DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE INDEX (DJI) DailyDates in the future with the greatest probability for a price high or price low.
The Djinn Predictive Indicators are simple mathematical equations. Once an equation is given to Siri the algorithm provides the future price swing date. Djinn Indicators work on all charts, for any asset category and in all time frames. Occasionally a Djinn Predictive Indicator will miss its prediction date by one candlestick. If multiple Djinn prediction dates are missed and are plowed through by same color Henikin Ashi candles the asset is being "reset". The "reset" is complete when Henikin Ashi candles are back in sync with Djinn price high or low prediction dates.
One way the Djinn Indicator is used to enter and exit trades:
For best results trade in the direction of the trend.
The Linear Regression channel is used to determine trend direction. The Linear Regression is set at 2 -2 30.
When a green Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression upper deviation line (green line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a sell is triggered.
When a red Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression lower deviation line (red line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a buy is triggered.
This trading strategy works on daily, weekly and Monthly Djinn Predictive charts.
This is not trading advice. Trade at your own risk.
1. The chart I am showing is the daily chart of DJI . Here currently dow is in local distribution phase , where last leg of upwards move is going on. In fact intermediate corrective structure last leg.
2. This is irregular corrective pattern whose last leg is expected to go in red dotted upper micro zone . This the point where this local phase of distribution will end with the completion of c leg of intermediate correction is expected to finish. It may be possible that price would move from lower end of red dotted zone to down side.
3. When this sort of structure gets completed , then with trend gets started that is from point Z is down. Therefore, as per my analysis dow will see fall from Monday on wards. As you all know stock market is game of probability nothing can be 100% sure. So some conditions also apply with this analysis. lets us discuss them in detail.
4. You can see in fig. I made an arrow of green color pointing towards up side. In fact that is showing one condition here. The condition is If price breaches the upper end of micro red dotted zone and comes back in next one hour with out breaking swing of upper side and the day candle closes in red zone, then this zone will remain intact. And positional shorts can be taken with the stop loss of upper swing high. with the first target of blue support line.
5. On the other hand , on breaching price from upper band of red zone and price do not cone back in next one hour of trading then sentiments of shorts will change to longs. Rest market will decide . Price is supreme.
DJI technicaly based forecast
📌Short intro:
I am full time trader - analyst * High accuracy of ideas * Technicaly and Fudnamentaly side in analysis * Comment if have any questions or want to send support * Price action - FIBO - Candl pattern * FX - STOCK - CRYPTO * Simple ideas
💡 DJI technicaly indicators showing we can expect higher bulish market continuation, FIBO 0.382 which is in many cases stong supp is breaked, good bulish candels foramtion, expecting to see push in price till FIBO 0.6 or till last above green trend line.
📌Have on mind, trading involves risk, check idea on your own tactic, if have questions pls comment!
Thanks on supporting!
All best, good luck!
Dow Jones SelloffEven with the bounce that Dow Jones is experiencing, the general trend is still bearish and will likely be for a while as long as Covid-19 is around. At the end of trading hours buying spiked, hinting towards a sharp selloff, as has happened the last 4 times it has spiked last minute. On top of this, the 10 day RSI has just reached 70, suggesting it is now in the recovery's overbought territory. Although the stimulus bill is a much bigger deal, the market has not yet compensated for the impact of the record unemployment rate. If it goes up tomorrow, I believe it will be a very risky bet to hold on during the weekend since the 3 largest percentage losses have happened on Mondays.
Rally on DJI (Dow Jones)The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose more than 11% to clock its biggest advance since 1933. Dow Jones futures jumped Tuesday morning, along with S&P 500 futures and Nasdaq futures, amid optimism about a massive stimulus deal.
New support at 20,000 for DJI. Not sure how long this rally will last because its basically akin to printing money to keep the economy going. I feel the fundamentals are weakening but the artificial support might keep the market alive for a short period of time but long term wise, might be harmful for the economy. Just my 2 cents. hmm..
Trading Pathways Analysis of DJI H4 Chart
The outlined white arrow pathway is the predicted pathway that the DJI H4 will follow in the coming days or weeks. Using my unique charting methods, I have been able to arrive at HIGH PROBABILITY turning points where DJI H4 will turn.
Eiseprod of Trading Pathways
DJI big fall aheadThe Dow Jones hit historical maximums. I believe this is just a bull trap and a big fall is on the cards.
We see on the chart a big RSI divergence and the price printed somewhat of a doji just before season earnings started. Also MACD (not in picture) confirms the bearish momentum. It has been reported that earnings this quarter are going to be pretty bad and the Fed rate cut has probably already been weighted in.
A fall to the 26700 area will happen in a quick way. I believe the correction will be stronger and a fall all the way to the 25400 area is very very plausible.
I am ready to short this market at the minimum retracement.
Do you have different ideas? Let me know in comments!
DJI 1HR Chart LONG ChanneltradingHello to all watching my charts.
Here is the Dow Jones DJI in a 1 HR in my chartsystem
with channel trading.
At the moment we are long and we will check on monday
whether these channel will continue to give further up the direction
or if the index will fall out or make a break out.
Whats very interesting is that same channel in the past has function
as support and resistance in May.
Best trades for all
DJI SHORT end of 8.3.2019 Short trendchannels establishedDJI is now rading in he new short trendchannel
i have marked them with red lines.
These channel is split in a smaller more shorter range
i have marked ht upper line of that part of channel in purple and the its own lower side , marked in red.
So in a few words:
Between the lower red and the purple line
has been the shortest range.
1 Time Buyers have tried to put DJI out of them
but since end to 8.3. they have not really been succesfull.
We have to check on monday whether the next try which has been started at end of yesterdays trading (25548) will be now successfull.
That would be a first sign of a litte bit revocery.
Next step would be to get on the upper side and upper trendline
(upper red line) of the channel
If DJI reach the level of 25600 till end of monday trading
and climb avove that aerea the setup will going to neutral.
All below this is stay in short
Dow Jones (DJI) Rising wedge formation$DJI
Big companies already done reporting earnings (which is 1 of the reasons for this rally), the closest noticeable big company - CISCO $CSCO reports Feb 13, apart from that no big dogs in sight for DOW
Currently watching rising wedge with targets: ~25k; ~24750; ~24650
Dow looking shaky on the daily currentlylosing 50 rsi on the daily and looks like toppy hanging man candle formation if the daily were to end now. could end up being wick but we lost the 50% retrace level we previously brokethrough.
on the bright side we did pop back up into this descending channel. while still bearish, it could range up quite high. thought we would see a bit higher in the indices before a correction but may be stuttering now