Cyient DLM looking like it will deliver. Cyient DLM Ltd. engages in providing total electronic manufacturing solutions. It operates through the following segments: Aerospace and Defense, Medical, Industrial, and Transportation and Telecom. It offers design-led manufacturing (DLM) solutions.
Cyient DLM Ltd. CMP is 677.85. The Positive aspects of the company are Company with Low Debt, Company with Zero Promoter Pledge. The Negative aspects of the company are extremely high Valuation (P.E. = 79.8) and Inefficient use of shareholder funds.
Entry can be taken after closing above 686 Targets in the stock will be 722, 747 and 775. The long-term target in the stock will be 802, 841 and 869. Stop loss in the stock should be maintained at Closing below 649 or 599 depending on your risk taking ability.
Disclaimer: The above information is provided for educational purpose, analysis and paper trading only. Please don't treat this as a buy or sell recommendation for the stock. We do not guarantee any success in highly volatile market or otherwise. Stock market investment is subject to market risks which include global and regional risks. We will not be responsible for any Profit or loss that may occur due to any financial decision taken based on any data provided in this message.
A big move awaited in Cyient DLM soonAs you can see the share is trading in defined levels on the chart and holding its price action between the marked triangle. Share is taking support from the 490 level today and hopefully, we will see a good breakout on this counter and soon we will witness a good move towards upside targets.
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