XRP- Blood on the streets... $0.08- $0.05 incoming?Simple monthly Fibonacci from this months high to the lows in 2017. Extensions are looking real good; $0.05 may be a reality! Final brutal shakeout... ?? Get rid of loads of retail traders and weak hands!?
Don't think that it can't go this low. The market does the unthinkable.
The dollar isn't going to get stronger here is whyPLEASE LIKE SHARE AND COMMENT THIS IS WORTH TAKING A LOOK AT!
If you aren't paying attention to the digital asset market. Now is the time. MAY IS IMPORTANT and so will NOV AND DEC be of this year for many reason and some I cannot share.
In the near future we will see a lot of transfer of wealth between fiat currency and digital assets because the new market is destine to be designed by the leaders of the world we have today . I believe that a massive drop is imminent. I had to show the weekly because I can literally see so much in it.
The dollar dinosaur is about to take another bite. You can see by how much resistant and slow chicken scratch movements we have had in this market since May of 2018. You can also zoom out and see that the weekly is a downtrend and we had a QUICK correction up to 61% on the weekly for our fib zone after the pinch of the DXY on July 7th 2014 . Just recently we filled a gap that was on April 17th 2017... This was the exact timeline that bitcoin and alt coins started to make a run for its money to the ATH of the digital asset realm. By Jan 2018 the digital asset bull run was over and new millionaires were born. Imagine that? The downtrend of the DXY stopped the same month and found support perfectly on the red ribbon at 89-90 . As people pulled out their profits... out of this 800 Billion dollar market (at that time)... we started to slowly see the bear market form for 2 years & at the same time the dollar began to go back up..Now we are heading into phase 2 of the digital asset realm, we have the corona virus on the verge of another global health crisis, we had trade wars and still do, OIL is making a run to 60 if not higher and by the end of the year 2023 the dollar will once again return strength into the market and this is where we can see a massive run up like we had in 2014. ...
Now all of this is a story telling us that we are heading into a new era. But there is a lot of fundamental truth behind these movements from our recent past years leading into 2020 and to me it says back to 90 - 87 we go.
Current status - Dollar can go as high as 101 but will fail
When we get to 92 its all up to you. HERE IS NO MANS LAND and we can either turn quickly bullish or ABCD down to the marker of 2023 (the orange circle). This would close the 2014 mini gap, break the low of Jan 2018 at the 127% pullback zone marking point D and give the dollar the kinda push it needs to jump to making a wave 3 beyond 100. This to me will happen around late 2023 - 2025 (marking another 2 yr DXY bullrun)
If you find this useful please hit that like button and show some love. Comment your thoughts below and let me know what you think! As always GLHF, manage risk, and lets keep grinding!
Equities and Gold Both Rising? ::: GOLD = The Tell of all TruthSince 2019 Gold has been rising with the equity markets. This has thrown my normal investing strategy off as I cannot grasp how the market is feeling. At least from the knowledge that has been passed down to me form investors within the family.
Within the purple box you can see how gold decreased as the overall equities market increased. But to follow with gold surging back up shortly. Was this purposely manipulated to convince retail investors to hop back into their favorite securities? With Gold and other commodities rising with the equities markets, another asset class, crypto currencies, have also been increasing.
I believe that there is false hope in the general equities markets. Gold looks to be a solid play. I do not believe that we will stick around these levels for very much longer and will see upwards of $2000 per ounce in the next 2 years.
Elections are months away and whenever "their" agenda is reached to get/keep who ever in office, things will become hectic again. We are still in the middle east and and I believe that Iran is still a U.S. target.
With that being said about Gold, keep in mind that we are entering a new era/decade where asteroid mining could become a thing.
Scarcity will be on your side as we move forward in the world as we know it. Food for thought.
