golden level of support at $46,800 USD I personally don’t feel there is a strong enough narrative to really drive retail investors into Bitcoin and drive the price up further.
We have heard about news about the US government not banning crypto, El Salvador mining Bitcoin with volcanic energy, Economists calling Bitcoin “digital Gold”. There wasn’t a single reason for this enormous pump. October 1st is the end of the quarter meaning many quarterly contracts have expired causing this slight pump which got retail investors exciting due to all the campaigning going on calling for a bull run to $100,000 USD for Bitcoin or at least achieve a all time high. This means as that slight pump happened it caused investors to jump on because they didn’t want to be late to this parabolic bull run driving the price higher and higher. A lot of the traders shorting Bitcoin with leverage ended up being liquidated due to this Pump and all that did was further drive the price higher and higher. This however is not healthy for the market as there is no Narrative to really drive the market or keep retail investors in other than the “digital gold” and I personally do not think it is strong enough to drive prices to an all time high.
I am a trader who likes to trade narratives and personally right now there isn’t a strong enough narrative to hold or even bring Bitcoin all the way to the all time high. I am personally really bullish on Bitcoin but i do think this pump is overhyped and will face a correction soon with the technical target being around about $44,000 USD. However if we do see and increase in buying volume and see a push from sellers we are looking to hit the $51,000 USD long term down trend resistance line. However there is a crack down on stable coin such as USDT/USDC meaning there will be a lot of buying pressure coming in for all the people who don’t want their money caught up in it, this wont be substantial enough to drive Bitcoin prices to an all time high but can potentially create some narrative which can In turn cause a insane bull run to the all time high.
Bitcoin is a coin which likes to surprise everyone and it rewards patience, anything is possible with Bitcoin.
I personally have purchased Bitcoin in the beginning of the Bull run and will be holding my positions and waiting to see how the price reacts with the opening of the Nasdaq and the NYSE as stock prices are tied into the performance of Bitcoin. I also will be looking for price action around the $46,800 USD and the $49,000 USD (if it reaches till there).
If price action does show substantial rejection of the $46,800 USD I will increase the size of my position.
Thank you guys keeping up with today’s detailed analysis.
A lot of work and research goes into this so if you do like these please make sure to like and follow for daily reports on the crypto market.
Remember Be Patient ANDD LET’S MAKE SOME MONEY!!!
This is not financial advice
Bitcoin NEXT move!!!!!!!!!!!Bitcoin on it's high rally didn't continued and took reversal from 52,800 due to bitcoin adoption in El Salvador and now its moving on 42,200. Market tried to catch up price but due to aspects of El Salvador bitcoin adoption and now FUD like china against BTC. It is yet not clear tends to further fall in price tp 38,000 as china enforce on bitcoin.
The market sell-off can be traced back to developments in China, where the central bank has issued a nationwide ban on bitcoin transactions, blaming fraud, money laundering and energy consumption.
China officials are also taking aim at bitcoin mining once again. Meanwhile, fears surrounding China’s debt-laden real estate developer Evergrande also seem to have spilled over into the crypto market.
CELR/USDT *Big Short* ComingHello guys this is Madop here.
I am just a nobody that now have had enough profit and experience to get myself comfortable who LOVES cryptocurrency for changing my life around
I have been using trading view for a long time since I started trading cryptocurrency and I think it's about time I give something back to this community.
Since I never paid a dime to use the chart and indicators, this is my payback :)
As cheap as I may sound... (I admit I am yes haha) I am super aware when I am putting my money down for a trade, and today I came across a coin that is currently making me above 100% profit and it is going
to be A LOT more so I figured why not share and give back to the community and may be even save some people.
Today we are looking at CELR/USDT (Celer network)
*Note* I am not saying this network is bad or anything but the chart is looking horrific...
As we all know there is no magic indicator or for sure way to know the direction of chart but with few researches, it can definitely give you a good insight where it might go
here are some :::FACTS:::
1. Ridiculously Big Divergence.
As you can see in the chart, that divergence is insane... I mean... I literally dont know what more I can say what you see is what you get...
If you don't know divergence that well, look it up, it is super easy to understand.
2. History Don't Lie.
So when the coin is pumping to the moon without a good foundation such as development news and "people talking" about it, it is a BIG no no for me... and should be the same with you.
Last time it pumped about 9500pip, It plummeted down to 8500...
This is pumped above 9500pip... what would come next?? 8500? or even more?
3. Watch out for a pump without foundation.
So I did some research on this coin and nothing was big enough news that could cause this current pump and so as the pump as year. Like a ghost 0.0
and it was around same time as last year this pump is happening again...
For my conclusion, I am sure your thinking the same after telling you what I have found out,
I wish you guys another great year of trading and remember to trade safely!
Happy trading guys :)