S&P 500, Yeild Curve, Recessions, and BitcoinThe chart below shows the yield spread between the 10yr and 3mo and 10yr and 2yr. When the spread is below 0 (colored in red), the yield curve is inverted. This has been an indicator for coming recessions. The red areas on the SPX are the recession periods.
As you can see we saw an inversion last month (march). The next recession is just around the corner and this one is going to be big. With the Fed experimenting with interesting rates and propping the stock market up, and tech stocks, FANG, and the Get Big Fast strategies startups are using, the market is extremely overvalued.
I think with the awareness of bitcoin now and the upcoming halving, money could pour into cryptos when stocks start to fall. The confluence of all this makes me think bitcoin will moon. The timing of the halving with a possible market crash is amazing to me. I feel excited for cryptos. I want to buy gold and bonds, safe places for my money, but the prospect of HUGE gains from the crypto market is to enticing. Either bitcoin goes to zero and I lose all my money (all the money I can afford to lose, not my savings or monthly spending) or I become much richer than my parents. Lol.
Let me know what your take is on all this!
CMT/BTC, is it a time for the dragon to wake up?Altcoins are going to experience a huge jump if BTC keep the momentum that gained during the last couple of weeks.
CMT is definitely experience one of the worst days ever (Bottom).
Spread national US bund 3 and 5 years, medium signal An inverted yield curve means a market situation in which the yields offered, for longer maturities, are lower than the yields of the short-term portion of the curve (in this case the "short" is usually considered as the rates up to 2 years). This is a situation that is at first sight counter-intuitive. Those who have studied Finance will certainly remember the mantra for which 1 euro today is better than 1 euro tomorrow; an inverted curve, instead, says exactly the opposite: better 1 euro tomorrow. This means that investors, on average, are moving towards long-term investments, despite lower yields than short-term investments.
Amazon trend until yield curve inversionAmazon could stay in the uptrend (green line) until yield curve inversion (10yr - 2yr Treasuries spread becomes negative) and then crash (red line).
Current news about yield curve inversion of 5yr - 3yr Treasuries is premature. That indicator was 4 years early in 1964, 3 years early in 2005, and usually was 2 years early.
BTC last resort for CRYPTO FUTURESo before I was joking around posting my 1 support line on btc and publishing, as more of a knee jerk to all the TA I have seen in the tradingview community. I decided to publish a real TA on BTCUSD to share my thoughts. Be sure to watch the video to learn more, but I see 3k as the last support for BTCUSD and if it goes past that, I don't see a crypto future as that will be the final dump. Be very careful both ways as bitcoin has been very volatile in the past If your decision to long or short. I do feel it's safe to short after 4k if you missed the initial one from 5k.
Yield curve inversion and Morgan Stanley predictionMorgan Stanley predicted end of economic cycle in 2021.
And it looks like a yield curve inversion will occur in 2019 or 2020.
I combined the above ideas and drew a green line staying in the current bullish trend channel. I drew a red line showing a delayed bearish reaction after a yield curve inversion. Recessions usually follow 3-22 months after a yield curve inversion. The red line shows a drop to a support line by 2021 and then a rally in anticipation of a new economic cycle.