WMT Nasdaq running on steam while fusion is available WMT has been on a parabolic bull run, yet no trend can be observed it seems to be ‘running on steam’ This is supported by the CVI, with less money flowing into the nasdaq composite, hence momentum decreasing. OBV shorts and longs both increasing and volume RSI seemly absent for the past 46 years. The fusion I talk about comes in the form of digital currencies and their ability to alter the industry. Gold can be seen to be steadily increasing which is historically strong within a recession.
BTC EDU post - 100 followers THANK YOU!TL;DR - Go back in history from 1928 to today and research A.i. design / Banking / Market psychology cycles / the 1987 crash / - We are living in a butterfly effect wave caused by your world leaders when gold lost the greenback and it was no longer backed by the green anymore. If you are young in the markets you will want to read this. If you are over the age of 30 you most likely understand a lot of this...
This is a story I decided to type up for my followers. Thank you very much for being so support even by liking and following. If you are young it is important for you to really read this....
The year was 1999 and I was just 10 years old. At this time I didn't care much about the markets or money unless I wanted some candy or a new bike. One thing that did catch my attention was the panic and scare of something that was called the "Y2k Bug" where everyone thought all computers were going to reset to 0 and destroy lots of information data and loss of funds throughout accounts in global tech businesses. Luckily for me, I was a kid fascinated by technology and told my parents to not even worry that the problem was going to be resolved and most likely the news was just wanting to scare everyone. Because I was huge into conspiracy as a kid it actually took into my favor....See...I grew up liking conspiracies, aliens, etc etc...and with only less than 500 million people in the world on the internet pre-2000 I had quite an advantage as a child having access to information at my fingertips through my 56k modem. I did whatever any kid addicted to his favorite toys would do and started to learn for over 10 years about the growth of technology and A.i. Back then the dark web existed with less than 1 million people in it....did you know that?? So here is the point of me telling you this...a portion of the public was scared out of the market before it peaked and this made many people think we had just had a price correction once the market started to dump. Well most were wrong and the market kept dumping just like bitcoin did in 2018...the hype of the internet boom was over and real world use had started to take place..the market was took 4 years to crash 70% and 16 years to bloom golden apple trees for people who DIDNT GIVE UP AND FOLLOWED WHERE THE INTERNET WAS TAKING US INTO THE FUTURE!!!!!
I am here to tell you we have just started playing with this technology on a larger scale.....and we are going through a very similar cycle but there are new pieces at play. Those pieces are defined into 3 simple words...
Artificial. Intelligent. Design.
Do you know that 50% of bitcoin holders today were not in BTC in 2016 or 2017? The majority of people who came into this market have been entering since the mini bubble of 2018. Why do I say mini? Because the Dot com bubble hit over 5-7 Trillion dollars before it truly crashed. Some have claimed as much as 10 Trillion in certain locations of the world. ..What I call bubble in crypto is simply a "test run" of how the people of this world will take to this technology. In 2016 Btc was between 500-800 dollars. If the block chain leaders of today have already got their prosperity and now are recycling price to grow it realistically...we can very well see prices as low as $1,000 because I feel most of the large capital investors who are holding their initial amount they got in with have reset that same amount at around the 1K marker so they break even on the investment that has also paid for itself for a future to grow with. Think about it....Charles Hoskinson (ADA), Vitalik Buterin (ETH), Dan Larimer (EOS), Charlie Lee (LTC), ...ALL OF THEM STARTED NEW PROJECTS TO ADVANCE THE TECHNOLOGY AND MAKE IT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE WITH BTC!!!!
So if all of them own some bitcoin still...are bullish on it...building networks to connect to it...AND developing better protocols AROUND IT LIKE A FKN SOLAR SYSTEM>>!>!>!> WHAT DOES THIS TELL YOU???!?!
