Power law and the halvening theory In 2021, I was convinced that the power law model had been broken and wrote it off as invalidated.
But when I turned on the halvening date indicator, it marked the exact top of the last market cycle.
Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Get on the gravy train now! Next stop $300k motherfucker!
Cycle HeatmapGm, the cycle heatmap says we are still early.
This idea is purely based on the 4 year boom and bust cycle theory.
We expect btc to bottom about 1 year before the halving and top at least 6 months but probably 9-18 months after the halving. So I adapt this theory to the total market cap and estimate a conservative 50% btc dominance to get an idea of the total crypto market cap targets of this new cycle.
We can also combine different cycle based models to create a heatmap.
- 140k BTC target as minimum conservative target
- 10x total target
- 1M BTC target
- trololol log regression aasasoft.org
- log log price chart price.bublina.eu.org
- stock to flow www.lookintobitcoin.com
- halving en.bitcoin.it
This allows us to track where we are in the big picture and identify mean reversion risks.
#dubious #speculation