XAUUSE rises when the USD dollar value fallsXAUSUD is shown here on a 15 minute chart. Spot gold priced in USD is a reflection of the
value of gold in the market as spot gold as compared with the dollar value. The dollar value
can be affected by federal economic news such as FOMC meetings as incoming data. A surge
in spot gold could represent a fade in the dollar value. Similarly a fall in gold price could
really be a surge in the dollar value. Everything is in that context in considering federal news
and other macroeconomic events such as global tensions affecting oil prices and oil prices
affecting implied inflation rates. Traders in precious metals and their derivatives need to be
mindful of this. DXY the dollar value has been added to this chart to show visually this
concept for ease of understanding. The rise in gold this past week was in a significant part due
to the fade of the dollar value and then its recovery to correct gold priced in dollars.