They have to obey the rules of the leaders of the world and our government on what they they are placing their chess pieces accordingly so even if bitcoin fails.. the grand architectural design of the new systems will be in harmony on a new system that can simply "snip snip" other networks out if need be. Personally...I don't see it going anywhere near 1,000 again but I do not exclude all options...I see it slowing down a lot and stabilizing with realistic price growth based off real world use-case by the banks, governments, corp leaders, etc etc...and for you conspiracy fans...the shadow government which is where I personally think BTC came from ;)
Personally I believe price will hit 1900 - 3300 zone again and we will have 3 falling valleys with a fake out descending triangle just like GOLD looked like when the greenback was no longer supporting dipped below then slowly kept going up and up and never stopped climbing for over 20 years..if bitcoin is like the gold of the internet then you better get it now while supply is cheap because a million dollars today isn't much in the large scheme of things. It will become "heavy" in will be "heavy" in the cost to carry it and pricey to exchange it so it can stay controlled by few with very little common folks being able to have "1 whole bitcoin."
It will be like how people chase 1 million dollars today...they might very well be trying to chase 1 full bitcoin in the year 2040....
These block chain leaders are playing it safe...if bitcoin fails to stay around and becomes will be a piece of history worth holding because it was THIS digital asset that started the global change for the next 80 years...a plan that has been set since the stock market crash of 1987...the year I was born...what a time to bust out the baby guns and enter this chaotic world huh??
It takes 10 years to remold technology but its about to re-define the next 80...and you already see how fast technology grows....
The people who lost everything.....
their pensions....their homes...their savings.....these people are the ones who have stood up to make a new design "fair" and so the world leaders have heard them because WE stopped giving a shit about their banks and loans and started using their own system against them. When you make millions of peoples lives hell and 90% of them are mentally poor...eventually they will go into survival mode and do whatever it takes to survive. You can't piss off a world of people and expect nothing will happen from the outcome when you suppress them to try and fix your own mess : / (the market crash couldn't be stopped so they have had to try and come up with a new design since then...)
I am about to wrap this up and I apologies this is so long but I felt compelled to share after reviewing some old stuff today.....
So think about this....
22% of student loans fall into default...1/5th.. For many, the payments are proving unmanageable. By 2023, nearly 40 percent of borrowers are expected to default on their student loans.
Over the past 20 years we had the economy stabbed by a "recession" and even I felt it at age 17 working 2 jobs....
(look at the market cycle crashes from 1982 to now....Funny patterns will begin to show and tell you the ..and why.....)
The kids who grew up and graduated between 2000-2007 is the generation who has had to feel the PAIN of our parents struggle to survive an economic turbulence caused by our very own governments of the world because THEY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO SO THEY PROTECTED THEMSELVES WITH NEW OVER-LAPPING LAWS, NEW LOANS, AND GREEDY WAYS...I don't blame them...I would have protected my family and self as well......I blame the lack of communication between the people and the movers and shakers..I fault the education system for not having the integrity to make it a point to TEACH the importance of money and how it really effects our world in trade and to survive from birth to death....the education system historically was designed to create industrial manufacturing workers...don't believe me...look it will be mind blown how the system went from "teaching to supply workers to grow the world" to "teaching to make people careers and jobs"
I am not saying that the education system was developed to make new world order slaves or some crap...I am saying that over the years ..lots of information has been manipulated and left out to teach as a necessity for living life.
Money. Education. The way knowledge moves....
All of it is about to change and how it will effect you will be up to you.
The 1987 crash not only scared us...but it scared them as well......they knew something had to change when they couldn't control the market from crashing...this is when the white paper of distributed ledger protocols started to come into shape. Yes that is right...there was a protocol design just like bitcoin prior to the age of bitcoin post-2000.. Google will find it...
Let me take you back some in time and what I learned as a kid and why I am so focused in the world of artificial intelligent design and why this is important to pay attention to not only as a new investment vehicle but as a whole new cycle is in our markets . It will begin starting now and begin transitioning in 2020. Most of us in our middle/young adult years will see how quickly these next 20 years grow and change and Im sure it will make all of us feel very old since some of us got to play with a nintendo and some in this realm and who could be reading this have had the pleasure of playing pac-man on an Atari....
I want you to really think big here. If you were a world leader planning for 100 years of growth for your family legacy and the families of the world for a stable growing world thats in chaos..what would you do??? You would plant the seeds today for your kids tomorrow and you would begin a rough draft of a new era before you started to write the final draft......
If you are 24 years of age or older and reading this you know damn well we have no pension plan for us. You know damn well there is no PLAN for us to retire...we have to make our own plan. I feel as time goes on the middle class is becoming more "spread" apart in order to truly have multiple ladders of wealth to play a sense creating a human liquidity source of workers no matter what the outcome is in life on one side of the world or the we always have a working class and a leading class. If you make the financial road will take longer for families to generate wealth without innovation...machines are 20% or more of what physical labor used to do...think about that...use your brain or work for pennies will become the next thing. We will always need engineers but you need to see how the job force changes. Some jobs will fall forever and become history and replaced by robots. Some jobs today already are at that point.
It will take hundreds of years to become wealthy enough to be a leader of the world in 100 years time...mark my words...this is the only time in our world in our time at our age (if you are around my age) that will be able to have an opportunity to be on the wealthier side of the fence by simply planting your little cryptocurrency seeds across the new designed web 3.0
NOW for this to make sense you need to be taken back to the year 2000....
Take back to the year 2000
The Nasdaq index peaked early March on the 10th of the year 2000 and nearly double over the prior year. Right at the market’s peak, several of the leading high-tech companies, such as Dell and Cisco placed huge sell orders on their stocks, sparking panic selling among investors. Within a few weeks, the stock market lost 10% of its value. As investment capital began to dry up, so did the lifeblood of cash-strapped dotcom companies. Dotcom companies that had reached market capitalization in the hundreds of millions of dollars became worthless within a matter of months. By the end of 2001, a majority of publicly traded dotcom companies folded, and trillions of dollars of investment capital evaporated.
Fastforward to today in 2019....
What has the stock market done since 2001 - 2019?
What have our fiat currencies turned into? Toilet paper??? They are all becoming weaker and have been printed as such! A NOTE IS ALL YOU HOLD WHEN YOU HOLD PAPER MONEY. YOUR NOTE IS BECOMING WEAKER IN ITS VALUE EVERY PASSING YEAR UNTIL THEY STOP PRINTING MONEY!
What has interest rates done? WHY?
The housing market? PFFFTTT Dont get me started....
Im 31 years old and I will be damned if I let some old ballsacks in congress try to design my future without me being apart of it or me breathing down their neck through our weapon.....
The internet of things....the internet of value...
Data is the new oil... will you begin to mine oil today? Or purchase it for retail price later?
My best advice for everyone in this realm is to learn your history...truly understand what block chain technology is and DLT...truly compare the protocols and don't just read to forums and reddit posts. DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE! Your world leaders and these leaders in crypto today are just like the leaders who survived the dot com bubble.......
Be smart...dont chase losses...and invest what makes you HAPPY in life...for that is what truly brings you wealth. As they what you love and the money truly can come abundantly when you realize that money is just a not let it control your life. Turn it into your bitch and make money work for you. Your opportunity is here...take it with a grain of salt and make yourself valuable in many avenues in life..not just crypto portfolio value through multiple avenues. Keep the faucets dripping and you will always have a supply of money to go to.
Supply the demand.
Thats it for now. Way too long as it is! If you read this thank you for reading my story...please tell me your thoughts as I wrote this pretty scatter brained and jumped around a bit but I tried to hit some topics that are related to why our financial economy is in rambles right now..I will make a video in the future with a very good explanation of this. Overall you can find plenty of topics on the internet about the things I have said here. DYOR and you will be surprised what you will find if you keep digging deep enough....
ADAUSD Channel in the MakingCardano Cardano Cardano.
A potential ascending channel could keep ADA from falling much lower than current prices.
The project is moving a long and no red flags or green flags appear, thus I believe the current slow upward trajectory makes sense.
I opened a small position at current levels and will be looking to add at key levels below.
XRP in prime buying zonePlease review prev XRP ideas since Feb.
We are trading in a nice range after a impulsive breakout upward. I am looking for a wave 5 impulse on the hourly and a wave 2 on the daily.
A re-entry around .035 to .375 would be a nice grab I think. I will be re-entering a large bag around this zone and hope for a tap on the buy entry!
If you like this idea please follow, give me a thumbs up and comment for any questions. I will have a buy stop if we break below .37 so it hits it when it comes back up unless I see the pattern on the lower time frame beforehand.
At the G20 summit there was a lot of good news. Plans for the IMF to use the ILP and xrp transfers soon to come heading into 2020. I see 1.00 in our near future...I truly do!!!!
News that follows this idea:
G20 officially supports FATF crypto guidelines
BNB EDU continuedWe are set to enter again. I got lucky and caught the spike the other day. I exited very quickly from 32 to 36 and bought back in again here at 32. Lets see how it goes. I might jump in and out if we have volatility around here at POINT 4. But I see a impulse correction impulse coming out of this range we have been playing in the past week since BTC rised. A great buy opportunity is amongst us as BNB brings in new ICOs, develops their DEX platform and moved US traders onto the new platform as well. Remember there is a lot of moving around happening these next couple months so I expect a lot of up and down movement happening after this next rise. Prepare to play in a good range this quarter!
If you are new please review old posts.
If you like this idea please like and comment below! I will answer any questions you have and if I do not know it I will dig for the answer if I can help it. Thanks for following and I hope you enjoyed this idea!!!
Bitcoin is about to break out it's strong resistance level.I just checked the price of Bitcoin back in 11 Nov 2017, at $7888.88, that's a round number right?
Therefore that's a super strong resistance level as well which already has broken this week few times,
right now that I'm righting this, bitcoin is braking through that level and a flag pattern for the 4th time.
This can be the beginning of another bull run towards $9300 or $10000.
Good luck guys.
XRP ready for a bull run?Its safe to say the crypto world is here to stay and it looks like the market is ready for a BULL run. Here on the XRPUSD crypto pair i have identified an extremely exciting long opportunity. I don't think price will ever be this low again for the history of the pair. So I am definitely looking for to a rally.
In my analysis using the fibonacci tool I have reason to believe this pair has found the floor of 2019. I am seeking new record highs soon to come here for the XRP currency over the next few weeks. I even see $.40 or higher on the table. Take a look at my analysis and give your feedback.
The uRBAN genIUS
Bright future for the Bitcoin (#BTC)Today, as we all may have seen, BTC had a huge $1000 breaking up candle. Also signicifant volume came. During this flight BTC smashed a few important resistance levels, such as trend line which has been forming for the last 4 months, also $4200 / $4400 resistance levels and finally EMA100/EMA200. Finally BTC got almost to Fib618 and 1D EMA500. Currently is trading at around $4800 where Fib500 can be found.
What we can expect now? The market is in a positive mood and future is bright for the Bitcoin.
a) Daily close above EMA200 followed by a few days consolidation = target area $5800-$6100.
b) Now significant consolidation at current levels and BTC will continue upward = target Fib616 $5400.
c) Re-test of 4months trend line ($4200).
Bullish invalidation level $3990.
If you like my TA, pls. hit that like button, follow me or leave your comments.
PUNDI X ($NPXS): INTERESTING SH!TCOIN ... DO NOT MISS!I have been watching this shitcoin for last few weeks. Imo NPXS is getting to be ready to popp.
A) We have strong support between 10-12sat. This support was successfully re-tested a few times!
B) Volume profile in last few weeks.
C) One of the cheapest asset on Binance.
I'm looking to pullback to 15-13sat to open more longs.
If you like my TA, pls. hit that "Like" button, follow me or leave your comments.
Thank you!